Blue Class

Welcome to Blue Class

Blue Class spellings and maths homework w/b 23/9

Edshed is now up and running. All children received log in details on Friday which have been stuck into reading diaries. I also checked this morning that all children have got them. When children log on they will need to use this new log in not their one from last academic year. Therefore, any saved log in details will need to be changed.

Children will still bring a paper copy of new spellings for this week but they are also on Edshed for those who prefer to learn them using the games.

Maths homework will be on the maths shed part of the site from and is set to appear on a Tuesday and completed by the Tuesday. If any children have any difficulty logging on or finding their assignments they should come and see any member of the Blue class team before the homework is due. We are aiming not to give out paper copies of homework in order to try to do our bit to save the amount of paper we use so homework will be set on line.

Kind regards,

Mrs Colin-Stokes


See previous messages & posts

Home Learning

All children should be learning their spellings and spelling pattern each week and continuing to read daily.

Don’t forget to practise multiplication and division facts. Times-table Rock Stars is a great way to build and maintain speed of recall. WhiteRose have also produced a free app – One Minute Maths which is available for apple, android and kindle devices.

The long term plan on the curriculum page gives an overview:

Blue Overview

PE- For Autumn term children in Blue class will still need to come to school in PE kits on Mondays and Fridays.

Please ensure your child has warm clothing and layers as it can be chilly on the window side of the classroom (especially in the morning. On the other hand, it can often get very hot in the classroom in the afternoon. Don’t forget your water bottles too.


Class Showcase
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First aid afternoon
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Year 6 end of year trip to Pioneer
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Class Showcase Open this to see some of the work we've been doing.

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First aid afternoon
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Year 6 end of year trip to Pioneer
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See more Showcase Items

Class Homework Open this to see the latest homework

Blue Class spellings and maths homework w/b 23/9

Edshed is now up and running. All children received log in details on Friday which have been stuck into reading diaries. I also checked this morning that all children have got them. When children log on they will need to use this new log in not their one from last academic year. Therefore, any saved log in details will need to be changed.

Children will still bring a paper copy of new spellings for this week but they are also on Edshed for those who prefer to learn them using the games.

Maths homework will be on the maths shed part of the site from and is set to appear on a Tuesday and completed by the Tuesday. If any children have any difficulty logging on or finding their assignments they should come and see any member of the Blue class team before the homework is due. We are aiming not to give out paper copies of homework in order to try to do our bit to save the amount of paper we use so homework will be set on line.

Kind regards,

Mrs Colin-Stokes


See previous homework

Class Spellings Open this to see the latest spellings

Blue Class spellings and maths homework w/b 23/9

Edshed is now up and running. All children received log in details on Friday which have been stuck into reading diaries. I also checked this morning that all children have got them. When children log on they will need to use this new log in not their one from last academic year. Therefore, any saved log in details will need to be changed.

Children will still bring a paper copy of new spellings for this week but they are also on Edshed for those who prefer to learn them using the games.

Maths homework will be on the maths shed part of the site from and is set to appear on a Tuesday and completed by the Tuesday. If any children have any difficulty logging on or finding their assignments they should come and see any member of the Blue class team before the homework is due. We are aiming not to give out paper copies of homework in order to try to do our bit to save the amount of paper we use so homework will be set on line.

Kind regards,

Mrs Colin-Stokes


See previous spellings

Remote Learning Open this to see the latest remote learning

No remote learning to show at the moment.

Class Apps Open this to link to lots of the Apps we use in school.