Year 5 Maths w/c 8th June

The White Rose maths on line  for year 5 this week is a repetition of the work from before Easter. As we did this work then, I am revising converting between units as its an important topic in both year 5 and  Year 6, and is a topic that some parents have picked out as an area of weakness. There are no videos for these sheets, but it is a topic  we have looked at before.

Monday 8th June

Today we are looking at converting kg to g and km to m . Remember kilo means 1,000.

kilograms and kilometres sheet

answers kilograms and kilometres

Tuesday 9th June

Today we are looking at millimetres and millilitres. One part of the sheet focuses on 1000 mm=1 m which isn’t something we have thought about a lot before. Milli means a thousandth. A mm is a thousandth of a metre,.

A millilitre is a thousandth of a litre

millilitres and millimetres

answers millimetres and millilitres

Wednesday 10th June

Today we are looking at other metric units

10 mm= 1 cm

100 cm = 1 m

1000 mm = 1m

mm to cm  and cm to m are the  ones that do not convert using a 1,000 so those are the ones you really need to remember!

metric units

answers metric units

Thursday 11th June

Today’s work is about imperial units that are still used today. We did look at this in class before we broke up. Many people still bake using  lbs and ounces. Some people still talk about inches and yards..You don’t need to know the actual conversion but you need to be aware eg the imperial measure we use to weigh ourselves is stones but the metric measure is kilograms. I could measure a pencil in inches or cm.

imperial units

answers imperial units

Friday 12th June

Arithmetic paper


Why not have a go at the Friday Challenge on BBC Bitesize? The challenge doesn’t appear until the actual day but here’s last weeks if you didn’t try it.

Friday challenge

Questions 1 -7 are designed for children 5-11. You should be able to achieve Q6 but have a go at them all. these questions arereally good for your reasoning skills – applying what you know to a new situation.




Foundation subjects Blue w/c 8th June


We are working through these lessons with ‘the returners’.

Lesson 2 Rivers -Investigating rivers  and the journey of a river.

Watch the video

Espresso is also doing some work on rivers- watch their video and look at their fact file

A river journey

Now look at the slide show below

Investigating Rivers 

Now attempt the worksheet below 2a is a little easier and 2b is a little harder

Investigating rivers Worksheet


In art this term we are looking at landscapes.

We will be using viewfinders to select interesting views or features.The beauty of a viewfinder is that you don’t have to sketch the whole scene – just the part you can see. For someone like me, who is not very good at art, this means I can just focus on the tiny part I am drawing, thinking about relative proportions, lines and shapes within the area selected..

Watch the sense of place slide show

.Sense of Place Slide 1

Now make your own viewfinder, and tackle two of the challenges on the sheet. Don’t try and do them all unless you want to.

A Sense of Place Worksheet


Why not find out about Buddhism? There are 4 lessons on the Oak Academy

Lesson 1

Who was Siddhartha Gautama?


BBC Bitesize has a lesson about school in French


Espresso also has a great unit on L’Ecole

L’Ecole – all about school in French

Blue Class Geography Rivers

This term our geography  topic is Rivers. Over the  rest of the term we will be looking at the water cycle; the journey of a river; the rivers in the UK with a focus on the River Severn: how rivers are used; flooding; and comparison to a river in another country.

Week 1

This week we are looking at the water cycle.

Water on Earth

Planet Earth is covered in water.

There is water in oceans, rivers, lakes and streams.

There is water in the ground, inside plants, in our bodies and in the air we breathe.

There is always the same amount of water. It never goes away, but it changes from liquid, to gas (water vapour) or solid (ice), then back again.

It is recycled, day after day, year after year, century after century.

This is called the water cycle.

The above information came from espresso  – you may want to look at this simple explanation first. The water cycle

Our task today is to present an informative poster using the technical language of the Water Cycle.Below are lots of links and information. Watch them all and then think about how you are going to present your poster in a simple way. Will you need a glossary to explain the complicated words?

More water cycle

Investigating Rivers The water cycle

Practise explaining the water cycle to an adult first to check you really understand before you make your poster.



