Published on: 28th June, 2024

Newsletter 28.06.24


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What’s happening next week – 1.07.24?

Monday (1.07.24) – Transition day for Year 6.

5:30pm – New reception parents’ meeting (for September 2024 starters)

Tuesday (2.07.24) – Transition day for Year 6.

Blue class swimming.

Wednesday (3.07.24) – New reception Group 1 visiting (8:50am – 11:30am).

Thursday (4.07.24) – Year 6 to Pioneer.

Friday (5.07.24) – Own clothes day for sports day winning team -Ash!

School Menu Wek Beginning 1st July

Please find attached the school menu for next week:




Weekly update (28.06.24)

We enjoyed a fabulous sports day on 21.06.24. Thank you to everyone who came and supported the children. They all did a great job and competed with determination, enthusiasm and encouragement. Well done to the winners of sports day – Ash!  They will have their own clothes day on Friday 5th July.

The cricket team played well on Wednesday. They won their group and got through to the semi finals. Overall, they came in 4th place and we were very proud of them. Thanks to Mrs Wade for taking them!

On Thursday, our Year 6 writing was moderated by an external moderator from the LA. Children and staff have worked incredibly hard but they did fantastically well. The moderator said that they had well presented and organised samples with a range of fiction and non-fiction pieces which demonstrated that they had used engaging texts. Their teacher judgements were accurate. 10/12 pupils are expected in writing = 92%. Well done to our Year 6, Mrs Benson and Mrs Colin-Stokes for all their hard work along with Mrs Wade and Mrs Richardson.

Congratulations to Miss Pinches for qualifying as an Advanced Designated Mental Health Lead!

PTA news: The Fathers’ day shop made a fabulous £233.73 profit – thank you for all your contributions. A huge ‘thank you’ to Amazing Arnie who raised £95.00 from doing his own car boot sale – well done Arnie!

Well done to our Super Stars from last week and this week!

Some of our Year 6 took part in bikeability last week. Here are some of them as they prepare to venture out on the road.

Superstars of the Week

Blue – Nancy & Molly

Red – Georgiana & Evelyn H

Yellow – Ted & Georgie

Green – All of Green Class

Best Certificates

Blue – Iris

Red – Lily

Yellow – Charlie

Green – Isaac

25 Merits

Jonny, James

50 Merits

Orla, Prim, Albie, Jenson, Esme, Isa, Matthew, Jacob, Georgie, Max, Tilly, Ted, Katie, Sabrina