Protected: Home learning – w/c 22nd February – Maths

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Home learning – w/c 22nd February – English

This week we are starting a new unit of work based on a film called ‘Whale Rider’. It is a story based on Maori culture.

Monday 22nd February 

Today you will be looking at Maori culture and traditions in preparation for studying clips from the film ‘Whale Rider’.

I have attached a link to a video showing the All Blacks rugby team performing the Haka before a game with England as the teacher talks about the Haka in the video above.


Tuesday 23rd February

Today you will revising simple, compound and complex sentences.


Wednesday 24th February

Today you are looking at understanding the main characters from a film.


Thursday 25th February 

Today you are looking at vocabulary associated with eyes.


Friday 26th February 

Today you are going to be planning a narrative build up.



Protected: Home learning – w/c 22nd February – reading comprehension

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Mrs Colin-Stokes’s groups – w/b 22nd February

Hello everyone – I hope you’ve all had a great half term and have had fun. Here is the work for this week and, as ever, only do what you feel you can.

Phonics. There are the usual 5 activities which you can split over the week.

  1. Sounds this week are: nk nt nch. Try writing the sounds with your finger on someone’s back. Can they guess which you’ve written?
  2. Log onto Purple Mash, English, Phonics, Phase 4, Cloze and look for the ‘yellow’ box for nk and nt.
  3. Can you unscramble these words containing this weeks sounds? tnwe  nedt  cmnuh  hnakt  ubnrt
  4. Write out these key words remembering to join as much as you can: went dent burnt chunk sink thank crunch munch print.
  5. Can you draw and make up a name for an imaginary creature using this week’s sounds? For example, it could be called a chunkcruncher or a crunchermuncher.

Numeracy – the focus this week is halving numbers (which is the same as dividing by 2).

  1. Find 20 ‘objects’ that you can use to look at halving (dried pasta, buttons, marbles etc) and use them to find half of 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20. These are all even numbers because you can’t half an odd number equally and still have whole numbers.
  2. Now log onto  ‘Topmarks hit the button’ (which is a free site) and then onto ‘halves’. Start with the first game in the top left corner ‘halves to 10’ then ‘5 to 15’ and ‘halves from 10 to 20’.
  3. If you’re feeling confident try ‘halves to 50’. Remember that in larger numbers you halve the ones first then halve the tens then put them back together eg) 36 would be halve the 6 which is 3, halve the 30 which is 15 then put the number back together 3+15=18. This is quite tricky so just do what you feel you can. We’re going to go over this again once we’re all back together in school hopefully very soon.
  4. Have a good week – see you all soon! Mrs Colin-Stokes

Mrs Colin-Stokes’s groups – w/b 8th February

Hello everyone – I hope you’re all doing well and have had a good weekend getting out in the fresh air. As usual, here are the phonics and numeracy activities for this week. We will following exactly the same plan in school during this week too.


The sounds this week are: gl pl fl bl cl.

  1. For our ‘big’ writing of the sounds see how creative you can be outside. You could make a collage of the sounds using leaves, pebbles and/or sticks to help you remember the sounds as you say them.
  2. Log onto purple mash – English – phonics – phase 4 – cloze and find the sounds to complete the word games (gl and pl are blue, fl is green and bl and cl are green).
  3. Think of some of the words you made using purple mash or use the key words for this week for your activity this week. Make up some calligrams ( word pictures) to help you focus on the spellings. Do you remember doing these in one of our spelling sessions in school? I’ve added some on a sheet to give you some examples.
  4. Write out these key words: plot, float, blue,play, gloomy, clash, glad, flood, fly, glue. Try to focus on your very neatest handwriting.
  5. See if someone you live with will play ‘speed sound ‘ with you. Cut up a piece of paper into 15 pieces and write each of this week’s 5 sounds out 3 times each. Shuffle the cards and put them face down in a pile in front of you. Take turns to turn over the top card and the first person to say a word using the sound wins the card. The winner is whoever has most cards at the end of the game. To challenge yourself – you could play where you can’t repeat a word again once it has been used.  Calligram examples


The focus this week is subtraction from 20 which follows on from last week when we looked at addition to 20.

Firstly, make yourself 2 ten frames (divide up a piece of paper into 10 squares – 2 rows of 5 squares) and place both in front of you so you have 20 squares. Use anything you have for counters (lego pieces, buttons, dried pasta shapes, wrapped up chocolate…) and put one ‘counter’ in each square so you have 2 full 10 frames which represents 20.

Move the counters to show these calculations: 20-5, 20-7, 20-9, 20-3. What do you notice? Hopefully you’ll see that the one 10 frame stays full because you’re only subtraction a number which is below 10. You should have been able to use your number bonds to 10 to help you work out the answers – 20 – 7=13 because 7 and 3 are bonds and the other 10 stays the same.

Now fill both 10 frames again and try these: 20-14, 20-11, 20-15. This time you’ll need to completely empty one 10 frame and then take some counters off the second 10 frame. Hopefully you’ll see that because the numbers you are subtracting are already 2 digit numbers your answers will all be single digits.

Once you’re more confident, see if you can say the answers to these without using the counters. 20-12, 20-6, 20-9, 20-14, 20-18, 20-7, 20-10. Most people find subtracting from 20 harder than addition so don’t worry if you find it a bit tricky – just keep trying your best.

Have a good week everyone and enjoy your half term holidays. As we can’t go anywhere my children have decided we’re going on holiday at home – they are going to cook different food from a different country every day. I’m quite looking forward to it! I wonder what adventures you’ll all get up to over the holiday….

Mrs Colin-Stokes

Home learning w/c 8th February

Dear Red Class,

We hope you have had another good week! Thank you again for all of the wonderful work you have been sending to us. We have thoroughly enjoyed reading through your lovely persuasive letters from your neglected/mistreated characters. You really did put lots of thought into your writing and used the features taught in the videos really well. Well done to all of you! We have published the home learning tasks for this week and have put up some extra activities for Safer Internet Day which is on Tuesday. We hope you enjoy completing some of those.

We shall look forward to seeing you tomorrow morning for our Teams meeting at 9.30am.

Mrs Harper-Jones and Mrs Derrer

Protected: Home learning – Safer Internet Day 9th February

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