Spellings for 27:4:20

Group A: dear, near, hear, year



Group B: station, fiction, nation, section, path, bath, hour, move


Group C: quickly, nicely, lately, closely, luckily, simply, happily, angrily



Week Beg: 20:4:20

Welcome back home learners!

I hope that you had a nice Easter and were able to enjoy the lovely weather.

Here is the learning for this week.

For Maths, we will be following week 2 from White Rose Maths.

Go to whiterosemaths/homelearning and click on Year 2 week 2 or Year 3 week 3.

There is a video clip and an activity sheet for each day.

For English, listen to the story of Halibut Jackson.


You may need to login to espresso to access this, please see your list of website logins.

You can then complete the comprehension exercise and the sequencing activity that accompany the story online or answer the following questions on this sheet or in your book.

Why did Halibut Jackson like to blend into the background

Next, try to complete some of the following activities this week: design your own suit for Halibut and write a description of it, retell the story in your own words, write your own version of the story where you change the character and/or draw or make a model of your dream palace and write a description. I have shown you my description of a palace in the video clips below to give you a few ideas although I am sure yours will be much better! Remember to check your spelling and punctuation. I am also including some activity booklets to work through as alternative or additional materials. Spring English Activity Booklet year2

Spring English Activity Booklet – Answers

Spring Activity Booklet year3   Spring Activity Booklet Answers year 3

Happy Birthday Isabelle!

Wishing our lovely friend Isabelle a wonderful birthday. We look forward to seeing you soon and helping you celebrate. Have a great day!

Best wishes, Miss Pinches and Yellow Class.


Good morning Home Learners! Only two days until the Easter holidays, you are all doing brilliantly. If you haven’t done so already, have a go at making an Easter card or try some Easter crafts or Easter baking. Don’t forget to have a go at some of the R.E ideas posted by Mrs Derrer.

Have a great day! Miss Pinches

12 to do at home worship and RE activities

Quick Maths Games

Good Morning Home Learners!

Welcome to a new week!

Here are a few short, snappy maths activities that can be used first thing in the morning, after lunch or whenever you have a few spare minutes.

Which number?

One person chooses a number between 0 and 50 or 50 and 100 etc. The other has four questions to guess the number e.g. Is the number less than 25? Does it have a 3 in it? 


Each person draws 6 circles on the page and writes a two-digit number in each. Throw a die twice and make two two-digit numbers e.g. 32 and 23. Cross out the numbers if you have them. This can be adapted for three-digit numbers.

Bean bag fun

Label baskets/ buckets etc with multiples of ten. Shout out a number. Children must run and put/ throw a beanbag/ ball in the basket for the nearest ten e.g. If you shout 49, they throw the beanbag in the basket labelled 50.

Adding as a pair

Start with a number between 1 and 20. Take turns to add a number e.g. 5.

Have fun!

Spellings for Week Beg: 20.4.20

Please note that these spellings are for the first Monday after the Easter holidays.

Group A: come, some, pull, full

Group B: great, break, steak, prove, improve, sure, sugar, eye

Group C: science, scene, scissors, scented, ascend, descend, crescent, whose

Home Learning for Week Beg: 30.3.20

Well done Yellow Class on completing your first week of home learning!

I am posting the English and Maths tasks for next week now, but if you are reading this thinking we still have plenty to do, please don’t worry.  Yellow Class will tell you that I tend to over plan and whenever they finish something, I always have another challenge waiting on my desk! If you are happy to carry on working through the activities in your pack or those posted this week, please feel free to do so.

English: Go to hamilton-trust.org.uk

Click on learning at home packs and select Year 2 English Pack for Week 1 or Year 3 English Pack for Week 1.

Maths: Go to whiterosemaths.com/home learning

Click on Year  2 or Year 3, there is a lesson on fractions for each day with a video clip and an activity sheet.

I have also posted the spellings for next week if you would like a sneaky peek! Have a lovely weekend. Best Wishes, Miss Pinches



Good Morning Home Learners, I know that lots of you are enjoying joining in with Joe Wick’s P.E lessons. You might also like to try www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers as they have song and dance routines for different maths topics including one for each times table. Have a great day and enjoy the sunshine! Missing you, Miss Pinches

Topic Ideas

History- We have been learning about the Vikings. There are lots of resources for this on twinkl.co.uk

You could try making a model of a Viking house, a Viking Longship, a Viking helmet or some Viking inspired jewellery. LKS2_IS_VIkings_BlkC_WayofLife_S2_Resource1


Science- some investigations for you to try. Which animals and plants live in different habitats? What can you find in your garden? Help your child to make a brief record of what they find in a table. Discuss what animals they found and where they found them. Can they find out some facts about one of the living things they found?  Can they make an information poster or booklet about them?

Are all plants the same? Look at two differently structured flowers. Ask your child to draw and label the parts of the plants that are common to both e.g. leaf, stem, petal, flower. Look at differences in shapes of leaf, colour of flower, thickness of stem. Year 3 should be introduced to the relationship between structure and function: the idea that every part has a job to do.

Does the size of the pot influence the size of the plant? Show your child two pot-bound plants that have grown too large for their pots. Repot one while showing your child the roots. Why do they think the plant needs repotting? What do they think will happen to the plant that has been repotted? What do they think will happen to the other plant? Let your child observe the plants over the next few weeks to see which one thrives. Encourage your child to sketch and label their observations.

R.E- Mrs Derrer will be posting some nice ideas from the Diocese. In Yellow, we have been learning about Easter and following the ideas from ‘Love Life, Live Lent’. These are the ideas for this week: Find ways to save water, make a card for a friend, ask someone how they are and take the time to listen to the answer, take longer over breakfast and really taste your cornflakes (or whatever else you have!), make a list of the good things in your life, make some cakes for your family.

I hope that you will find some of these ideas useful. Thinking of all our home learners. Miss Pinches


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