A huge thank you!

Dear parents,

A huge thank you for your incredibly generous gifts today, we were absolutely overwhelmed and want to thank you all from the bottom of our hearts. We have loved teaching your wonderful children this year, each and every one of them have been amazing! Thank you all for your support this year, reading at home with your children, helping them to learning spellings, helping out with trips, forest school, tidying the garden and we’ve even had an Easter bunny!

I have loved my time at Claverley and will be very sad to leave! Thank you all so much for making me feel so welcome and for trusting me with your wonderful children, I will miss you all so much!

Please remember that children need to come to school on the last day wearing school uniform (for the leavers assembly at the church) and will need to bring a towel and change of clothes for our water play and water fight after lunch!

Have a lovely summer!

Mrs Buckley, Mrs Mottram and Mrs Summerfield

Green class end of year water fun!

Dear parents,

We have reached the final couple of days of the year and your children have been absolutely wonderful! As a special treat tomorrow for our last day together as green class we are planning to have some water fun. The weather is due to be lovely tomorrow and slightly cooler but still warm enough for some water play.

Could you please ensure that tomorrow (Wednesday 20th July) children come to school with a towel and a change of clothes (in a named carrier bag) because they are likely to end up soaked (no doubt so am I!)

As always, children will need sun cream and hats. What a way to end a fabulous year with fabulous children!

Spellings week beginning 11th July

Here are year 1 spellings for the week. There will be a spelling test on Friday 15th July.

11.7.22 home

Wild Zoo

What a fabulous day we have had at wild zoo! The children were so well behaved and a credit to school! We saw animals from all around the world, and even some from Africa, the continent we are learning about in Geography.

Jubilee celebrations

I know that Mrs Derrer has sent a letter out regarding our Jubilee celebrations. On Thursday 26th July, we will be having our main Jubilee celebrations. As part of this, each class has been given a decade or decades of the Queen’s reign to learn about. As we have the youngest children in school, green class have the most recent decade of 2010 to 2020 and current day. We are learning about significant events that have happened in this time such as the weddings of the Queen’s grandchildren and when her great-grandchildren were born, the children’s own years of birth and things that have happened in our living memory such as COVID lockdowns.

On Thursday 26th July, children will be asked to wear their own clothes, and encouraged to wear something that reflects the decade they have been learning about. This is not so easy for us as our decade is so recent! It may be that they want to wear something with a rainbow on, to show the NHS rainbow, dress as a nurse or doctor for our NHS heroes, dress as a bride or groom to reflect the royal weddings, or maybe even an astronaut as this was the decade that Tim Peake became the first British astronaut to go to the ISS. You may prefer to send them in some nice party clothes for the Jubilee celebrations. Any questions, please ask!

Wild Zoo trip

Letters have gone out today regarding our class trip to Wild Zoo in Bobbington on 14th June. Please check bags!

Reading books

Please can children have reading books in school every day. If they haven’t read their books, please still send them in as we read as often as we can. We have a few parents who kindly come into school throughout the week to listen to children read and it helps enormously if the books are in school every day!

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