Times tables

Times tables checks!

We are continuing to practise our times tables each week, as they are crucial for being able to solve maths problems in year 5/6. We are revising the multiplication facts for different tables each week and they are being tested each Friday:


13.9.24      x 2  x 5

20.9.24      x 4   x 8

27.9.24       x 3 x 6

4.10.24       x 6 x 12

11.10.24       x 3 x 9 

20.10.24 Arthog week

24.10 .24    x 7 x 11

1.11.24        All times tables up to 12 times table

 8.11 24     Multiplication and division facts for  x 2 x 4 x 8

  1. 11. 24 Multiplication and division facts for x 3  x 6

22.11.24.      Multiplication and division facts for  x 6  x 12

29.11.24      Multiplication and division facts for  x 3  x 9

6.12.24       Multiplication and division facts for  x 7  x 11

13.12.24      All times tables division and multiplication facts up to 12 times table

End of first week

It has been lovely welcoming the children in Blue back to school; they seem  keen and ready to learn after the long break.  A warm welcome to Nina and Cameron who have joined our class from other schools.

We appreciate we sent this information at the beginning of the week but we know some of you may not have seen this bulletin .


Class teachers:

Mrs Colin-Stokes: Monday, Tuesday and every other Wednesday

Mrs Benson: Thursday, Friday and every other Wednesday

Mrs Stalmans: Wednesday afternoon teaching computing, music/ art.


Mrs Wade

Mrs Richardson

PE days:

Monday and Friday- children need to come to school in their PE kit. As the weather gets colder, children should bring joggers and layers. Children need to take out stud earrings or bring their own tape to cover them.


Reading: In Blue Class there is an expectation that children should read each evening. Their reading book should be in school each day and they may choose a book from home or one from our school library. Children should record what they have read in their diaries and parents need to sign their diaries. Whilst many of our children are fluent readers in year 5/6, it is important that parents/ carers hear their child  read aloud at least once a week. This is an ideal opportunity to discuss the books they are reading and ask questions about it to improve their comprehension. Reading diaries will be checked each Wednesday.

Maths: Homework will be set on a Tuesday by Mrs Colin- Stokes and will be on Ed Shed. All children will have a login. Homework needs to be completed by the following Tuesday.

English: English  homeworkwill be set on a Thursday by Mrs Benson but needs to be in by the following Tuesday. This will be work set on paper or in their punctsuation and grammar books that will be given to them.

Spellings: New spellings are set on a Monday on Ed Shed and children also bring home a paper copy. Games and quizzes are on ed shed to help children learn their spellings prior to testing the following Monday.

Teachers and TAs are very happy to help with homework but please come and see us BEFORE the day that it is due so we can help. All homework will start next week.

If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us via email or we are usually available at the end of the day.



Remember school starts at 8:45am. Don’t forget your outdoor field trainers or wellies for when it’s wet.


Mrs Benson and Mrs Colin- Stokes

Welcome back

It has been lovely welcoming the children in Blue back to school; they seem  keen and ready to learn after the long break.  A warm welcome ro Nina and Cameron who have joined our class from other schools.

We appreciate we sent this information at the beginning of the week but we know some of you may not have seen this bulletin .


Class teachers:

Mrs Colin-Stokes: Monday, Tuesday and every other Wednesday

Mrs Benson: Thursday, Friday and every other Wednesday

Mrs Stalmans: Wednesday afternoon teaching computing, music/ art.


Mrs Wade

Mrs Richardson

PE days:

Monday and Friday- children need to come to school in their PE kit. As the weather gets colder, children should bring joggers and layers. Children need to take out stud earrings or bring their own tape to cover them.


Reading: In Blue Class there is an expectation that children should read each evening. Their reading book should be in school each day and they may choose a book from home or one from our school library. Children should record what they have read in their diaries and parents need to sign their diaries. Whilst many of our children are fluent readers in year 5/6, it is important that parents/ carers hear their child  read aloud at least once a week. This is an ideal opportunity to discuss the books they are reading and ask questions about it to improve their comprehension. Reading diaries will be checked each Wednesday.

Maths: Homework will be set on a Tuesday by Mrs Colin- Stokes and will be on Ed Shed. All children will have a login. Homework needs to be completed by the following Tuesday.