Make your own water cycle

you can also make it in a jar.

Year 6 maths Wednesday and Thursday and Friday


On Monday and Tuesday you focussed on reflection and translation. Some people find this easier than others and can see the coordinates straight away. However other people find this  harder. If you feel you need more consolidation, have a go at the questions below. Use Monday’s link for squared paper if you need any

Revision Co-ordinates

Alternatively for consolidation, you  can also look at Geometry review 4 of the pack we sent you home with .

If you feel confident then go to Oak Academy coordinates and shapes Day 4 to solve practical coordinate problems.which focus on missing coordinates. Attempt  the quiz first , then work through the video pausing it  when they ask you to work something out;  and then complete the independent task.

To solve practical coordinate problems


Our last day of coordinates.  I expect you’re experts by now. Some of you may want to attempt the last day of oak academy and work through their video pausing to try and answer questions;

To solve practical coordinate problems 2

Working through old SATs questions are a great way of seeing how  different questions are set out.

Cubes look at the questions below

Coordinates – Cubes- Questions

Cubes  Answers and Notes

Spheres and pyramids

Coordinates – circles and pyramids – Questions

Coordinates – circles- Answers and Notes


Well done nearly there … To finish the week, complete an arithmetic paper. You really should be aiming for full marks now as there is nothing in the sheet you cant do!

Arithmetic Paper 6



English: Wednesday , Thursday and Friday

Wednesday The Tempest

Today, I am very excited to introduce you to the Shakespeare play we will be studying for the next few weeks: The Tempest. It was written in 1610-1611 and is believed to be the last play Shakespeare wrote before retiring from the theatre. Like A Midsummer Night’s Dream, which some of you may remember, it is a romantic comedy. Tempest is another word for storm. I am hoping the year 6 children in school will be able to make a film of the play using the green screen.

Click on the link below and listen to the first part of the story

.Episode 1

Read the transcript alongside the video if you like  episode_01

Think about the questions below

1.How long have Prospero and Miranda been on the island?

2. How old is Miranda now?

3. Do we know who sent them to the island?

4. Do we know why?

5.What is a staff that Prospero carries?

6. What is Prospero wearing?

7. What do you think is in his leather bound book?

8. What is a sprite?

9. On the last line it says, “Never ever mess with wizards”. What clues are there that Prospero is a wizard?

10. The real play opens with a storm.Why do you think Shakespeare may have opened his play this way?

Now look at the adapted play script. It may be fun reading it with a parent or an older sibling


Read Act 1 up until Prospero says “I’ll teach you a lesson, Alonso! And you Antonio. Never ever mess with Wizards!”

The bosun is the ships’s officer in charge of the crew.

Now have a go at the following activity

Activity day 1


Thursday  The Tempest

Watch episode 2 of the story

Episode 2 video


Now read page 4 (may say page 5 on the online script) up until  Ariel says “Twelve years I’ve been doing this…. Sprites are meant to sprite around doing sprite stuff.”

Using the  PLAY SCRIPT and the video or transcript, answer the following questions in the comprehension below

comprehension Thursday

answers to  comprehension Thursday


Watch episode 3 of the Tempest

Episode 3

Read the transcript if you prefer.episode_03

Read the next two pages of the PLAY SCRIPT up to where Prospero says:

 Wizard is as wizard does. I’m going to check on Caliban.

You have now met almost all of the main characters. Go to page 4 and 5 of the    PUPIL PAMPHLET. Think of 3 words to describe each of the characters we have met already. You will learn some things about the characters from what they say, other people say about them and what they do.. Try to think of different words not all synonyms of the same word (words that mean the same)

 For Antonio you could put:  ruthless, scheming and greedy (for power).

Some characters will be easier than others as we know more about them.

SPELLINGS and quick PAG test   will be next week as you have had lots of English work this week with our new Shakespeare unit.

