Topic The Mediterranean w/c 25.1.21

I hope you are all enjoying our topic on the Mediterranean. If you have not started, it yet go back through the website and find the lessons. Our lesson last week was looking at patterns in the climate of Mediterranean countries. Rocco observed that the temperatures were lower than he expected as he had been to Turkey in the summer when it was much hotter than 25 degrees . The temperatures given were an average of the day and night temperature.

Research a Mediterranean country

Over the next 3 weeks until the end of this  half term, I would like you to research a Mediterranean country and present your finished project to me . This work gives you some flexibility- some learners would prefer to do it every day for a week and others would prefer to do it over 3 separate weeks. The details and expectations for your  project are in the word document below.

Research about a Mediterranean country



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Teams Chat


Dear All,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and managed to have some fun in the beautiful snow- what a treat for lockdown.

Well done to all the children who managed to join the class meeting today via the link. I know some of you had problems as someone had accidentally deleted the link. Mrs Bernasconi has sorted that now by making the document unable to be edited.

The conversation facility  on Teams is intended to support learning or for those children struggling to access a meeting. It is NOT for children to add memes, gifs or silly messages. You have your own Whatsapp groups and X- box to talk to each privately. This is a learning platform and it is both frustrating and  disappointing to see inappropriate language and conversation. It  makes it more difficult for staff and children who are  trying to have a valuable learning conversation. I appreciate that this is just the small minority and most children are using the site appropriately.

I am looking forward to meeting with year 6 on  Teams on Thursday at 9:15am where I hope to revise multiplying fractions. I know some children struggled with multiplying 13 x 2 1/2  last week in school.  I would also like to teach you dividing by a fraction – the only thing left to learn on the arithmetic paper.

I look forward to seeing you then.

Mrs Benson

Reading comprehension w/c 25.01.21

Instead of posting a long comprehension this week, I am posting on four short ’60 second reads’ that focus on the different types of skills needed in answering SATs style reading questions. Each dog represents a different type of question eg  Rex the retriever represents retrieval questions- the easiest type of question. Each read should not take any longer than 15 minutes in total and may be something you want to do first thing in the morning or afternoon?

As our English unit on The Golden Compass is very much focussed on grammar and writing, the fantasy 60 second reads will complement this work. Reading comprehension and analysing texts is something that will continue at secondary school and for GCSE. It is also the thing that we noticed children fell behind on during the last lockdown- so please attempt all the comprehension work. I would also like to remind you that there is a personalised reading programme on Classroom secrets kids for each of you that works through the comprehension skills! We are able to see if you are working through this.

60-Second Reads Guidance

Magic Potion

Robot Revenge

Superhero Facts

Unicorn Valley

Recipe for a successful Lockdown

I thought some of you may enjoy reading Harriet’s original and clever poem  written in the style of a recipe.

Serves – the nation

A Recipe to Survive Lockdown By Harriet Haden

Preparation time – zero hours

Cooking time – 1or 2 years

Preheat your compassion, love and understanding to full.

Before you begin wash your hands thoroughly whilst singing ‘Happy Birthday’ twice and put on an apron and face mask.

Carefully weigh out equal amounts of volunteers, carers, NHS Staff and Scientists.

Roll out 2m of social distancing and apply worldwide. Add a large tablespoon of common sense,

Sieve in some exercise daily,

No ‘knead’ to travel far from home for this.

Crack a few politicians together and

Whisk up to create many safe support bubbles.

Mash up a teams meeting every day with your classmates and

Grate some face time calls to friends who are lonely over the top.

Scoop in as many ventilators as possible along with 2 litres of hand sanitiser

DO NOT whip up any panic shoppers or toilet roll hoarders and

Add a dash of care in the community to taste

Bang your saucepan with an wooden spoon loudly to celebrate NHS achievements

Boil up some fundraising and allow to simmer with Sir Captain Tom for 100 laps.

Decorate with vaccines for all and serve asap with a generous side order of hope.

Lockdown the cake in an airtight container as it will last a long time.

WARNING -Before serving check temperature and if it feels hot add paracetamol, keep at home and allow to rest.




Get cooking!

It was lovely to see and speak to year 5 this morning. 

I challenged you all to make a healthy lunch. Oliver has  made some delicious looking home made burgers for his family on Tuesday evening.

English Wednesday 20th – Friday 23rd

Wednesday 20th January

Today you will be looking at lesson 14 of the Golden compass

To write a narrative scene – free write

In this lesson, you will practise writing a relative clause complex sentence. You will review all elements of planning for this scene before having the opportunity to free write the narrative scene using some of the vocabulary and skills you learnt earlier in the week.

