School photos

School photos will be taken next Monday (16th May). As it is green class P.E day, we have decided that children should come in their school uniform for this (not P.E kit) and bring a pair of pumps or trainers to school with them.

Our special places

This term in R.E, our topic is ‘What are special places and why?’

We will be sharing our special places next week and I would really appreciate it if children could bring a picture of a place which is special to them. This could be their house, the park, the school, somewhere special they have visited like a holiday destination or a day out. They could bring a photo or they could draw a picture of this special place. Please can they bring this to school on Friday 6th May.

We will be visiting Claverley church on Friday 13th May to see what special places of worship are like for Christians. You will receive more information about this visit closer to the time, and of course we will need some parents to come along to help! If you are able to come come with us to the church please let one of us know. Your help will be much appreciated!

Year 1 Spellings- W/B 3rd May

Here are year 1 spellings for the week. Children will be tested on Friday. Please practise them every day so that children can spell them easily and are then able to spell them correctly in their writing.

Spellings for home 3.5.22

Mother’s Day Worship ~ Thursday 24th March

Good morning,

This Sunday is a very special day- it is Mother’s Day, also known as Mothering Sunday. This is a day when we celebrate our mums and sometimes other ladies that look after us such as nans, aunties and perhaps step- mums.

I am sure we all have a special mum or another person who is like a mum to us in our life. Why is your mum so special to you?

Watch this video about special mum’s, and think about your own mum or special person.

How could we show our gratitude to our mums on Mother’s Day this Sunday? How will you show your mum just how grateful you are for all that she does for you?

Here is a Mother’s Day song for you to join in with this morning…

Mother’s Day Prayer.

Dear Lord,

Today we thank you for our mothers,

For the love and care they give,

Whose love is so precious it cannot be measured,

Whose patience seems to have no end.

May we be thankful for their love,

Today and always,


Forest school next week- W/B 7th March

Next week, forest school will be on Tuesday (8th March) instead of Thursday. This is only for next week, it will return to Thursday for the following weeks.

World book day and Forest school

Hi all, Just a reminder that tomorrow is World Book Day and children can come dressed up in character costumes- although I am sure from the excitement of children that you are all sorted for tomorrow!

Tomorrow is also forest school and we will be going as normal so children will need to bring a bag with some warm clothes to change into. If they haven’t bought back their waterproof suit, please make sure they have it tomorrow.


Waterproof suits

We are sending all of the waterproof suits home today as they need a wash! Can you please send them back to school when they return as they wear them every day. A few suits are getting a little small now so please could you check before sending them back.

Have a lovely half term everyone!

Thank you from Mrs Edwards!

Dear parents,

Mrs Edwards popped into school last week to say hello to staff and bought baby Beatrice to meet everyone. She is absolutely adorable and they are all doing really well.

They will pop back to see the children when Beatrice is a little bigger. She wanted us to pass on her thanks for the lovely gifts you gifted to them- how kind you all are!

Using a map

We have been learning new geographical skills this half term. Today we used google maps to look at our local area and we found our school. We then used a map of our school grounds to find hidden letters. Great map work!

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