Home learning password

Hi Red class,

As before the password to access the home learning activities is: Redclass1

Hope you all have a good week,

Mrs Harper-Jones

Password for home learning

Hi Red Class,

The password to access the home learning activities is Redclass1

Mrs Harper-Jones

Topics for this half term

Hi Red Class,

We just wanted to update you with the topics for this half term. As posted in a previous message P.E will continue to be on a Wednesday and a Friday afternoon so could all children come into school in their P.E kits please on those days.

This week in English we started to look at Traditional Tales focusing on ‘Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp’ by Philip Pullman.

In Maths this week we have started looking at the 7 times table developing our fluency and problem solving and will move on next week to look at multiplying 2 digit by 1 digit numbers and 3 digit by 1 digit numbers.

Science – Rocks

Topic – Geography – focusing on the physical and human features of Italy

D&T – Seasonal food – focusing on food from the UK

Music – We will be following a Kapow scheme of work

R.E – How do festivals and family life show what matters to Jewish people?

ICT – We will be following a Kapow scheme of work

PSHE – What are families like?

Mental Health Week

E-Safety Week

P.ETag Rugby – this will be on the field so please bring a change of shoes.



Thank you for our wonderful gifts!

Dear Red Class

We want to say a huge thank you for your very kind and generous Christmas gifts. It really is so kind of you all. We  hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a very happy new year.

Best wishes,

Mrs Derrer, Mrs Harper-Jones and Mrs Colin-Stokes

Clothes for Red Class performance

This week we will be filming our class performance of ‘A Cracking Christmas.’ The children will need the following clothing to wear for their scenes:

Opening scene/Manger scene 

Own clothes

School Scene 

School uniform with a Christmas jumper and head boppers etc for a Christmas party (if the children have any, it is not a requirement) and a Santa hat for Santa.

Christmas Shopping Scene 

Own clothes and a Santa hat and Christmas jumper for Santa

Christmas Eve Scene 

Pyjamas, dressing gown, onesie, slippers

Christmas Day Scene 

Party wear


We will be filming on Thursday morning so if clothes could come in on Thursday morning with the children that would be great.

Many thanks for your support,

Mrs Harper-Jones


Welcome back Red!

Dear Red Class,

We are so excited to be welcoming you all back to school tomorrow! In addition to Mrs Derrer’s message about our P.E days I just wanted to remind you to bring in your reading books and reading diaries as well.

I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend and I shall see you all in the morning!

Mrs Harper-Jones

Home learning w/c 1st March

Dear Red Class,

This is our last week for home learning and we are really looking forward to welcoming you all back next week. I hope you have had a good week with your home learning and thank you for sending in the work you have been doing. I have posted the learning tasks for this week and hope you get on well with these. I have also posted some extra activities for World Book Day which is on Thursday and I am really looking forward to it as it is one of my favourite days in the school year! We have an extra Teams meeting on Thursday which is at 9am.

I shall look forward to seeing you all at 9.30am in the morning for our usual Monday Teams meeting. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and the beautiful sunshine!

Mrs Harper-Jones

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