Thursday 21st January

In this lesson, you will  be looking at a new scene in the Golden Compass. You will be exploring  vocabulary to support this new writing outcome. You  will review complex sentences with a non-finite clause and will then practise writing these for a new scene to support your writing.

lesson 16 Non-finite clauses

Friday 22nd January

In this lesson, you will focus on adverbials to support text cohesion and then write adverbials to support the flow of writing in the next writing outcome. Text cohesion is important – it means the text flows and each section is linked so it doesn’t seem ‘clunky’.

lesson 18 To develop text cohesion through adverbials

Blue Maths Wednesday 20th- 22nd January


I would like all of you to attempt the arithmetic sheet. In school we break it up into three parts on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. If you get lots of answers correct, that is fantastic. However, we only learn from our mistakes. If they’re daft ones – correct them. If you’re not sure, ask an adult or ask Mrs Bernasconi or myself. The children who eventually achieve greater depth in their SATs usually achieve almost full marks in this paper. It means they don’t need to acquire such a high score in the reasoning and problem solving papers. Keep practising and you will get better!


year 6 Arithmetic Paper 3


Today we ae focussing on percentages as fractions and decimals. This is revision for year 6 and new for year 5,

All watch the video

percentages as fractions and decimals

All attempt worksheet. If you’re confident year 6 start on sheet 2.

Percentages as fractions and decimals 

answers  Percentages as fractions and decimals 

Most year 6, Evan, Rosie and Chloe  attempt the challenge sheet. These are the type of questions you would see in SATs.

percentages as fractions and decimals challenge sheet

answers percentages as fractions and decimals challenge sheet


Today we are focussing on equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages.

Year 5 there is not a white rose video for your work as we are working out of sequence so you can cover the same work as the year 6. Watch the first part of the year 6, who are covering the same objective , video  below

Equivalent fractions , decimals and percentages video

Y5 worksheet Equivalent FDP

Y5 answers Equivalent FDP

Year 6 

Watch all of  the video below as this is a year 6 video. Sorry not sure why that has come as direct video. Identical to one I posted for year 5 above!

Y6  Equivalent FDP worksheet

Y6  Answers Equivalent FDP



Year 5

You will continue to focus on equivalent fraction, percentage and decimals. There is no video today as you are reinforcing the work from yesterday,

If you feel you need more practice. Attempt the classroom secrets fluency sheet below. remember the first one is developing, the second is expected and the last is greater depth. Even if you are confident don’t start with greater depth .

Equivalent-FDP fluency

If you want to attempt some reasoning and problem solving – do the sheet below. Always start with expected level

-Reasoning and problem solving Equivalent-FDP

Year 6 

Today you are ordering fractions, decimals and percentages. watch the video below

order fractions, decimals and percentages

Y6 worksheet Order FDP

Y6 answers Order FDP

If you would like a challenge attempt the sheet below; it is the type of question you see in SATs

order fractions and decimals challenge year 6

order fractions, decimals and percentages challenge answers





Topic – Lesson 3 The Mediterranean

I hope you are enjoying our topic so far and have completed your map work. You should have a good understanding by now of where the Mediterranean  sea is located and the countries and continents that surround it. Many  us think of the Mediterranean  as being purely European but Asian and African continents adjoin the Mediterranean sea.

In todays lesson we are answering the key question.

What is  a Mediterranean Climate like? 

Think  back to our work last term on biomes. What climatic Zone is the Mediterranean in? It is in the temperate climate zone ( as is the UK ) but the Mediterranean experiences a warm temperate climate.

Today you are going to explore temperatures and rainfall in  the Mediterranean.

Spain costa del sol climate graph

Climate graph Sicily

Turkey  climate graph

Chose one or two of the graphs and answer the questions on the sheet. In class it is easier for us all to chose a different graph and see a pattern.

Looking at your climate graph home learning

  • Which months had over 60mm of rain?
  • Which three months had the least rainfall?
  • In what months was the temperature over 20 degrees Celsius?
  • What was the hottest month and how hot was it?
  • What three months was the coldest and what was the temperature of the coldest month?

Now try looking at another Mediterranean climate graph? Can we see any patterns?

Other parts of the world are said to experience a Mediterranean climate even though they are not in the Mediterranean.

  • Look at the graph of California  (in the west of the USA) which experiences a Mediterranean climate. Is it a  similar pattern  to Europe? Note the temperature here is measured in Farenheit.  California climate graph. 
  • Now look at the graph of Melbourne (in southern  Australia) which also experiences a Mediterranean climate. How is this different? Do you know why? Melbourne climate


Comprehension paper for w/c 18.1.21

 Extra English 

On Monday 18th January it is Martin Luther King day. In school we are continuing with our guided reading. This is a an excellent comprehension for upper key stage 2 to attempt  at home. It is in 3 levels so choose your level; I would expect the majority of my year 6 to attempt at least level 2 ( 2 stars)

This is in addition to the Oak Academy  work you are doing on the Golden Compass


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