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Coming Soon!

Good Morning Home Learners! Thank you so much for your incredible patience and understanding this week .You have been amazing! I will be recording a message for you tonight and setting your work for next week. I will post this tomorrow so that parents can have a look at it before Monday if they wish. I am adding a geography lesson for today if you have time but please don’t worry, it can be kept for another day if you still have tasks to complete. Have a lovely day! Best Wishes, Miss Pinches

Geography lesson: What is the Earth made of?

Happy Epiphany!

For those of you that have already got ‘stuck in’ to the home learning this week, I am adding a few more activities to try. Please don’t worry though if you have more than enough to be getting on with for the time being.

R.E:- Today is Epiphany. Find out more about it with this PowerPoint and maybe have a go at the activities.

Epiphany PowerPoint

Epiphany worksheet

Maths- Here are some short workbooks that you might enjoy. They will help you to consolidate our learning this week.

Year 2 Division workbook

Year 3 Division workbook

Year 2 Reading Comprehension: Choose the most appropriate version for your child.

KS1 reading comprehension

Year 3 Reading Comprehension: Choose the most appropriate version for your child.

Year 3 reading comprehension



Remote Learning Password

Please don’t worry about this today but next week you will find that some of our remote learning on the website will be password protected.

Password: Yellow21

We are required to do this for some of the resources.

Keep this password safe with the other passwords for websites we use as a class!

Yellow Class Remote Learning

Following the announcement last night, I will be setting home learning for you on the Yellow Homework Page. There are some ideas on there already that were set for anyone isolating but please don’t worry if you are not in a position to start home learning right away. Be kind to yourselves. I will be here to offer help and support for those of you that are not returning to school tomorrow and there will be a more structured plan for next week including opportunities to join us on Microsoft Teams.

Take care, missing you already, Miss Pinches

Yellow Class Home Learning Week Beg: 4.1.21

You may like to start with a Supermovers routine! We have been using these in school to keep active as we learn and there is a great variety of topics covered.

Maths: Revise dividing by 2 with these worksheets.

Dividing by 2

Revise finding odd and even numbers

Odd and even numbers

Work through these reasoning and problem solving exercises, they become more challenging as you progress so you may like to be selective.


If you have time this week, try to work on learning your times tables. You all have logins for Times Table Rockstars but the following link is also great as you can print out your own worksheets and there are options for you to choose the times tables and the number of questions.

English: Listen to the story of Otto the Book Bear. The author then shows you how she illustrates her character so you might like to have a go at this too!

Can you retell the story of Otto in your own words? You might like to plan this out in picture form first so that you make a story map but this is up to you!

In class this week, we will also be focusing on words ending with ‘est’ and ‘ture’

Have a go at the following worksheet.



How are sounds made?


Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Yellow Class!

I am really looking forward to seeing you tomorrow and hearing all your news.

This half-term, you will have P.E with Mrs Davies on Mondays and P.E on Thursdays with Mr Jew from Oldbury Wells School.

Here is some information about our curriculum this half-term.

English: Stories with an element of fantasy, Newspaper reports and Poetry about Space.

Maths: Division, Statistics and Measurement: length and height.

Science: Sound

Geography: Mountains, Volcanoes and Earthquakes.

R.E: What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain today?

Art: Using pencil, colour, mosaic design, puppet making and sculpture.

Computing: Using Purple Mash, Safer Internet Day

Music: Following a Charanga unit called ‘I wanna play in a band’.


Merry Christmas!

Well done Yellow Class for working so hard this term! You have all been wonderful! Wishing you and all your families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! See you in 2021! Take care, Miss Pinches

Last week of term

We are looking forward to a wonderful end to our term with a mix of traditional lessons combined with lots of festive fun! Here is a quick guide to what to wear!

Monday: P.E kit

Tuesday: School uniform

Wednesday: Christmas jumpers

Thursday: Party clothes

Friday: P.E kit/ Own clothes for Oak House

Christmas Play

Please remember that we will be filming our part for the Christmas Play this Thursday. The children can come to school in their costume. This can be a nativity costume of your choice or a Christmas jumper/top with your choice of skirt or trousers. Please bring a pair of trainers with you for the Santa Dash if your footwear is not suitable.

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