Flipper the Dolphin!


It is estimated that over
8 billion packets of crisps are consumed each year in the UK, the majority of which are not recyclable and up in landfill or incinerators thats a lot of waste and a huge environmental problem! At Claverley CE Primary School, we encourage our children to be courageous advocates and would like to be a part of changing things for the better!

We are delighted to announce that we are in contact with ‘The British Ironwork Centre’ and will be welcoming ‘Flipper’ the dolphin sculpture, which we aim to fill with empty crisp packets that would potentially end up in land fill -our target is 1000 crisp packets! 

Please can you help us?

Picnic season is upon us! Please could you start saving empty crisp packets from home to bring into school in September so that we can reach our target of filling ‘Flipper’ the dolphin sculpture. We would love for family members to get involved too. The more crisp packets we can collect, the better!

Flipper the Dolphin will arrive at school on Monday 9th September and will remain with us until Friday 4th October.

Each class will be provided with a recycling bin to place crisp packets from home in-they will need to be counted before they go into the sculpture so that we can ensure we reach our target.

Thank you, as always, for your continued support and for supporting us in being advocates for positive change.

If you have any queries or questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Laura Aguayo