Biome Diorama

Biome- in- a Box project

This week there will be no official homework as the children have been doing tests all week. However, I would like the children to start collating their things for our biome- in -a -box   Art/DT project which is closely connected to our geography topic: Biomes

The children will be working in pairs and may choose from the following land biomes:

  • Tundra
  • Taiga (coniferous forest)
  • Desert
  • Temperate deciduous forest
  • Tropical rain forest
  • Grassland/savannah

They will need a shoe box or other similar sized lidded box by next Friday.

We will be making our biome in school creating a background on the back and sides of the box that may be painted, drawn or coloured or made of printed pictures. We will be starting these next Friday 27th November.

The children will need to think about the floor of their box and what is a suitable covering.

The children need to think about the landscape, the plants/ trees that grow there and show some animal species that live in their biome. They may wish to include human habitation within the biome.

In school we have tissue paper, newspaper, coloured paper, paint, glue etc. We will be looking at how to create paper trees and bushes, and how to get 2D animals etc to stand up. However, the children may wish to bring from home small plastic animals, fake grass, sand or anything else to portray their biome correctly. All these small extras do not need to be in next week, but I wanted to give you ample warning!

I have attached some pictures so you know the type of thing we are aiming for and there are some super you-tube videos on how to build a biome in a box diorama to get some ideas

Biomes -in -a -box  pictures

Learning w/c 16.11.20

This week in school is test week. This is NOTHING for your children to be worried about and is merely for our own information so we can see where the children are and where we need to focus our teaching.

As we are carrying out tests, there will be less  maths and English than usual. However we will be looking at comparing and ordering fractions in maths. We will start to focus on reports in English which will link to our work on biomes in Geography.  We will also be looking at how to use a  semi- colon and apostrophes in our writing.

If you are Remote Learning this week, please do not worry about the tests – we can catch up with assessment for individuals when they are able to return and focus their learning to support. Please look at learning assigned on Classroom Secrets Kids and Purple Mash plus watch the Home learning videos on WhiteRose to keep learning at home. Time spent on TimeTable Rock Stars and Numbots is never wasted!

It is also anti- bullying week so this will be our focus throughout the week in PSHE. On Wednesday children need to wear odd socks to celebrate our individuality. We will  be starting our sex education towards the end of the week which will focus on how the body changes when we are going through puberty.

This weekend I have been marking some fabulous alternative story ends to the Highwayman. The children in our class are all keen to embrace their new learning; we are so proud of them  and how they are progressing in spite of the school closure earlier this year. School life is very different as the children are unable to mix with other year groups which is one of the pluses of being at a small village school. However, it’s lovely to watch the class playing so nicely together at break times.

Please can you save any shoe boxes as the children are going to be making a biome in a box in Art/DT at  the end of the  week commencing the 23.11. 20.

Many thanks

Mrs Benson and Mrs Bernasconi

Homework 12.11.20

This week we are trying some on-line homework. We realise this may not present a great challenge to some of our children but it is an opportunity to see that children can open the websites at home.

English homework is on classroom secrets kids, and is Recognising and the using the perfect form in sentences.

Maths homework is  Equivalent fractions. This is on Purple Mash.

You may need to scroll down to see this particular homework as there is a lot of work on both sites because we are providing work for those who are isolating. If you want to attempt this too – please do.

Homework needs to be completed by Tuesday 17th November. We are able to see all the children that have completed their homework, and their score.

The children have logins for both purple mash and classroom secrets kids.

Times tables test tomorrow -Friday -for those revising the facts are x2, x5, x10 and related division facts. Other  children are tested on all their times tables and related division facts.

Next week we are focusing on x4 and x8 and related division facts.


Times Tables and related division facts

Children in year 5/6 should have immediate recall of all multiplication and division facts. Without these, they will struggle with the year 5/6 curriculum -in particular with the work we are studying this half term. For those of you who are not so confident, we have been going over the x table facts. From the 9th November, we will be focussing on the division facts 32÷ 4 =

w/c 2nd November x11 and x9

w/c 9th November x2, x5, x10 division facts

w/c 16th November x4, x8 division facts

w/c 23rd November x3  x6 division facts

w/c 30th  November x6 x 12   division facts

w/c 7th December x7   division facts

w/c 14th December  x9 x 11   division facts

Learning Outline W/C 2nd November

This week in Maths we will be focusing on prime numbers, multiples and common  multiples, square and cube numbers. As always, if you are having to isolate video lessons are available on White Rose. We are continuing to learn our practise our times tables. Those children who are not yet  confident will be tested on their x9 and x11 in this week. Other children will be tested, as usual, on all  the times tables up to and including x12 . After this, we will be going through the times tables again focusing on  the related division facts.