Year 5 Maths w/c 1.6.20

Year 5

This week we are taking our final look at fractions – multiplying fractions and finding a fraction of a number. Fractions are such an important part of the year 6 curriculum and if you are confident with the year 5 curriculum then you will find it much easier next year. Remember when you are marking, it is the ones that you get wrong that you need to look at again. If you are unsure, check with a parent, older sibling or contact Mrs Bernasconi or myself. Remember there are also worksheets / activities  to the same topic on BBC Bitesize for w/c 1st June


video links to weeks lessons

Lesson 1 – Multiply unit and non-unit fractions by integers

Lesson 1 Answers – Multiply unit and non-unit fractions by integers


Watch video link ( see Monday)

Lesson 2 – Multiply mixed numbers by integers

Lesson 2 Answers – Multiply mixed numbers by integers


Watch video link ( see Monday)

Lesson 3 – Fractions of an amount

Lesson 3 Answers – Fractions of an amount


Watch video link ( see Monday)

Lesson 4 – Fractions as operators

Lesson 4 Answers – Fractions as operators


Nearly there… To finish  the week , complete an arithmetic


Home Learning w/c 1st June

Welcome to the new half term!

Home learning may look a little different this week. Mrs Bernasconi and myself will both be teaching in Blue. Mrs Bernasconi will be in school on a Monday and Tuesday, and I will be teaching on a Wednesday and Thursday. Work will be set for everyone on a Friday. We are very excited to be welcoming those  year 6 returners into school and we hope there will be  lots of learning taking place  as well as lots of fun in spite of the social distancing.

Mrs Bernasconi will be setting the English for year 5 and 6, and Maths for year 6 for the days she works; I will be setting it for the following three days so you won’t be able to access a whole weeks work as before. Year 6,  your work will mirror the objectives  we are teaching in class – obviously being in school will be slightly different as you will have our input, and we will be on hand to help. Foundation subjects will also mirror what we are doing in class, and won’t all be set at the beginning of the week.

Keep up the hard work everyone. We look forward to hearing all your news and work updates.

Mrs Benson

A new half term Blue

Dear Parents,

Many of you have probably read this message on the website. However, I thought an e mail my reach more of you.

I hope you all had a lovely half term and were able to make the most of the beautiful weather. As the second half of the summer term approaches, we look forward to welcoming some of our year sixes back into class. We hope that if the situation is right more of the children may be joining us for our ‘socially distanced’ learning, and an opportunity to celebrate the end of primary school together.

For year 5, home learning continues for a while. We understand that this is not ideal and children miss their friends. We want to thank you all for your incredible support and correspondence keeping us updated on how the children are doing.

As teachers, we plan lessons for children differentiating for different ability groups. On a day to day basis, we review our plans deciding if the children need consolidation or to ‘move on’ more quickly. We may realise that they have come as far as they can with a topic or abandon a maths sheet half way through when we realise it is just too difficult for them to grasp. As the children will tell you, it is their mistakes we are interested in not just their success. Were they silly mistakes or have they not understood the concept? None of this is as easy when we are not in school so it is here that I ask for your help…

It is a very long time since your children have been in the classroom and we have worked with them. Some of you have already pointed out gaps you have realised or areas where the children need more work. If you feel, particularly in maths, that there is an area that your child needs consolidation, please get in touch as it may be appropriate for the whole class to look at this for a few days or we can send you additional resources. It is great to have feedback on any of the learning we are setting across the curriculum as it helps guide our planning.

We fully understand that many of you are trying to do your own work from home, and your children may have to get on independently. However, we ask if you can check they understand the task before they start the activity, and then you look at it once they have finished. We know only too well from class teaching that children can start off enthusiastically on their independent task but when we return to their group, they may have not really understood what is asked and are doing the wrong thing. This is particularly damaging in maths and it is important misconceptions are cleared up straight away. We appreciate that many of you are already discussing their finished work with them looking at their errors and making them feel the task is worthwhile

We are very sad to say goodbye to Mrs Deards who I know is equally sad to be saying goodbye to Blue. However, we are lucky to have Mrs Bernsaconi back teaching two days a week who knows our year 6 well.

