Year 3 parallel and perpendicular lines lesson video

Apologies year 3! We have discovered in the key worker group that the wrong video was uploaded for today’s lesson! Here is the correct video for today. Hope you are all enjoying the lovely weather!

Lesson video


English w/c 22.6.20

I hope you all enjoyed looking at Mission Possible this week, I know that the key worker group in school enjoyed looking at it.

We have adapted the booklet for the activities this week, there is a blank page half way through and I don’t seem to be able to correct this unfortunately, apologies for this!


Re-read the story and then plan your story using the story road planner or story mountain. Then I would like you to plan your story in more detail using the grid on page 35.


Write the opening and build up sections to your story


Write the problem and resolution sections to your story


Write the ending to your story and then read it through and edit it


Make an illustrated booklet of your story

Mission possible week 2 activities

Mission possible week 2


Year 4 Maths w/c 22.6.20

This week year 4 are looking at decimals and money. I understand that you have covered some of these areas already but it is really beneficial for you to look over them again for extra practise. Mrs Bernasconi and Mrs Benson have asked me to tell you that they are really important foundations for year 5 Maths.


Lesson video

Worksheet: write decimals worksheet

Answers: write decimals worksheet answers

There is also a nice interactive game that you could have a go at as well:

Write decimals interactive game


Lesson video

Worksheet:  compare decimals worksheet

Answers: compare decimals worksheet answers

I have attached another interactive game about comparing decimals below:

Compare decimals interactive game


Lesson video

Worksheet: ordering decimals worksheet

Answers: ordering decimals worksheet answers

Again, I have attached the interactive game for ordering decimals below:

Ordering decimals interactive game


Lesson video

Worksheet: Year 4 – Estimating money

Answers:  Answers – Estimating money


Lesson video

Worksheet: Year 4 Money problem solving involving the four operations

Answers: Answers – Money problem solving involving the four operations


Year 3 Maths w/c 22.6.20

This week year 3 are looking at right angles, comparing angles, horizontal and vertical lines and parallel and perpendicular lines.


Lesson video 

Year 3 – Right angles in shapes

Answers   Right angles in shapes


Lesson video

Year 3  – Compare angles

Answers  Compare angles


Lesson video

Year 3 – Horizontal and vertical

Answers   Horizontal and vertical


Lesson video

Year 3 – Parallel and perpendicular

Answers   Parallel and perpendicular


I have uploaded an arithmetic paper for today for you for some extra practise:

Year 3 Arithmetic paper 



Red Reading – English w/c 22.6.20

This week I would like you to look at ‘Layers of the Ocean’ for your reading comprehension.

Please could Blyton look at the one star sheets, Donaldson look at the two star sheets and Welford and Pankhurst look at the three star sheets.

layers of the ocean reading comprehension


Topic w/c 22.6.20

This week for Topic I would like you to look at layers of the ocean. Look at the powerpoint from Twinkl below and then draw a labelled diagram or diagrams of the different layers of the ocean.

layers of the ocean powerpoint


Science w/c 22.6.20

This week for Science I would like you to look at Sundials. I have checked the weather for next week and at the moment it is looking very good. Fingers crossed it stays that way for your activity! Click on the link below and then click on the Shadows and Sundials fact file to read the information:

Shadows and Sundials fact file 

Use the template from Twinkl to make your own sundial and then use your sundial to complete the experiment.

sundial template

Sundial experiment instructions



I thought it might be nice for you to have a look at some R.E focusing on Islam. Oak Academy have 6 lessons on Islam on their website that you could have a look at. I have attached the link to the page on their website below:

Oak Academy Humanities page – Islam


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