Published on: 13th September, 2024



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What’s happening next week -16.09.24?

Please make sure your child’s name is in their clothes – especially jumpers/hoodies/cardigans. We are struggling to return them to their owners without names in the labels. Thank you.

Monday 16th September – PTA meeting at 7pm in the school hall. Everyone is welcome and we love new ideas!

School council forms in by Monday. Voting will take place from Tuesday.

Thursday 19th September – Garry is coming in to do worship.

3:30pm – Arthog meeting for Year 6 children and their parents.

What has been happening?

It is incredible that we are at the end of week 2 already. This week, we have had the great excitement of the dolphin arriving. and the empty crisp packets are flooding in- thank you. We have the dolphin until Thursday 3rd October so please keep sending them in!

We have a celebration assembly on a Friday where the class Super Stars are announced, we also give out BEST and merit certificates. If your child does anything outside of school that you or they want us to celebrate, please send information of their achievements or certificates in for a Friday e.g. sporting, music, drama, fundraising or anything amazing that is worth us celebrating. We love to be part of their proud moments!

Some of the learning going on this week in school!

Superstars of the Week – Friday 13th September

Blue – Cameron & Nina

Red – Tilly & Florrie

Yellow – Alice & Edward

Green – Teddy & Ariya

Best Certificates

Blue – India

Red – Vinnie

Yellow – Penelope

Green – Isabella

School Menu Week Beginning 16th September

Please find attached the school menu for next week:

Menu Week 1