Our Learning This Week

In English, we have been busy writing our own versions of ‘The Magic Bed’ by John Burningham, In Maths, we have been learning about subtraction.

Year 2 have been given new spellings to learn and new homework has been set on Purple Mash.




Year 2 Spellings for 24.11.23

city, site, fancy, cycle, race, face, place, soon

Year 2 Spellings for 17.11.23

jacket, jar, village, change, badge, edge, giant, giraffe

Coming Up This Week!

Monday: Odd Socks Day to mark the start of Anti-Bullying Week


Individual and sibling photographs– Families can arrive from 8.30am for photos with younger siblings.

Tuesday: P.E for all/ No Forest School

Year 2 homework on Purple Mash should be completed by today.

Wednesday: New Year 2 Homework will be set on Purple Mash.

Thursday: Usual Timetable

Friday: Children in Need- Wear something colourful, spotty or Pudsey related.

Spelling Test for Year 2- apologies for not sending home paper copies on Friday. Please see the Yellow Spelling section of the website.

Coming Up This Week!

Monday: Back to school.

Tuesday: Forest School for Year 1

P.E for Year 2

Wednesday: New homework will be set for Year 2

Thursday: Diwali Day (A day to learn about the festival of Diwali.)

Wear own clothes-something colourful.

Friday: New spellings will be set for Year 2

Coming Up This Week!

Monday: Our Trip to Wolverhampton Art Gallery- leaving just after 9.15am.

Please wear school uniform and bring a packed lunch if you have not ordered one from school. Please bring a coat.

Tuesday: P.E for all, no Forest School today.

Wednesday: Usual Timetable

Thursday: Spelling Test

P.T.A Pumpkin Patch

Year 2 Spellings for 26.10.23

Year 2: air, fair, pair, stairs, care, share, square, spare

Apologies, I will send paper copies home on Monday.

Coming Up This Week!

Monday: Usual Timetable

Tuesday: Year 1 Forest School/ Year 2 P.E

Year 2 Homework due on Purple Mash.

Parents’ Evening

Wednesday: New Year 2 homework will be set on Purple Mash.

Parents’ Evening

Thursday: P.E

Friday: Spelling Test for Year 2/ New Spellings set.

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