Geography – The Mediterranean


This term our geography topic is The Mediterranean.

LO to locate Europe on a map and know where it is in relation to other continents

In school today I am  giving  the children a cut up map of the world ( in 8 pieces)  and asking them to put it together. I put a dot in the right hand corner of each square but it  is surprising how difficult they find it to ut it back together. You may want to try this at home.

blank world map

The children then need to identify Europe. Can they name and find the  the other  6 continents? This is revision from KS1. cpuld the children colour and name them on the map?

Focussing in on Europe the children may like to look at it on google maps. Here’s a great map of Europe at night. Can they recognise any of the countries from their shapes? Can they describe Europe’s location in relation to other parts of the world?

Europe at night

Although this is for slightly younger children , our class may enjoy the videos from Oak Academy on Europe

locational knowledge about Europe


Protected: Maths 7.1.21 – 8.1.21

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Home learning English 6.1.21 – 8.1.21


For the next three days, we are going to be reading, analysing , and writing our own poem based on the poem The British by the poet Benjamin Zephaniah.


Benjamin Zephaniah poetry lessons

Watch the first two lessons – they are only 33 minutes in total and it wont take you longer than an hour in total to watch and answer the questions. Enjoy!


As we are studying a poem by Benjamin Zephaniah, I thought you may enjoy hearing him read a poem. I cant find him reading The British but this one is great fun!

Today I  would like you to look at lessons 3 and 4 of  this unit

Benjamin Zephaniah poetry lessons

I have also included a copy of the poem which you may find useful for answering the questions.

The British Benjamin Zephaniah


I would like you to write your own recipe  poem in the style of Benjamin Zephaniah. There are some suggestions  on day 5 of the unit for ideas your poem. You may come up with some ideas of your own. I would like to write a recipe for putting on a play. Your recipe will need a variety of people in order for it to be in the same style as the original poem. use the same line starts to help you create your own poem. I would love to see your finished product. Why not type them up and send them as an attachment to my email?

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Blue Class Lockdown – Home learning

Good Morning Blue Class,

You have woken up to another lockdown when many of you will not be in school for half a term. Some of you will be excited but some of you will be filled with dread. We understand how hard this is for you and your parents so we want to make this experience as valuable and as accessible as we can. We are really sad that you will not all be with us in school as teaching is much more fun with real children!

Much of the work we planned for you this term is designed for the classroom when we can have discussions, and lead your learning. For this reason, some of the topics we planned for you on our long term plan may be altered so it is easier for you to learn at home. We will reflect what you are doing at home with our children that are in school so they will have continuity if they are not in each day.

The English unit we planned – Goth Girl- was intended to be read in class with lots of discussion, and support. The home learning was designed for children who were isolating for a few days so please disregard that post if you have already read it.

Maths work for today has already been put on the website.

For English today, I am including 2 comprehensions: one for year 6 and one for year 5. Read the booklets carefully and then answer the questions. There is an answer booklet so you can  check your answers once you have finished- it may be helpful to do this with a parent. Remember READ the question twice. Think about what it is asking; find the relevant place in the text; and ensure you have answered the question that has been asked.

Year 5 Reading Fiction Booklet

Year 5 Reading Assessment Fiction Answer Booklet

Year 5 Reading Assessment Fiction Marking Scheme


year 6 answer booklet


We know how hard it is to keep motivated at home – learning on your own. Set up a learning space and set aside some time each day for school work. We have learnt a lot from the last lockdown and are hoping to have regular live team sessions with you. The teachers were in school yesterday for our normal PD day and part of that was ensuring we could access you at home via TEAMS so fingers crossed! We are also in school today discussing your home learning .

Check this website EVERY DAY for updates.

I will see some of you in school tomorrow morning.

Take care and keep safe.

Mrs Benson



Welcome Back

Happy New Year! We hope you had a peaceful and enjoyable Christmas albeit a little smaller than we all anticipated.

We are really looking forward to welcoming the children back tomorrow even in these difficult times. With the new variant of Corona virus so virulent, it is important to remind your children of the importance of hand washing and keeping their social distance. Classrooms need to continue to be well ventilated so remember to wrap up warm and even if it is not your PE day, you may wear your tracksuit if it is warmer. PE  days continue to be Tuesday and Wednesday with Mrs Davies, and Thursday with Mr Jew.

This half term we are doing some exciting new learning. In science we are focussing on electricity; in topic we are looking at why our local area of Ironbridge is a world heritage site; in Art we are focussing on the Arts and Crafts movement and the work of William Morris. Please see the long term plan below for more detail.

KS2 long term plan 20_22 Y5_6

For families who are isolating, we will be posting work on this website. Please check regularly for updates. We are both happy to answer any questions via our e mails or we can speak to you after school on the days that we are working.


Mrs Benson and Mrs Bernasconi


Well we made it until the end of term with almost full classes for most of the time. The children in Blue  have worked incredibly hard under unusual circumstances and we are very proud of them.

Despite restrictions, the children have had lots of fun in the last week with cards and decoration making,  a virtual pantomime, and  a Christmas party. Undertaking a party with 33 children can be a challenge at any time. However, the class were delightful entering into the games in the true spirit: stepping down with a smile  if they were out. Wink murder proved a big hit with children enjoying protracted and noisy deaths when they were winked at;  and Elora has to be crowned the Queen of Charades!

We would like to thank you all  for your kind words, cards and lovely gifts – they are much appreciated.

We wish you all a peaceful Christmas with all your family.

Mrs Benson, Mrs Bernasconi, and Mrs Wade.



In geography, we have been studying different biomes. The children have created their own biomes in a box. I thought you may enjoy looking at the biomes that the children have designed and made. We are really impressed by their independent work.



Christmas production

Dear All,

For our part of the Christmas play, Children Around the World, our class are visiting Australia ( if only!!) and are the angels at the beginning of the play.

The girls ( and Rudi who is playing Angel Gabriel) are all angels. We do not want you to  purchase an angel costume but if you already have a costume/wings or a halo that would be amazing. If not, wear something light/ floaty. If anyone has spare wings or halos that we could borrow, please bring them in.

All the boys are surfers on the beach. Please can they wear bright shorts/ swimming trunks and a t-shirt. Again, we do not wish you to buy anything- just raid the summer wardrobe. A few children are bringing in body boards and a beach towel to hang round their neck.

We will be filming our part of the production next Friday 11th December.  Costumes can be brought in from Wednesday 9th December as there is so little space to store anything in our room.

Thank you so much for your support.

Mrs Benson and Mrs Bernsaconi

Homework 27th November

Homework has been set on classroom secrets kids this week – all children have a login. Look at the assigned resources

Year 6


Making comparisons in non- chronological reports. Watch the video tutorial. Then do the activity .


Watch the add and subtract fractions tutorial.

Then do the add and subtract fractions game

There is a challenge which I would expect to see all the pyramids attempt.

Reminder – some of  year 6 , your name has been attached to year 5 activities as these will be more suitable. Don’t forget to find your home work there.

Year 5


Watch the retrieve and record video tutorial.

Then do the retrieve and record game.

It would be nice to see Blyton attempt the challenge on the same subject.


Watch the add fractions video tutorial.

Then complete the add fractions game

This should be completed by Wednesday. Hope it goes well all!

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