Home learning – w/c 1st February – English

This week we are continuing our work on persuasive writing using the picture book ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’. Below are the lesson videos for each day. I am looking forward to reading your finished persuasive letters.

Monday 1st February

Today we are going to orally rehearse paragraph one for our persuasive letter before writing it.

Lesson 10 – Orally rehearse paragraph one 


Lesson 11 – Write paragraph one 



Tuesday 2nd February 

Today we are going to orally rehearse and then write paragraph two for our persuasive letter

Lesson 12 – Orally rehearse paragraph two 


Lesson 13 – Write paragraph two 



Wednesday 3rd February

Today you are going to finish the unit of work on persuasive writing. In today’s lesson you are going to free write a persuasive letter to a person/organisation of your choice. Remember to use the knowledge you have gained from this unit of work.



Thursday 4th February

Today we are going to look at reading for pleasure. In this lesson you will look at some of your favourite books and your favourite characters.




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BBC Winterwatch

I don’t know if any of you have been watching BBC Winterwatch, I have been and it is fascinating to learn lots of new facts about the wildlife in our country. I have attached a link below to the live cameras that they are broadcasting onto their website. It is interesting to watch what appears on the cameras! I thought I would post this in case it might interest some of you, some of you might have been watching already! The live cameras are available until Friday 26th January.

Mrs Harper-Jones



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Mrs Colin-Stokes’s groups – w/b 25th January

Hello everyone,

I hope everyone is doing well and it was fabulous to see you on the screen last week during the red class meeting on Monday and the spellings on Friday. This is the work for this week – please don’t feel you have to do it, it is just so you are able to access the same phonics and numeracy as the children who are in school. It’s great that you’re all keeping up with your reading too. As i’m typing this, my children are building a huge snowman in the garden. I hope you all really enjoy playing in the snow too!

Missing you all- from Mrs Colin-Stokes

Phonics- w/b 25th January

The sounds for the week are: sc st sp sl sn sm sk

  1. For our ‘big’ writing today I had planned for you to use chalk to write the sounds on your drive or on the pavement but if the snow is still here you could use a stick to write in the snow!
  2. Log onto Purple mash and follow the usual English, Phonics, Phase 4, Cloze then click on the brown one for sc sk sm and sn and green for sk and st.
  3. For today’s ‘creating words’ task please try to recall some of the words you made when on purple mash and write them using pyramid writing.





4. Please write out the key words for these sounds trying to join as much as you can. Words are: cost best last chest task sleep snack roast scream splash smash risk.

5. For the game this week see if someone will play with you. Pick 1 of the sounds and write it out in front of you. Play ‘word tennis’ with one player going first by making up a word from one of the sounds, then the other player. Keep going until one of you can’t think of a word. The winner gets a point. Play again with another sound with the other player going first this time. See who gets to 5 points first.

Numeracy – w/b 25th January

The focus for this week is adding 20 to a given number.

  1. Make some cards out of paper with numbers 1-9 on them. Shuffle them up then place them face down in front of you.Turn them over one at a time and add 20 to the number you see eg)if you pick up a 7 you say 27 because you’re adding 20 (2 tens) to the tens column but you don’t change the number in the ones column.
  2. Now make  some cards with 10-19 written on them. Play the same game adding 20. This is more challenging as this time you’re starting with a 2 digit number which already has a digit in the tens column and the ones column eg) if you start with 12 (which is one ten and two ones) and you’re adding 20 you’ve now got 3 tens in the tens column and the 2 stays the same in the ones column so the answer is 32. Keep playing until you feel confident. If we were in school, we’d use base 10 equipment of cubes on to help us. You could use lego (if you have any) in strips of 10 or you could cut up paper and have long strips of paper for the tens and little ones to represent the ones. I’ve added some photos to show you ones I made. Have fun! .Maths a – adding 20


Home learning w/c 25th January

Dear Red Class,

We hope you have all had a good week and have got on well with the home learning. We also hope you have managed to enjoy doing some nice things with your families.  Thank you to those of you who have sent work for us to look at, we have really enjoyed reading your super non chronological reports about the portia spider! You have all worked really hard on them, well done! We have posted the home learning tasks for this week and hope it all goes well. We are looking forward to seeing you all again tomorrow at 9.30am for our next Teams meeting and will announce the next two superstars for this week at that.

Hope you are all having a lovely weekend and you are able to go out and enjoy the snow!

Mrs Harper-Jones and Mrs Derrer

Home learning – w/c 25th January – English

This week we are starting a new unit of work about persuasive writing. Our work will be based around a text called The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt. We will be looking at this unit for the next two weeks.

Monday 25th January 

Today we are sharing the text and answering questions about it


Tuesday 26th January

This lesson is looking at exploring the features of persuasive letters using excerpts from the text ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’


Wednesday 27th January

Today we are looking at vocabulary associated with negative emotions


Thursday 28th January

Today we are going to create a character inspired by the crayons from ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’


Friday 29th January

Today we are looking at expressing opinions and giving reasons for them and we are also going to look at using commands and rhetorical questions to persuade



Please do not look at any of the other videos for the unit of work as we will be looking at these next week

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