Coming Up This Week!

Monday: P.E (Cricket)

Closing Date for entries to the decorated egg competition.

Tuesday: No Forest School for Year 1

Poetry Finals (Children in the finals have received letters with the details.)

Wednesday: No New Homework Today

Thursday: Year 1 Multi-skills Festival

Friday: Easter Church Service


Spelling Test

Our Learning This Week

It was lovely to see everyone for Parents’ Evenings this week. The children are continuing to work really hard as we start to prepare for Easter.

In R.E, we have been learning about why Easter is important to Christians.

Today, we acted out the story of Jesus arriving in Jerusalem for the Passover Festival.

Spellings for 31.3.23

Year 1: seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve

Year 2: station, fiction, section, direction, fraction, education, could, would

Coming Up This Week!

Monday: P.E (Cricket)

The children will recite their poems to the class.

Tuesday: Forest School  for Year 1. 

Year 2 Purple Mash Homework should be completed by today.

Parents’ Evening

Wednesday: New Year 2 Homework will be set.

Parents’ Evening

Thursday: Second Round of the Poetry Competition.

Friday: P.E (Gymnastics)

Spelling Tests/ New Spellings will be set.


Our Learning This Week

It has been another busy week in Yellow. We have celebrated British Science Week by playing ‘The Masked Scientist’ and learning about some famous inventors from the past and present. We are currently finishing our entries for the official competition and will let you know how we get on.

In English, we have been writing instructions for catching an imaginary creature. We have been inspired by the book ‘Shh’, We Have  A Plan!’ by Chris Haughton. In Maths, we have been learning to measure temperature and mass.

Science-Growing Cress

Art- Painting with watercolours to create a new exhibition for our class art gallery.


Spellings for 24.3.23

Year 1: is, his, there, where, here

Year 2: cries, flies, babies, replies, jellies, ladies, school, because

Coming Up This Week!

British Science Week

Monday: P.E (Cricket)

Tuesday: No Forest School for Year 1.

Year 2 Homework on Purple Mash to be completed by today please.

Wednesday: New Year 2 Homework on Purple Mash will be set.

Thursday: Mrs Stalmans in Yellow as I will be attending the Read Write Inc Training.

Friday: P.E (Gymnastics)

Comic Relief- Wear something that brings you joy!

P.T.A Mother’s Day Shop

Spelling tests/New Spellings will be set.

St. Patrick’s Day

Home Learning for 10.3.23

Good Morning!

Here is your home learning for today.


Ask someone to test you on your spellings for this week or test yourself by writing them down in any order. Try putting each word into a sentence as this will provide an opportunity for you to practise your handwriting and your use of capital letters and full stops.

Have a go at one or more of the SPAG Mats below. There are three in each pack and the answers are provided after each one.

Year 1

Mat 1

Year 2

Mat 1 Year 2

Please read your reading books and practise the poem that you are learning. I will post new spellings later today.


Well done to those of you that used Times Table Rock Stars or Numbots yesterday! Please try to spend 10 minutes on one of these sites today.

I have also set 2 activities for everyone on Purple Mash, they will be available until Monday. I am attaching a short workbook on length and height for each year group below.

Year 1 Workbook

Year 2 Workbook

I hope that you all have a nice day. I am available on email if there is anything that I can help you with. The children are welcome to bring in any work they complete or any snowy day pictures to share when they return to school.

Thank you as always for your continued support with our learning.



Home Learning for 9.3.23

Good Morning!

I hope that you will be able to get outside today and enjoy this unusually snowy weather. Use your senses to explore the world around you. We are learning about weather in Geography so please have a think about how you would describe the weather and try to find out what the temperature is where you live. If you are able to listen to or watch a weather forecast today, that would be really useful. Can you name the four countries that make up the U.K? Can you name some of the major cities? What weather symbols do you see? What do they mean? How do people use the weather forecast to help them in their jobs and in their everyday lives?


We have been revising reading and writing instructions. Today, you could try to follow some written instructions to make a craft, make something to eat or play a game. You might also try writing your own set of instructions. These could be for making a person or creature out of snow, getting dressed for a cold, snowy day or making something that you would like to eat. I am also including a BBC Bitesize Lesson for you to join in with.


Please try to spend 10 minutes today on either Numbots or Times Table Rock Stars. The login details are in the inside of your reading diaries. We have been looking at measuring length. If possible, try estimating and then measuring the lengths of five objects in your home in cm/m. This could be with a ruler or a tape measure.

You can also work through this 10 minute lesson on Oak Academy about measuring curved and straight lines.

Additional Tasks

Remember to read your reading books, learn your spellings and practise the poem that you are learning to recite. Some of the children in Year 2 will also have their Purple Mash Homework to complete.

I hope that you have a nice day. I am available on email if there is anything that I can help you with. The children are welcome to bring in any work they complete or any snowy day pictures to share when they return to school.

Thank you as always for your continued support with our learning.

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