Remote Learning for Week Beg: 16.11.20

English: Read the story of ‘Rama and Sita’.

Try to sequence the pictures and then retell the story in your own words.


rama and sita sequencing cards

rama and sita storyboard

Revise the four sentence types: statements, questions, commands and exclamations.

Watch the video clip on espresso.

Have a go at the following worksheets.


Maths: Revise recognising coins and notes. Have a go at adding together any coins that you have at home. Can you find different ways of making the same amount?

Try the following White Rose Maths sheets.

Add money worksheets

Add money answers

subtract money

subtract money answers

give change worksheet

give change answers

Learning about Diwali

Watch this video clip on espresso

Try some of the Diwali activities on Purple Mash

Spelling: See the spelling section for Yellow Class to see the words for this week.

Spellings for 23.11.20

Group A: blue, true, glue, clue

Group B: city, race, ice, cycle, circle, once, pencil, fancy

Group C: young, touch, blood, trouble, country, does, eight, sleigh

Coming up this week!

This promises to be another busy and exciting week with our ‘Diwali Day’ on Thursday and lots of activities planned for Anti-Bullying Week.

English: Sequencing, acting out and retelling the story of Rama and Sita.

Maths: Comparing different amounts of money, finding totals and finding the difference.

Anti-Bullying Week: See the link below for the Parents/Carers pack.

What to wear this week!

Monday: P.E kit

Tuesday: School uniform

Wednesday: School uniform and odd socks

Thursday: Own clothes-bright colours if possible for our Diwali Day

Friday: P.E kit

Our model planes

We have completed our model planes today as part of our work about World War Two. The children are extremely proud of their efforts and we hope that you will enjoy these photos.

Our model planes!

Yellow Class would love to share their model planes with you. They designed and made these as part of our topic on The Battle of Britain’.

Spellings for 16.11.20

Group A: to, they, played, playing

Group B: to, too, two, gem, giraffe , gerbil, giant, job

Group C: irresponsible, responsible, irregular, regular, immature, impossible, impatient, impolite 

Maths Homework Trial

As a school, we will be setting Maths homework on Classroom Secrets Kids this week. I have assigned two maths tasks for each year group and these should be visible when your child logs in. We are only able to set tasks for the whole year group so some children may find the activities challenging as they are a ‘best fit’ based upon the work we have been doing in class. Please don’t worry, I will be able to see how they have got on and then provide the appropriate support or challenge.

I will be sticking the logins in the back of their reading diaries today as a reminder.

Coming up next week!

English: We will be planning and writing our own versions of ‘Use your imagination’ by Nicola O’Byrne with an emphasis on writing dialogue. We will also be writing detailed descriptions of the villains in our stories.

Maths: Recognising coins and notes, counting money and finding different ways to make the same amount. Year 3 will also look at converting pounds and pence.

Science: How can we make ice melt more quickly? Our mission is to rescue some play figures stuck in the ice! We will also be kick-starting our unit about solids, liquids and gases with some explosive experiments!

Also this week, P.E on Monday and Friday. Please bring a pair of trainers on Friday if your ‘happy footwear’ for Children in Need is not suitable for running around in.

5th November

Celebrating Bonfire Night with edible sparklers!

Writing dialogue

Year 2 have been writing in speech bubbles.

Year 3 are learning to use correct punctuation for speech.

Paper mache

More Bonfire Night fun!

Welcome Back!

Well done Yellow for making a great start to the term!

Here is some of our learning.

Learning about the seasons

Acting out the story ‘Use your imagination.’

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