English for Week Beg: 13.7.20

This week, many of you will be joining us for some lessons in school so please don’t worry if this does not leave you much time for your home learning. I am posting some English and Maths that you can dip in and out of!

The English this week is based upon the poem ‘ The Quangle Wangle’s Hat’ by Edward Lear.


Talk for Writing Booklet


Good Luck Year Six!

I just wanted to say goodbye to our Year 6 who have just shared their final day of Primary School with us. I have very fond memories of teaching you when you were little and wish you every happiness at your new schools. Keep in touch, we always love to hear how you are getting on. Have a wonderful summer!

Best Wishes, Miss Pinches

Thank you Year 1

Today is my last day teaching the Year 1 bubble and so I wanted to congratulate the children on working so hard and on coping so well with the transition back to school. I have loved getting to know them and can’t wait to be their teacher in September when I will welcome them back as part of the Year 2/3 class. Mrs Mottram also wished to join me in thanking you for your thoughtful cards and gifts. They have been much appreciated as has all the support we have received during this time. Have a wonderful summer!

Best Wishes, Miss Pinches

Happy Birthday Alfie!

Wishing our lovely friend Alfie a wonderful birthday!

Have a great day!

Best Wishes, Miss Pinches and Yellow Class

Spellings for week beg: 13.7.20

Group A: chief, thief, field, more, score, before

Group B: enjoyment, enjoyed, played, playful, worked, working, walked, walking

Group C: vein, weight, weigh, eight, neighbour, obey, opposite, possible

Happy Birthday Sid!

Wishing our lovely friend Sid a very happy birthday. Hope you have a lovely day! Best Wishes, Miss Pinches and Yellow Class

English for Week Beg: 6.7.20

Watch the following clip called ‘Catch it!’ and complete the activities in the booklets below.


I have included both the KS1 and KS2 booklets as you might like to select some activities from each.

Catch It KS1 Activity Pack

Catch It KS2 Activity Pack

For those of you that enjoy a research project, I am also including a research sheet about vultures.

Vulture Research Sheet

You might enjoy this clip too!


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