Science Investigation

Today we have designed and carried out an investigation to find out if colour influences what we like to eat and drink. We looked at 5 mystery drinks and voted for our favourite based upon the colour. Next, we tasted the drinks and voted again based upon the taste. The coloured drinks were natural fruit and vegetable juices and the clear liquid was water.

Happy Tuesday!

A super week so far! This afternoon, we have used oil pastels in art to produce some work inspired by Robert Delaunay.


Spellings for 5.10.20

Group A: head, bread, dead, said

Group B: blue, blew, flour, flower, whole, hole, bear, bare

Group C: dislike, disobey, disagree, disappoint, undo, unzip, unhappy, untidy


Thank you so much for all the plastic bottles! We will put them aside for a week and then start making our planes. How exciting!
This week in English, we will be continuing to look at information texts. The children are helping me to choose an unusual pet, a pet dragon! We have watched a news clip of a possible dragon sighting and then I have shared a text about the very rare Bridgnorth Ridge-Back. We have used a text map to help us and hopefully this will inspire some brilliant writing about our own dragons. In Maths, we will be looking at addition and revising our number bonds.

Another successful week!

Well done Yellow Class for working so hard this week! In History, we have been learning about the evacuation of children during WW2 which was really interesting. As part of this topic we would love to make some model planes so if anyone has an empty plastic water bottle that they could clean and send in, we would really appreciate it. Our Science investigation yielded some fascinating results. Some of the coins had been turned to a very pale colour, which shows how important it is to brush our teeth! Please see below for some photos from our P.E lessons. Have a great weekend. Best wishes, Miss Pinches


Learning in Yellow

We would love to share some of our art work from last week that was inspired by the artist Mark Rothko.

This week in Science, we are starting to learn about teeth. We have designed and set up an investigation to answer the question ‘Which foods are particularly damaging to teeth?’

   We have put old 2p coins in the following liquids: lemon juice, vinegar, sugar solution, salt solution, cola and water. We will watch to see what happens! Some of the children are predicting an explosion!

In English we are learning about information texts. We have started by looking at the book Dogs by Emily Gravett and will compare dogs and cats in fiction with the real thing.
In Maths we will be looking at counting in 2s, 5s and 10s with more confident children also exploring counting in 3s and 50s.


Spellings for 28.9.20

This is your list of spellings to learn for Monday 28th September 2020 A

      Look      Copy Write without looking    Check Have another go!







This is your list of spellings to learn for Monday 28th September 2020 B

      Look      Copy Write without looking    Check Have another go!

This is your list of spellings to learn for Monday 28th September 2020 C

      Look      Copy Write without looking    Check Have another go!







Well done Yellow Class for making such a positive and enthusiastic start to the new term!


On Mondays I will collect any reading books that the children have finished, together with their reading diary. I will then send home new books on Wednesdays. Your child may also choose to read books from home too. It is important that all children try to read at home for at least 10 minutes each day and that this is recorded in their diary. All the children will read each week in school as part of a small, socially distanced Guided Reading Group although I will currently be unable to record this in their individual diaries.


From Monday 21st September, I will start sending home a short list of words for the children to learn to spell. There will be a friendly test of these on the following Monday. I will also post the spellings on the website each week in the Spelling section.

Our Learning this half-term

English: We have been reading ‘The Huge Bag of Worries’ by Virginia Ironside and ‘Once Upon an Ordinary School Day’ by Colin McNaughton. The children have completed their own re-telling of the first book and this week we are learning about developing our sentences by adding adjectives.

Maths: We are currently learning about number and place value. For Year 2 we are using numbers up to 100 whilst Year 3 are working with numbers to 1000.

Science: Last week we investigated things that are living, things that are dead and things that have never been alive! This week we will be learning about teeth and eating.

Art: We are exploring colour. Last week we looked at the work of Mondrian and were inspired to create our own collages.

History: We will be learning about the Battle of Britain.

R.E: We will be learning about how to care for our world and why this is important.

Music: We will be following a specially designed scheme for the current times. This involves listening to and appraising music as well as playing percussion instruments.

Happy Birthday Mark!

Wishing our lovely friend Mark a wonderful birthday. Have a great day!

Best Wishes from Miss Pinches and Yellow Class

Thank you Yellow Class

I just want to thank our wonderful children for all your hard work during this extraordinary school year. You have been a great class and it has been a huge privilege to be your teacher. Thank you too to all our parents and carers for your kindness. You have embraced the challenges of home learning brilliantly and I have really appreciated your support. Thank you all so much!

Continuing to hear your child read during the summer holidays and encouraging them to practise their counting and times tables will really benefit the children as they move year groups. You will still be able to use sites such as Purple Mash and Times Table Rockstars during the break. I am adding links to some useful sites below and some activity booklets too for those that find them useful.

Year 2 Summer English Activity Booklet

Year 2 Summer Maths Activities

Year 3 Summer English Activity Booklet

Year 3 Summer Maths Booklet

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