Spellings for 8.6.20

Group A: any, many, ever, every, everybody

Group B: any, many, people, friend, cousin, parent, except, example

Group C: plane, plain, grown, groan, calendar, thought, brought, although

Maths Week Beg: 1.6.20

Year 2 will be learning about the 10 times table, sharing, grouping and odd and even numbers.

Year 2 Lesson 1

Year 2 Lesson 1 answers

Year 2 Lesson 2

Year 2 Lesson 2 answers

Year 2 Lesson 3

Year 2 Lesson 3 answers

Year 2 Lesson 4

Year 2 Lesson 4 answers

times table challenge sheet

There is a video for each lesson on White Rose Maths.


Each lesson is also available in a slightly different format on BBC Bitesize.


Year 3 will be continuing to look at addition and subtraction.

Watch the video for each day and try to complete the worksheets.

Year 3 Lesson 1 https://vimeo.com/420240608

Year 3 Lesson 1

Year 3 Lesson 1 answers

Alternative or additional worksheet

Year 3 Lesson 2 https://vimeo.com/420240853

Year 3 Lesson 2

Year 3 Lesson 2 answers

Additional worksheet 2

Year 3 Lesson 3 https://vimeo.com/420240964

Year 3 Lesson 3

Year 3 Lesson 3 answers

Year 3 Lesson 4 https://vimeo.com/420241173

Year 3 Lesson 4

Year 3 Lesson 4 answers

Additional worksheets on checking answers

Checking answers


Start of term

Hello Home Learners! I hope that you have had a lovely week. I have put your new learning on our homework and spelling pages for you. Please feel free to e-mail me or let me know if you would like a phone call. Missing you all.

Best Wishes, Miss Pinches

Hello Year 1

Just a quick message to let you know that I am really looking forward to teaching you on Monday. Miss Pullinger and I have planned some brilliant lessons so I am excited to help you with your learning and for us to have lots of fun together. I have arranged the furniture so that everyone has their own table, tray and pencil pot but other than removing a few tables to create more space, I have ensured that the room still looks familiar and welcoming. If any parents would like to speak to me, feel free to phone me at school from Monday between 7:30am and 9am or after 3:15pm. Alternatively, you are welcome to send me an e-mail. Best Wishes, Miss Pinches

Half-Term Message

Well done Yellow Class for working so hard this half-term!

Thank you so much for all your messages and for sharing your work with me. I miss you all so much and hearing from you really brightens up my day. We will be continuing with our home learning after the holiday and for us the arrangements will stay the same. I will post your learning on the website and you will be able to email me as often as you like. If you would like to speak to me on the telephone, just let me know by email and I will give you a call.

Have a good week!

Best Wishes to you and your families, Miss Pinches

Happy Birthday Cian!

Wishing our lovely friend Cian a brilliant birthday! Hope you have a lovely day. Best Wishes from Miss Pinches and Yellow Class x


I will not be setting new spellings for half-term but please don’t cry! You can look over any words that you have struggled with this term and work on learning these.

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