The Golden Compass Wednesday 3rd February- Friday 5th February

We are coming to the end of our work on the Golden Compass. Over the next three days, we will be producing a piece of writing on the video clip portraying Lara and Mrs Coulter. We will be working on the first part of the scene and then the final piece. Please send me your work in ONE edited piece at the end of the week.


Today you will write a compound sentence to use later in your writing. Using your notes from yesterday and last week, you will write the first part of the final scene. Remember to :

  • Refer to characters in different ways
  • Include speech and remember to convey character and advance the action
  • Communicate drama through varied sentence structures.

To write the first part of the final scene lesson 28

Thursday ( lesson 29 of Oak Academy)

In today’s lesson, you will edit and improve a short paragraph before analysing and planning the final part of this narrative scene. This is a dramatic scene where the characters have a heated discussion which turns into a brief, physical altercation.

To plan the final part of the narrative scene lesson 29

Some of you may well want to combine this lesson with tomorrow’s as I feel we have been analysing this scene for a while!

Friday ( lesson 30 of Oak Academy)

This is our final lesson on The Golden Compass. You have covered a lot of the grammar and some punctuation needed for Year 5/6 so the skills you have learnt you will be able to apply to other narrative writing.

In today’s lesson, you will complete a sentence level warm-up, with a focus on three short sentences used for effect. You will analyse model writing for this scene before writing their own narrative for the final part of the final scene.

To write the final part of the scene

Please send me ( Mrs Benson) your finished piece incorporating Wednesday and Fridays work. I am looking forward to reading your work.

Why not watch The Golden Compass  film so you can see the whole story? The video is available to rent on Prime or some of you may have another movie channel. His Dark Materials– the series- is available for free on -player. The first series covers The Golden Compass ( or Northern Lights the book). It may be something you would like to watch with your parents or an older sibling. It is not really suitable for younger children.

Art at home

Take a look at Freya’s landscape painting in the style of Monet – week 2 of our art topic. I am looking forward to seeing more of your efforts at the end of the week. I know we are not all as talented as Freya but try using the black and white base to build your painting on.



I have been struggling to find a way to follow and keep up with our curriculum in French. However, I have been watching the Oak Academy videos which look fabulous and are a way of practising the language. Some of the work is vocabulary we have covered but each lesson has some interesting new phonetic information. It is also useful to repeat things we have learnt to embed it in our brain.

May I suggest doing one lesson a day this week. It’s a great afternoon activity and involves little or no writing! Each lesson follows on from the last. This week’s lessons are C’est Moi – this is me. There are 5 short lessons. Don’t attempt more than one a day as you won’t embed the language.

C’est Moi

Children off to secondary school next year will all learn a  modern language – for many of you it will be French, However, even if it is another modern language, having some knowledge of one language already will make it easier.

Au- revoir!


Mental Health Week

Good morning Blue Class,

Pinch and a punch – the first of the month! We are just embarking on week 5 of our Home Learning. We want to tell you how proud we are of you all and we understand that learning at home isn’t always easy particularly if your parents are trying to work as well. Some of you have told me that you feel isolated (cut off from your friends) and a bit lonely at times. That is totally normal in these strange circumstances. It is not just children that are struggling; I think most adults would also tell you that they have days when they feel fed up and it’s hard to get motivated.

This week is mental health week and this year it is particularly important  because of Lock down and lots of people are struggling emotionally. I know Mrs Derrer has put on some links and ideas for you to follow but I thought I would signpost you to some more things suitable for KS2. There are 5 short films on BBC Bitesize that explore  ways to help your mental well being: connect with others; be active; give to others; take notice; keep learning. We are going to watch one a day in school. Why don’t you try that at home?

The brain lab five short films

There are also some some Super Move Mood videos to help you get moving and help your mental well being. Scroll down to get down to the KS2 moves

Super Mood Movers

Try to keep positive and keep busy. The government are talking about schools  returning from 8th March and I am sure primary schools will be one of the first to go back. We are already in February and that’s a short month so not long. Mrs Bernasconi and myself are also determined to make our summer term a great one with memories we will be able to cherish.

I am looking forward to seeing most of you in a small guided reading group this week which will also allow us time to chat.

Have a good week

Mrs Benson




Protected: Art Monet Lesson 2

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Protected: Comprehension – guided reading sessions on line w/c 1st Feb

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Young Voices

I know lots of you have missed practising the songs going  to Young Voices this year. However, there is a Young Voices at Home  which is live every Thursday at 11:00am. Sadly, we are unable to do this at school as singing is not allowed but why not practise the songs at home?

Young Voices at Home

Protected: Blue Maths – Wednesday 27.1.21 – Friday 29.1.21

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English The Golden Compass- 27-29th January

Wednesday 27th January

Today we are starting on our final scene of The Golden Compass. In this lesson, we will  begin to analyse this scene, with a focus on a new character- Mrs Coulter . We will then generate vocabulary to describe her character.


lesson 21 to generate vocabulary 

This lesson is not very long and you may wish to tackle the comprehension on The Holocaust – see separate post. This is a sensitive topic and maybe something you would like to discuss with an adult. The children in school will be reading the comprehension on Wednesday with me,  and answering questions on it on Thursday independently. .

The Holocaust-differentiated-reading-comprehension UKS2

Thursday 28th January

In this lesson, you will revise and  define key word classes. You will then review your  knowledge of personal and possessive pronouns and then edit a short paragraph using pronouns to avoid repetition. Remember when writing it is important to use the person’s name before using a pronoun so people know who you are referring to!

lesson 23 personal and possessive pronouns

Friday 29th January

In today’s lesson we will revise rules of speech including speech punctuation. We will then write speech sentences for this final scene of the unit. Although this is not mentioned in the video, It is important to remember that every new speaker starts a new paragraph. This new paragraph may be the sentence that includes the new speaker and speech  or where the speaker starts speaking if this is the beginning of the sentence eg

Leaning forward, Mrs Coulter looked menacingly at Lyra and asked, “Why don’t you remove your bag?”

“I like wearing it,” replied Lyra clutching on tight to the aletheometer, terrified that Mrs Coulter may snatch it off her.

lesson 24 to practise speech punctuation and sentences.



Holocaust Memorial Day 27.1.21

The 27th January is Holocaust Memorial Day when we  remember the six million Jews murdered during the Holocaust, alongside the millions of other people killed under Nazi Persecution and other genocides that followed. We touched on the persecution of the Jews and other groups of people in our topic The Battle of Britain.

Today in school,  I will sharing this assembly with my class. This is a sensitive topic and maybe something you would like to watch and discuss with your parents.

Holocaust Rememberance Day  Presentation

Our English lesson  is quite short today and you may wish to do this comprehension on The Holocaust. Most of you will be able to tackle the 2 star level. Rowling and Walliams, you could tackle 3 star. Again, this is something you may wish to talk about with your parents as you may find it upsetting . It is, however,  important that we never forget this terrible genocide.

Children in school on Wednesday will be reading the comprehension  and doing the follow up on Thursday.

The holocaust-differentiated-reading-comprehension-activityUKS2




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