Bookfest 2024

Today we introduced the books for the Bookfest to Red Class and all of the children were so excited to get started! We have chosen a mixture of different books for the children to read, some are shorter than others and some of the books may require an adult to help the children to read them. The children have chosen their first book and should have taken it home with them. As soon as they have finished reading their book, they can bring it back into school and choose another. It would be lovely for them to try and read as many of the books as possible. We hope that they will enjoy taking part in the Bookfest this year!

The Danger Gang by Tom Fletcher, Shane Devries | Waterstones                Mr Birdsnest and the House Next Door (Little Gems) : Julia Donaldson: Books                       

Homework 11.1.24

Well done for a great first full week back Red Class! We have enjoyed starting our new topics for this half term. We are studying our local area in Geography, in Science we are looking at Rocks and in English we have been looking at The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe in preparation for our trip to the theatre next Thursday.

I have set your homework on EdShed. Please could all tasks be completed by next Wednesday. Year 3 are looking at multiplying by 4 or multiplying by 2, 4 and 8 depending on the task you have been set. Year 4 are looking at multiplying by 10 and 100.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Happy Christmas Red Class!

Well done for a great autumn term Red Class, you have all worked so hard and deserve a good rest now. Thank you to you all for our lovely Christmas gifts, it is so kind of you. We hope you all have a great Christmas and a very happy new year! See you in January.

Mrs Harper-Jones, Mrs Derrer and Mrs Colin-Stokes  Download Holly Berries Plant Royalty-Free Stock Illustration ...

Play Costumes

This is just a reminder, please could you hand all play costumes in by next Tuesday 5th December as we would like to rehearse in them on Wednesday. If you have already handed in your costume, thank you. We are really excited to share our Christmas performance with you!

Homework 30.11.23

Hi Red Class,

Well done for another great week, you have all worked very hard. I have set your homework for this week on EdShed. Year 3 are looking at either sharing and grouping or multiplying by 3 depending on which activity I have set for your group. Year 4 are looking at either multiplying by 11 or multiplying by 12 depending on what I have set for your group. I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Homework 23.11.23

Well done for another great week Red class, you have all tried really hard. We have had another good week of rehearsals for the play and it is all coming together nicely. I have set your homework for this week on EdShed. Year 3 are either looking at making and adding equal groups or looking at the 2, 5 and 10 times tables depending on what I have set for your group. Year 4  are either looking at multiples of 3 or the 3, 6 and 9 times tables depending on what I have set for your group. I hope you are all enjoying using EdShed. Have a great weekend!

Homework 16.11.23

Well done Red class for a great start to our play rehearsals this week. The songs are sounding lovely and you are already starting to memorise your lines!

I have set your Maths homework for this week on EdShed. Year 3 have got addition and subtraction activities to complete and year 4 are looking at either the 3, 6 or the 9 times tables depending on the activity I have set for you. I hope you are enjoying using EdShed, lots of you seem to be when we have used it in school.

Have a lovely weekend!

Homework 29.6.23

Hi Red Class,

I have set your homework for this week on Classroom Secrets Kids. Year 3 are looking at reading data in tables and year 4 are looking at translation on a grid. Please could all tasks be completed by Tuesday.

Hope you have a lovely weekend!

Homework 22.6.23

Hi Red Class,

We have had another lovely week full of lots of hard work. We enjoyed a lovely Windrush Day today celebrating the 75th anniversary! We created some beautiful Notting Hill Carnival masks.

I have set your homework for this week. Year 3 are looking at bar charts and year 4 are looking at describing position using coordinates. Please complete the tasks by Tuesday. I know some of you have experienced technical difficulties when submitting homework, please don’t worry! I have sent Classroom Secrets an email to make them aware of an issue so hopefully this can be resolved.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Homework 15.6.23

Hi Red Class,

We have had a good week and really enjoyed our visit from ‘Animals in Hands’. I have set your homework on Classroom Secrets Kids this week. Year 3 are looking at pictograms and year 4 are looking at line graphs. Please could all tasks be completed by Tuesday. Hope you have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine!

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