Blue – end of Week 2

Dear Blue Class,

You have reached the end of week 2 of Home Learning – well done. I have already  had lots of examples of your writing; you are all producing such interesting sentences.  I am impressed! Can I remind all children/parents that we need to hear from you once a week with feedback on how you are coping or with examples of work.

I hope you are managing to enjoy some of the other lessons on the website. We did our topic lesson this afternoon in school. Tom remembered an impressive 31 of the countries in Europe. He also knows all the European country flags; he will be a magnificent member of a quiz team when he is older.

Yesterday, I attempted  hosting my first Teams meeting with year 6. I had a few technical difficulties but thanks to Will Brown, who realised I was not on the Teams App, I eventually managed to see you all and lots of your pets! I can’t tell you how lovely it was to see your faces year 6 and you seemed so grown up and proficient sitting at your desks. Next week I would like to meet with the year 5 on Thursday at 9:15am. Lets hope that meeting goes a bit more smoothly! Mrs Bernasconi will be doing her normal ‘meet and greet’ Teams on Monday at  9:00am.

When I met with the year 6, we suggested trying to make a healthy lunch. Archie has gone one better and cooked his family a delicious looking curry from the Joe Wick’s cookbook. Perhaps all of you could have a go at making lunch or helping with dinner next week?

I hope you all have a lovely weekend with your families.

Take care and keep safe

Mrs Benson

End of week 2

Dear Parents,

We have reached the end of week 2 of our Home Learning. Thank you for all your hard work and support. We appreciate how difficult it is for all of you- particularly those who are working from home and are now trying to juggle two jobs: your own job and being a substitute teacher. Although some of you are key workers, we know you are trying to keep your children at home, where it is possible, to keep them and us safe- thank you.

Some parents are feeling a little overwhelmed and bombarded by updates on the homework  part of the website. Please don’t be. As teachers, we are obliged to provide enough work for your children each day. You do not have to feel obliged to complete it all!

The maths is important as the work is not ‘stand alone’ and links with others areas in maths . We want your children to grasp the basics. If they are struggling, just do the first part of the sheet and we can help them with the problem solving  and reasoning when they return to school. We give extra sheets sometimes but do not feel you have to do ALL of them.

English is also important. The Oak Academy work does build up slowly but is excellent in giving children knowledge of the sentence level work, punctuation and the grammatical terms  that they need in year 5 and 6 . It also models examples of good writing -something we usually do in school.

If you are struggling to do the other subjects at home, please do not worry. We are uploading RE, science and topic each week, but you can ‘block’ some of those subjects if you find that easier. If the children never learn about the Mediterranean, it will not be the end of the world! I know many of you are grateful for this work to keep your children occupied in the afternoon. However, if you see something on Oak Academy that interests them more, do that.

The BBC Bitesize programmes on tv and i -player look very interesting and usually have a little quiz at the end.  Times Table Rockstars  and Purple Mash games are  also activities  they can do independently. Remember all 33 children do not get 100% of our attention all the time in the classroom.

Helping prepare dinner is excellent ‘food and nutrition’ skills. Archie made his family a delicious looking curry from the Joe Wicks cookbook this week. I challenged year 6 on Thursday to create  a healthy lunch .

The value of  getting outside cannot be underestimated: walking the dog and going out on a bike ride are substitutes for PE. Art and Craft activities and practising a musical instrument are also ways to fill the day.

Finally, we are very proud of your children who are doing so well. Their patience on Thursday when I attempted to set up my on Teams meeting was astounding. Thank you Will Brown for spotting I was not on the Teams App!  It will be Year 5 turn next Thursday ay 9:15am – hopefully it will go a little smoother!!

Please remember Mrs Bernasconi and myself are here to support you if needed and are happy to phone you or your child if that helps.

Have a great weekend and a well earned rest.

Mrs Benson and Mrs Bernasconi

Mr Jew PE ideas

Chris Jew and his team have put together some live lessons for us to use for PE

The 4 activity areas are:

·        KS1/2 Yoga

·        KS1/2 Dance

·        KS2 Boxfit

·        KS2 Fitness

All lessons last approx. 25 – 45mins, including an element where pupils have to learn independently following teacher led activities.

PE lessons from East Shropshire

Teams Meeting year 6 Thursday 14th January 9:15am

Dear Children,

I would like an opportunity to see if I can invite you to a Teams meeting and share my screen with you. I know you did this with Mrs Bernasconi yesterday but , as you know, I am not quite as proficient as her at IT! More importantly, it’s a chance for me to see all your faces and  hopefully for you to be able to speak to me and each other. For this reason, I am only inviting year 6 tomorrow- 14.1.21-  at 9:15am  as it will be a smaller group. It will be your turn next week year 5!

I cant wait to see you all.

