An exciting email!

Yellow Class are learning about Explorers in History this half-term and have enjoyed comparing the lives and achievements of explorers from different periods in history. This has included learning about Felicity Aston MBE who became the first woman to ski solo across Antarctica in 2012. As part of this work, the children thought of some questions for Felicity and today we were excited to receive this reply.

‘Hello from Antarctica where I am currently on a ship sailing along the Antarctic Peninsula.
What is the coldest temperature that you have been outside in? 
-59C at the ‘pole of cold’ which is the coldest inhabited place in the world. It is in NE Siberia
What do you miss about home when you are away? 
Apart from friends and family, I miss hot showers and certain foods. I usually plan what my first 24hours of meals will be!
Are there any explorers from the past that you admire? 
Yes, I wrote a book that included many of them including Guðríður, Amelia Earhart, Neil Armstrong and even Agatha Christie (did you know she was an explorer?!)
What is the most interesting animal you have seen? 
All wildlife is awe-inspiring when you see it in the wild but some of my favourites are walrus and Orca. I’ve never seen a narwhal but would love to some day.
What do you most enjoy about going on expeditions? 
The people I travel with.
Is there a place that you haven’t been to yet that you would love to visit?
Lots! There is so much in our world to explore, discover and understand!

Best Wishes, Yellow Class!

PS Here is a picture of some whales I saw today in Antarctica. 


Coming Up This Week!

Monday: P.T.A Meeting 7pm

Tuesday: P.E

Year 2 homework due on Purple Mash

Wednesday: New Year 2 homework will be set.

Thursday: P.E

Friday: Spelling Test/ New Spellings will be set.

Yellow Class Bookfest

Every child in Yellow Class has chosen a book from the selections below to bring home to share. We have sets of each book and the idea is that each child tries to read all four titles allocated to their group. The children can then enjoy talking about the books with their friends, inspiring them to become lifelong readers. Some of the children will enjoy reading the books independently but others will prefer to be read to and this is also encouraged. The children may keep the book for as long as they like- there is no time limit. If your child is reading a longer book and feels that after a few chapters, the book is not for them, they can change it as this is what most adult readers would do. Happy Reading!


For more ideas on reading with your child, see the websites below.


Coming Up This Week!

Monday: KS1 ‘Monday Mood boosting’ Club starts

Tuesday: Year 1 Forest School/ Year 2 P.E

Year 2 Homework due on Purple Mash

Wednesday: New Year 2 Homework will be set on Purple Mash

Thursday: P.E

Friday: Year 2 Spelling Test/ New spellings will be set

Year 2 Spellings for 19.1.24

wrong, wrap, wrist, write, wrote, wrestler, wriggle, wreck

Our Learning This Week!

Yellow Class have made a brilliant start to 2024 and have started their new learning with great enthusiasm. For information about our topics, please see the Yellow Overview on our Class Page.  Our P.E days will continue to be Tuesdays and Thursdays. I have set spellings and homework this week for Year 2. The homework is on Purple Mash.

Merry Christmas!

Mrs Mottram and I would like to say a massive thank you for our lovely Christmas gifts. We really appreciate your thoughtfulness and generosity. Thank you for all your support this term. I have not set homework or spellings for the holidays but please continue to hear your children read. Access to Numbots/ Times Table Rockstars and Purple Mash remains available.

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