Published on: 12th April, 2024

Newsletter 12.04.24


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15.04.24 – What’s happening next week?

A newsletter will be emailed out with all the key dates for the term.

Tuesday – National Reception offer day for a reception place for September 2024.

Safer Schools’ Meeting – thank you to all who have completed the safer schools’ questionnaire

Wednesday – Year 1 parents’ phonics meeting at 3:25pm.

12.04.24 – Weekly Update

It was lovely to welcome all our children back to the summer term and it was nice that the week ended with some drier weather!

The netball team took part in a competition on Wednesday and played well. They came away with the respect award.

Some families have celebrated Eid-al-fitr and we hope you have enjoyed your special time.

Well done to all our Super Stars. We love to celebrate children’s achievements both in and out of school so do send in any certificates that your child is awarded from clubs they attend outside of school.

Superstars of the Week – Friday 12th April

Blue – Cian & Poppy

Red – Sabrina & Willow

Yellow – Orla & Brad

Green – Alex & Reuben

Best Certificates

Blue – Orlando

Red – Brody

Yellow – Luna

Green – Sam

School Menu Week Beginning 15th April

Please find attached the school menu for next week: