Home learning – w/c 18th January – English

I hope you are enjoying the unit of work on non chronological reports about Portia spiders. We have been enjoying this work in school with the key worker children. I have posted the lesson videos for this week below, I am looking forward to seeing your finished reports.

Monday 18th January 

Please watch and complete lessons 11 and 12 today

Lesson 11


Lesson 12



Tuesday 19th January

Please complete lessons 13 and 14 today

Lesson 13


Lesson 14



Wednesday 20th January

Please complete lessons 15 and 16 today

Lesson 15


Lesson 16



Thursday 21st January 

Please complete lessons 17 and 18 today

Lesson 17


Lesson 18 



Friday 22nd January

Please complete lessons 19 and 20 today

Lesson 19 


Lesson 20



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Collage Fish

This afternoon the children in Red class enjoyed making collage fish using different resources.

TT rock stars

Well done to all of the 15 children in red class who have been on TT rock stars this week! 3 children have collected a huge number of points and coins over the last seven days. Lots of you have also been on Numbots and have moved up several levels. Keep it up, we’re very proud of you!

Mrs Harper-Jones, Mrs Derrer and Mrs Colin-Stokes.




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Mrs Colin-Stokes’s morning groups – w/b 11th January

Hello everyone!

Well done on completing your first week of home learning. My own children were really tired after the end of their first week so if you were too I hope you’ve had a chance to rest and relax over the weekend. I bet you’ve all been out for walks and bike rides too.

These are the PHONICS sessions for this week. Again, you can choose to do one each day (like we do in school) or all in one go. This week we’re looking at: str shr thr and scr.

  1. Monday – Say the sounds and use a torch (or a light sabre!) in a dark room to write the sounds in the air.
  2. Tuesday – Log onto purple mash, English, Phonics, Phase 4, Cloze and find the activities for this week’s sounds.
  3. Wednesday – Try and think of words containing these sounds. Write them out using different colours – one colour for the vowels (aeiou) and another colour for the consonants (all of the other letters).
  4. Thursday – For the handwriting focus work write out the key words trying to join as much as you can. Key words: string, threw, scrap, shrink, through, street.
  5. Friday – Play a memory game with the people you live with using words contain this week’s sounds. The first person says ‘I looked in the cupboard and found string’ and then the next repeats what they said but adds an item, ‘I looked in the cupboard and found string and scrap paper’. See how far you can get. Do you remember playing this in school and we could remember over 20 in a row?!

This is the session for the MATHS on Mondays group.

Last week we looked at ways to quickly add 9 to a number. This week we’re looking at adding 11. The quickest way to add 11 is to add 10 to a number in your head and then add another 1 – so if you started with 6 you’d add 10 to make 16 and then add another 1 to give an answer of 17.

If we were in school we’d use counters but as you’re at home use anything you have 10 of (marbles, dried pasta twists, chocolates in wrappers). Ask someone you live with to play a game with you where you close your eyes and they put a certain number of the objects you’re using in front of you. You then open your eyes and add 11 to the number. Keep going until you can do it really quickly and accurately.

Have fun! If there are any problems, or you’d like to share anything you’ve done please send it to me. colin.stokes.a@claverley.shropshire.sch.uk

Home learning

Dear Red Class,

Your first week of home learning is now complete and I would just like to say a huge well done and thank you to you and your parents for your efforts in accessing and completing the home learning tasks that we have set. Thank you for your emails and for sharing your lovely poems with us that you wrote on Friday. It was nice to hear how you had been getting on with the home learning and to hear about the other lovely things you have been doing with your families at home. I have now published the tasks for this coming week onto the Red Class homework page.

I am looking forward to seeing you tomorrow morning for our first Teams meeting at 9.30am and hope that there won’t be any technical problems. Please bear with us for this first meeting if there are any problems but hopefully there won’t be!

Hope you are all having a lovely weekend!

Mrs Harper-Jones

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Home learning – w/c 11th January – English

This week in English we are starting a new unit of work looking at non chronological reports. This unit of work will be for the next two weeks.

Monday 11th January 

Please watch the videos and complete the tasks for lessons 1 and 2 which I have attached below:

Lesson 1


Lesson 2



Tuesday 12th January

Please watch and complete lessons 3 and 4 today

Lesson 3 


Lesson 4



Wednesday 13th January 

Please watch and complete lessons 5 and 6 today

Lesson 5


Lesson 6



Thursday 14th January

Please watch and complete lessons 7 and 8

Lesson 7


Lesson 8



Friday 15th January 

Please watch and complete lessons 9 and 10

Lesson 9


Lesson 10


 Please do not complete any of the other lessons in this unit of work as we will be looking at those next week. 

Home learning – w/c 11th January – Reading Comprehension

For reading comprehension this week I would like you to look at BBC Bitesize. There are some nice videos and questions to answer about different short story extracts.

I have attached the link to the BBC Bitesize website for the activities below:



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