English: English  homeworkwill be set on a Thursday by Mrs Benson but needs to be in by the following Tuesday. This will be work set on paper or in their punctsuation and grammar books that will be given to them.

Spellings: New spellings are set on a Monday on Ed Shed and children also bring home a paper copy. Games and quizzes are on ed shed to help children learn their spellings prior to testing the following Monday.

Teachers and TAs are very happy to help with homework but please come and see us BEFORE the day that it is due so we can help. All homework will start next week.

If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us via email or we are usually available at the end of the day.



Remember school starts at 8:45am. Don’t forget your outdoor field trainers or wellies for when it’s wet.


Mrs Benson and Mrs Colin- Stokes

Year 6 end of year trip to Pioneer

Yesterday the year 6 children went to the Pioneer Activity  Centre for the day as their end of year treat, and what a fabulous day we had.

The children’s behaviour was exemplary and the leaders commented on how encouraging of each other they were- it’s great to think that they live out our school motto wherever they are.

This treat was funded by the PTA – a massive thank you to them.

From Blue Class

Field trip to Danford Brook

This afternoon Blue class visited our local brook  as part of our topic on rivers. We measured the width, depth and speed of the river. We discovered that  where the stream was narrower,  the water was deeper and the stream was flowing faster.

Lots of fun was had – particularly when we raced the ducks along the brook! Whilst no one fell in, there were a few wet feet!

Using OS maps back at school we found out brook flowed into the River Wolfe which then flowed into the River Severn just above Bridgnorth.

Well done year 6


We are incredibly proud of our year 6 pupils who have worked very hard in prepararation for their SATs. They have given their absolute BEST this week and taken the tests in their stride.

To celebrate the end of SATs week,  the children and  year 6 staff went to Pizza Hut for lunch. We were joined by some parents, and fun was had by all. Plenty of pizza, salad, fizzy drinks and ice cream was consumed!! As always, our children were a credit to our school.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Benson and Mrs Colin-Stokes

Year 5 Maths homework

Year 5 Maths homework will now be set on Tuesdays and will due in the following Tuesday. It will continue to be set on the Maths section of EdShed for the majority of children who this is working well for. Some children, who were having difficulties on line, have requested paper copies which they have been given. The change of day is because my working days are at the start of the week and means I can give out and collect the homework.

Mrs Colin-Stokes

Happy Christmas

Dear Parents,

Welcome to the end of a very busy autumn term.  All the staff working in Blue would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a healthy and happy new year.  Thank you for our wonderful and generous gifts and kind words in cards; they are very much appreciated. It is a pleasure working with your children of whom you should be very proud.

We look forward to welcoming them back on 4th January.


Mrs Benson, Mrs Bernasconi, Mrs Wade and Mrs Richardson

Homework 9.11.23

Dear Parents

Blue class will be recieving homework from today. Homework is set on a Thursday and neeeds to be completed by the following Tuesday ( 14.11.23). Although homework is always based on work we have been doing in class, children should try not to leave it until Monday evening so we can help then if they are stuck before it needs to be handed in.  Mrs Bernasconi will be setting the Maths homework on line using Ed shed this week. May I remind you that children should also be reading each day at home and parents should sign the reading diaries. There are also timestables tests each week. Tomorrow’s  times tables are 3 and 9. Next Friday is 7 and 11.

English Homework

This week we have been looking at how to use commas to add extra information in a sentence ( parenthesis)

Year 5 have pages 48 and 49 to complete in their grammar  workbook .

Year 6 have pages 44 and 45 to complete in their grammar workbook.

Thank you for all your support.

Mrs Benson

Arthog Day 4

The theme of the day was water sports. This morning we canoed down the estuary. Before setting off, we tied two canoes together to form a catamaran. It was a race down the estuary and back.

This afternoon the children built a raft to float on a local pond. They used their knotting skills to assemble the raft.

Once built, it was time to launch their newly built raft into the water.

It was all going so well until our instructor, Tom, started suggesting some tricks! Chaos ensued….
Sadly,  our stay is nearly over and we’re packing up this evening. We have had a fabulous week learning new skills and having new experiences. Well done year 6; it has been a pleasure to take you away and make new memories.
Mrs Benson and Mrs Richardson

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