Coming Up Next Week!

Monday: Year 2 Forest School– Please wear your School top and old joggers. Bring your waterproofs and warm layers. Year 1- P.E

Tuesday: Year 1 Forest School

Year 2 Purple Mash Homework to be completed by today please.

Wednesday: D.T- We will be making Fruity Oat Bars today (butter, golden syrup, porridge oats, dried fruit and brown sugar). If your child has any allergies, please feel free to let me know if I can adapt the recipe for them or if I can provide an alternative.

New Year 2 Homework will be set.

Thursday: Music and Computing with Mrs Stalmans.

Friday: P.E

Spelling Tests/ New Spellings set.

Spellings for 25.11.22

Year 1: chip, chick, rich, much, such, chess

Year 2: city, site, fancy, cycle, supper, soon, race, face

Dodgeball Tournament

Match Report

 On Tuesday, two teams from Years 3 and 4 went to Oldbury Wells School to take part in a Dodgeball Tournament. Both teams played extremely well in their pool matches which led them both into the quarterfinals!
 After some very competitive games, one team missed out going into the semi-finals, but our other team made it through. Again, after another very energetic, fast game unfortunately they missed out on a place in the finals.
 Overall, we came 3rd and 5th out of 12 teams which was an amazing achievement.
All children played with great enthusiasm, respect and honesty and should be very proud of themselves. Well done to everyone!

Coming Up This Week!

Monday: Odd Sock Day (Anti-Bullying Week Starts)

P.E– Wear P.E kit and odd socks please.

Tuesday: Forest School for Year 1

Purple Mash Homework for Year 2 should be completed by today please.

Wednesday: New Purple Mash Homework will be set for Year 2

D.T: We will be making vegetable kebabs. If your child has allergies and you would feel more comfortable sending in your own vegetables, please feel free to do so. (I will be buying courgettes, cherry tomatoes, different coloured peppers, red onions etc).

Thursday: Music and Computing with Mrs Stalmans.

Friday: Children in Need- Wear something spotty, something Pudsey related or something colourful.


Spelling tests/ New spellings will be set

Advance Notice: Year 2 will have the second of their two Forest School Sessions this term on Monday 21st November.

Please feel free to email me if you have any queries.

Our Learning This Week

Yellow Class would love to share some photos of our work this week.

D.T: Making fruit kebabs.

Year 2 Forest School

Music: Exploring dynamics and tempo through listening to music inspired by animals e.g Carnival of the Animals.

P.E: Invasion Games

Remember that next week is Anti-Bullying Week so we will be wearing odd socks on Monday to celebrate that we are all unique. Next Friday (18th) is Children in Need Day-wear something spotty, something Pudsey related or something colourful (remember that it is a P.E day.)

Spellings for 18.11.22

Year 1: sing, hang, long, king, string, thing

Year 2: jacket, jar, village, change, badge, edge

I have only given Year 2 six spellings this week as they are quite tricky!

Anti-Bullying Week

Anti-Bullying Week starts on Monday 14th November and will kick start with an Odd Socks Day where adults and children wear odd socks to celebrate what makes us unique. The theme this year is Reach Out as we are encouraged to reach out and show each other the support we need.

Anti-Bullying Week 2022 – Parent Pack

Purple Mash Homework!

Thank you to everyone for completing or attempting to complete the Purple Mash Homework. Apologies to those of you that were not able to access it, we are hoping that the problem has been fixed now. I will set new Purple Mash Homework tomorrow and this will be due by the following Tuesday to keep us in line with Red and Blue Classes. Your child will need to use the login details in their reading diary. I will also send home a letter tomorrow with the details on too. Thank you for your patience as we get the system up and running.

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