Mrs Benson




year 6

Blue English The Golden Compass 13th- 15th January

I hope you are enjoying our unit on the Golden Compass from Oak National Academy. We are slowly building all the skills we need to write the opening scene on Friday. Please keep all your notes/work from the previous lesson ( as we do in our Build up Books in school) as you will need these  on Friday.

Wednesday 13th January

Today we are looking at synonyms for running and putting them in sentences of our own. Watch Lesson 5 on the video below.

The Golden Compass

lesson 5 words associated with running

The work is quite clear .

EXTENSION: why not put the verbs you have learnt in sentences of your own?

Thursday 14th January

Today we are analysing the opening scene ( lesson 6) and writing prepositional phrases ( lesson 8)  in preparation  for our writing tomorrow.

Do each lesson and the follow up. It will not take you much  longer than an hour  to do

lesson 6 analysing the opening 

lesson 8 to write prepositional phrases

Friday 15th January

Today we will be writing the opening scene. based on the film clip. You will be using ALL the skills you learnt over the week – this piece of writing should be top notch!!

lesson 9 writing the opening

Remember to include:

  •  interesting adjectives
  • complex sentences,
  • prepositional phrases to tell us where
  • powerful verbs ( remember we learnt lots for running)
  • how characters are feeling eg carefree.

I am happy to see the finished product but I don’t want to see it unless you have done the final edit!  lesson 10 the final edit

Protected: Blue Maths 13th -15th January

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Mediterranean Topic Lesson 2

I hope you enjoyed lesson one of our topic and  you can now  identify the seven continents, and are able to locate where Europe is in relation to the rest of the world. We really enjoyed watching the first programme from Oak Academy on Europe and became very competitive trying to remember them all!! If you ae coming in on Thursday or Friday then watch this video as we are seeing how many we can remember!

Countries of Europe

Today I would like you to look at the following map of Europe

Map of the Mediterranean Sea

The following map may also help labelling the seas

Map of Mediterranean

Studying the map, decide whether the following statements are true or false.

True or false statements about the Mediterranean  

Discuss with your parents or an older sibling.

Now using the blank map below, complete the task.

Blank Mediterranean map

Task lesson 2

This lesson may take a while so you can divide it into two parts. Please ensure you spell Mediterranean correctly!!!

KEY WORKERS CHILDREN – we will be doing this lesson on Friday or Thursday if Forest School is rained off so please leave this to do in school if you are coming in this week.

If you wish to watch lesson 2 on Europe, it is very interesting

Physical features of Europe



PE – Blue Class

I know lots of  you are finding activities of your own to do in the afternoon. However, remember that physical exercise is also an important part of the curriculum. Remember how we talked about how exercise is good for both your physical health and your mental health. In school we were doing 3 PE lessons a week last term so try to keep this up. A daily walk or a cycle ride can be considered part of the curriculum. It will make your parents feel good too!

How to watch Wake Up with Joe

Joe Wicks is back on a Monday Wednesday and Friday at 9:00am on you tube

Joe Wicks’ latest set of lockdown workouts have been renamed Wake Up With Joe and the release pattern is also slightly different to how it was last time.

Rather than every weekday, new workout videos will be uploaded three times a week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays to his official YouTube channel,

The Body Coach TV.

The primary PE activities  site below offers lots of ideas too

Primary PE ideas

There are some great ideas below including Football Skills you can do in the house; Cosmic Yoga; and Just Dance. Learning a dance routine is a great way to spend an afternoon. We already know some of our boys have some good moves. What about the girls?

More great exercise ideas including dance 



Recipe poems

I have been overwhelmed by your superb recipe poems based on The British by Benjamin Zephaniah. Lots of you wrote fabulous poems about school, but I have included some of the poems our children at home  wrote on other subjects they are fond of. Please take the time to read some of your friends’ work.

A Tennis Court Will Brown

Chloe HOYS

The NHS Jake Sheldon

Here are a few poems our children in school wrote today too

Archie’s poem – the football team

Elora’s poem – the drama group

Tom Football team

Thank you for your hard work. Have a good weekend everyone.

Mrs Benson



Dear All,

We are almost at the end of the week. Well done to all of you who have embraced your home learning. We have had some very positive e-mails.

I am looking forwarding to reading your recipe poems in the style of Benjamin Zephaniah. Freya sent a video of her reading her poem; it is a fabulous poem and was beautifully read- slowly and with expression. I have attached a copy of her poem here. It may inspire some of you. Well done Freya.

Freya’s recipe poem: School

Please send your work to ; I realise some of the year 5 may not have my e-mail address.

It looks like it’s going to be  beautifully snowy day  so get out for a walk or a play in the garden.

Mrs Bernasconi is looking forward to touching base with you all at a Teams meeting on Monday at 9:00am

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Benson


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