In English for the next two weeks we are looking at The Highwayman – a narrative poem.

Our new topic for geography is Biomes.

In science, we will be starting a topic on  Living things and Habitats– classification and characteristics. h In RE we are starting work on Islam.


Half Term

Dear All,

Well we have reached the end of a very long half term! It’s been lovely welcoming your children back into school, and we are delighted with their hard work and progress this half term. It was also good to catch up with many of you for parent consultations.

Next half term the children will be having one additional PE slot on a Wednesday so they will need to come into school on a Wednesday and Thursday prepared for outdoor. PE. They will be doing dance in their PE session on a Tuesday. Please remember that the school will continue to be well ventilated so children need warm clothes ie tracksuits in class and for outdoor play.

Have a wonderful half term break. Keep safe and well.

Mrs Benson and Mrs Bernasconi


Spellings w/c 28th September

Homophones and near homophones with the endings se and ce are our focus this week. Using them correctly is as important as being able to spell them.










Welcome back

Dear All,

We have had a good first few days of term and it is lovely to welcome the children back into Blue Class. They have settled in well to the new routines.

Mrs Bernasconi  will be teaching on a Monday and Tuesday, and I will be teaching on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.  PE will be on a Tuesday and Thursday , and children should come to school in their PE kits. The classrooms can be quite chilly as they need to be well ventilated so children should have joggers and a warm school top.

There will be no homework for the first few weeks. However, spellings will be given out next week and children need to continue to work on their times tables.

We appreciate that things are very different with Covid -19 restrictions in place- making it impossible for us to chat to you on the playground first thing in the morinng or at the end of the day. If you want to get in touch, we are very happy to phone you back at the end of the school day or reply to e mails. We understand that parents may  have concerns , particularly for those children in a new class, and we are happy to sort any problem- however small.

Have an enjoyable and restful weekend.

Mrs Benson

Catch up

Dear Blue Class,

Our term is drawing to an end. The year 6 returners in school have been busy filming our abridged version of  The Tempest; they have been quite incredible learning lines  last weekend and sorting out costumes  over night so it was possible to film all our outdoor scenes on Thursday. Mrs Bernasconi  and the year 6 will be using the green screen on Monday  to create the effects of a storm, a night sky, and  Ferdinand emerging from the sea. Then it’s time for editing – we cant wait to show you our finished version.

Thank you to those children who sent me their amazing stories based on the Game: Elora, Isla, Macey and Rudi. If more of you have stories you want to share  and have some feedback, then please send them in.

Next week, we are welcoming the rest of  our year 6 into school for an outside leavers’ service. It will be wonderful to all be together again, but we do understand that some of you, who have members of the family who are  shielding at home, are unable to make it. We are hoping to film the ceremony so you can enjoy it at home. Don’t forget to write your memories : earliest, funniest, happiest, most memorable; you need two plus a lockdown memory. If you can’t make the ceremony, record your memories and send it to Mrs Derrer or either Mrs Bernasconi or myself, and we will try to incorporate it into the service. Mrs Derrer, Garry, Mrs Deards,  Mrs Wade , Mrs Bernasconi and myself will all be there. Year 6 returners, we will be doing our memories in school so don’t worry about doing them at home.

The final week of term, we are excited to welcome our year 5 and year 4 into Blue Class; we know some of you have not been into school since March so it will feel a little strange, and school will look a little different. However we can’t wait to see you and hear your news. Again, we understand some of you have family members who are shielding so we may have to wait until September to see you.

This week in English we are writing our lockdown experience –  the highs and the lows -see homework. Some of you may want to enter the 700 word writing competition where the best entries from different age groups will be put  in a book for prosperity. If you do, you will need to do some careful editing- picking out the key events that made  your lockdown special; you could use your diaries that you have been writing for ideas. Remember all of your experiences are unique and not one person will have had the same lockdown.

Thank you, once again, to your amazing parents who have been teachers for the past term.

I am hoping the sun is going to return this week so we can all get outside again.

Take care and see you soon.

Mrs Benson

RE Spirited Arts Competition

A few years ago Claverley School took part in this competition  run by NATRE ( – the subject teacher association for RE professionals.) This year  the theme is


Follow the link above to find out about  the competition. Your entries need to have reached them by 31st July


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