Blue Class spellings and maths homework w/b 23/9

Edshed is now up and running. All children received log in details on Friday which have been stuck into reading diaries. I also checked this morning that all children have got them. When children log on they will need to use this new log in not their one from last academic year. Therefore, any saved log in details will need to be changed.

Children will still bring a paper copy of new spellings for this week but they are also on Edshed for those who prefer to learn them using the games.

Maths homework will be on the maths shed part of the site from and is set to appear on a Tuesday and completed by the Tuesday. If any children have any difficulty logging on or finding their assignments they should come and see any member of the Blue class team before the homework is due. We are aiming not to give out paper copies of homework in order to try to do our bit to save the amount of paper we use so homework will be set on line.

Kind regards,

Mrs Colin-Stokes


Maths homework and spellings – week beginning 16/9

We are still experiencing issues with Edshed so paper copies of maths homework will be given out tomorrow and a paper copy of the new spellings was given out today. Hopefully these issues will soon be resolved and children will be able to log on to view and complete homework and play the games related to their spellings.

Apologies for the inconvenience.

Mrs Colin-Stokes


Blue Class Spellings and Maths Homework

As we said in the post last week, children will receive a paper copy of new spellings and they will also be able to access them on Edshed. Maths homework will also be set on the maths shed area of Edshed. Unfortunately, children will not be able to access the spellings or homework on Edshed this week so they will have their paper copy of spellings (that were given out today) and will receive a paper copy of the maths homework on Tuesday. Apologies for this – we hope this will only be for this week and all will be resolved for next week.

If there are any concerns about the spellings or homework please do get in touch.

Mrs Colin-Stokes

End of term

Well what a wonderful end of term: the children were all fabulous in Peter Pan and we had a great send off for the year sixes today. We wish them all well on the  next part of their journey.

We would like  to thank of all the parents for their generous gifts and kind words. They are much appreciated.

We hope everyone has a wonderful summer holiday. 


Mrs Benson, Mrs Colin-Stokes, Mrs Richardson and Mrs Wade.


First aid afternoon

Blue class enjoyed a fabulous afternoon learning the basics of first aid with Mrs Hughes. They all really enjoyed the session and thoroughly enjoyed learning about how to do a primary survey, how to do CPR and how to use a defibrillator. Later in the afternoon the children were taught how to help someone who is choking and they took turns in bandaging each other. It was a really informative afternoon. Our thanks go to our wonderful PTA for generously funding the event and to Mrs Hughes for leading the session.

Swimming lessons.

An e-mail has been sent out explaining the unfortunate cancellation of the planned swimming lessons today. The children were disappointed not to be going swimming but were pleased to know their missed lessons well be re-scheduled. As there will be no swimming next week either, we will have PE on our ‘usual’ Monday afternoon slot so children should come in their PE kits please. We will then have Science on Tuesday afternoon.

A letter has been sent home with children today regarding RSE, PSHE and Science. If reply slips could be returned by Monday 10th I would be grateful.

Mrs Colin-Stokes

Blue Class PE and swimming

Swimming starts tomorrow (4th June) for 5 weeks until and including 2nd July. Children are welcome to come in PE kit or normal uniform as obviously they will change at the leisure centre. Swimming replaces our usual ‘Monday PE’ slot for the next few weeks therefore children need not come in PE kits on Mondays until 8th July when we will resume PE on Monday afternoons.

Mrs Colin-Stokes

Blue Class spellings – set 13/5

New spellings were set today but only for Year 5 to learn this week as Year 6 have more than enough to focus on with their SATs this week. Therefore, next Monday (20th) Year 5 will have a spelling test but Year 6 will not. Year 5 Maths homework will be set, as usual, this week and is due in next Tuesday (21st).

Mrs Colin-Stokes


Blue Class Spellings and Year 5 Maths Homework

New spellings will continue to be set on Mondays and tested the following Monday. Children will continue to have a copy to bring home but they will also continue to be available on Spelling Shed on EdShed. Year 5 Maths homework will continue to be on Maths Shed – children will need to log on to their accounts to access this. This will be set on Thursdays for the following week. The new homework set today revises work completed this week on converting metric measures. If children are unable to access their spellings or homework please do not hesitate to contact me.

See you on Monday Blue Class! Mrs. Colin-Stokes

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