At the start of last term, I managed to speak to most of you. If any of you would like another phone call, then please leave a message in school or e mail

Once again, we wish to thank you for your support. Do not expect to fill the whole day with lessons. Teaching just a few key workers over the last nine weeks has made us realise how much quicker children in very small groups can complete their work.

Keep safe

Yours truly,

Mrs Benson

For Blue Class From Mrs D

So, it’s time for me to say goodbye.  Even though I haven’t seen you all for a long time, I’ve been thinking about you lots and believe it or not, it usually makes me smile when I do!

Some of you are going back to school soon, some of you aren’t. Some of you will move on to new schools, some of you will come back to Claverley as Year 6, the role models for the rest of the school.  Whatever you do, be the best version of yourself you can be, work hard and be kind.

There are certain things that come to mind when I think of you all – as a class but mostly as individuals.  Here is how I will remember each of you.  Can you tell which is for you?

I’ll remember you for…

For ‘Tales from your Garden’,

For your ICT wizardry,

For your patience towards others,

For your “great big buckets of sugar!”

For being utterly reliable,

For your resilience in the face of origami,

For your quiet offers of help,

But also, for the state of that cloakroom!


For getting my ‘jokes’,

For your epic Lockdown Diary,

For organising me,

For showing me your ‘best self’,

For your unexpected cake-decorating skills,

For your amazing new confidence,

For laughing until you cried,

For your mature acceptance when things were tough,

But also, for the terrible state of that cloakroom!


For your devotion to ‘Barbara’,

For your oodles of doodles,

For your relentless good humour,

For being a secret science buff.

For your well deserved maths move,

For your post-Arthog transformation,

For never truly deserving the ‘Horrible Child Award’!

For your competition modesty,



For stories of your furry friends,

For your delightfully chatty emails,

For sorting it out and moving forward,

For your TikTok moves,

For your nods and smiles when you catch my eye,

For comparing me to your Gran!

For your silly sense of humour,

For your secret smiles,

For being a Christmas Angel,



Take care of yourselves and keep smilling.



Spellings and Other things


So here are the final spellings for this half term.  We are going to revisit the ‘doubling consonants when adding a suffix’ rule from a few weeks ago.  That is when adding -ing or  -ed   -er.

When you add a vowel suffix to a single syllable word that ends in one vowel followed by one consonant e.g. hop, swim, put, nod , you double the consonant. Examples of this would be swim – swimming  –  swimmer (double m)  or hop – hopping – hopped (double p)

Add the suffixes -ing and -ed to these words.  Be careful to consider whether each word is a single syllable that ends in one vowel followed by one consonant.  If it is, double the consonant before adding the suffix.  top – topping – topped   but  nest – nested – nesting (no double consonant here as there are 2 consonants at the end.  Take care because the rule does not apply to all these words.

rock   hop   hope   skip  skimp   jump    turn  run   step   fly    flap   tap   stamp

Some of you may prefer these spellings – out   shout   about   outing   flour  hour  house   mouse


Other things

I thought you might enjoy watching some of these clips and then challenging and puzzling your families.  I remember seeing the walk through paper trick when I had just started teaching and my class were amazed!  This one is my favourite so I have put it first.

The second clip shows a selection of tricks with paper you might like to have a go at over half term.





Lots of you have sent in pictures of your work and activities which has been lovely.  This week and over half term, collate some images and make a little collage.  That is a collection of images that are related in some way and arranged together attractively.  You could use photographs, drawings and newspaper or magazine cuttings or you could find and arrange actual items and photograph them (I would definitely include my trainers and the hair clippers in mine). Your images can be collated on powerpoint or word or emailed from an app.  If you have included objects, you may  find it easier to take a picture  and email it, that would be fine too.  Aim for A4 size but whatever size you choose, cover it in a good selection of images.  We would like the theme of your collage to be either –

a) Lockdown 2020

b) At home

Email your collage to us. If you are coming back to school, you could share your collage with everyone.  It will be interesting to see which images crop up in lots of the collages and who has some unique ideas.


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