Welcome to Yellow Class!

P.E will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays this half-term and children should come to school in P.E kit on these days.

Year 1 children will have Forest School on alternate Tuesday afternoons (details to follow).

Our learning this half-term (Autumn 1st)

English: Fiction- Stories on the theme of feelings

Non-Fiction-Commands and Requests

Poetry- Poems about Our Senses

Maths: Place Value/ Addition and Subtraction/ Multiplication

Science: Animals including humans

History: Changes within living memory:
How has communication changed over time?

Art: – Printing/ Block Printing, Lino Printing and String Printing.

Artists studied: Orla Kiely, William Morris, Andy Warhol (Link to Communications Topic)

R.E: What do Christians learn from the Creation story?

Music: Pulse and Rhythm- Musical Me!

Computing: Programming

P.S.H.E: Family and Friendships

P.E: Ball Skills/ Dance

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