Arthog Day 3

Today the sun was shining and we ventured on a hill walk to Pared y Cefn Hir  and Cregennan lake; the views were outstanding. In order to reach the summit, we had to scramble over some rough terrain and squeeze through some narrow rocky passes. The children have continued to encourage and support each other with kind words. As one child said, “ We are really living out the school motto – to encourage one another and build each other up.”   Indeed they are and we are very proud of them.




At the end of the afternoon, we stopped off at Fairbourne beach to complete our John Muir award which entailed clearing the beach of any plastic and rubbish.


Arthog Day 2

After a good night’s sleep and a delicious full English breakfast, we were all set up for day 2. Scrambling over rocks along the beach and climbing on the cliff wall this morning was great fun and everyone stepped up to the challenge.

This afternoon we went on the infamous gorge walk.

There are no photos of this as we were all too wet.
However, everyone loved it – including the swim in the sea.

Arthog arrival

We all arrived safely. After lunch,  we did some team activities and then headed down to the beach. Everyone happy but getting hungry. More updates tomorrow…

Times table revision

Dear All,

We are starting work on factors and multiples in maths  this week. This will be leading onto formal methods for multiplication and division. We will then be focussing on fractions. For all these areas of mathematics, quick recall of times table facts and their related division facts is essential. Some children are very confident but others are ‘ quite rusty’.  We are going to revisit the times tables over the coming weeks which will be tested each Friday; we will then revisit again with the accompanying division facts. This week we are working on our 4 times table and eight times table.

Times table revision homework

Week beginning

2.10.23        x4 x8

9.10.23        x3 x 6

16.10.23      x6 x 12

23.10.23      x 2 x 5 x10

6.11.23         x3 x 9

13.11.23       x7 x11

20.11.23        ÷ x 4  ÷ x 8

27.11.23       ÷  x 3  ÷  x 6

4.12.23     ÷  x 6 ÷  x 12

11.12.23      ÷  x 3   ÷  x  9

8.1.24        ÷ x 7 ÷ x 11

15.1.24         All times tables and division facts.


We hope you will support us in helping your child learn their tables. We have Timestable Rockstar to support this and Hit the Button is also a fun free app.  In the words of our year 6, ” Maths is hard in Blue if you don’t know your tables!”

Many thanks for your support

Mrs Benson and Mrs Bernasconi

Art Overall

Dear Parents,

We will printing with paint next Wednesday. In order to keep their school clothes clean, we would advise that you send in an old over sized t-shirt or shirt that can be popped over the top of their uniform. The children can keep these in the bottom of their bags.

Thank you for your support.

Jill Benson

End of the first week

Dear Parents and carers,

It has been wonderful to welcome our children back into Blue Class. Despite the heat, we have had an enjoyable and successful first week back.

We apologise that there was some confusion about PE which will take place on a Monday afternoon and Friday afternoon. Friday this half term is gym which takes place indoors.

Mrs Bernasconi will be teaching on a Monday and Tuesday, and every alternate Wednesday. Mrs Benson will be teaching on a Thursday and Friday and every alternate Wednesday. On a Wednesday afternoon the children will have Mrs Stelmans who will be teaching Art and Music.

All children should now have a reading book which needs to be in school everyday; your child is expecetd to read at home for approximately 15 minutes a day. Please can you sign the book when your child has read at home. We know that some of our more fluent readers prefer to read to themselves but please discuss the books that they are reading with them or ask them to read aloud to you. You may wish to share a Junior newspaper with them – Junior Week is a great publication excellent for this age range.

Spellings will go home on a Monday and will be tested the following Monday. We will send more information on homework next week.

Mrs Bernasconi and myself are always here at the end of the day if you wish to speak to us: we are happy to respond to to emails if you have any concerns. However, on the days that we are teaching we may not see them until the end of the day.

Thank you for your support. We hope you have alovely weekend enjoying the late summer sun.

Mrs Benson and Mrs Bernasconi


Year 6 trip Pioneer centre

Year 6 had a great day out today at The Pioneer Centre near Cleobury  Mortimer. This trip is an end of year treat for our leavers and is very kindly financed by the PTA.
The children started the day  with a game of laser tag in the woods . Some members of Claverley got  very competitive and it wasn’t just the children! Following this, the children spent the rest of the morning playing organised games on the giant inflatables.. After lunch, they did  zip wire and abseiling .
It was a fabulous day. As always, our year 6 behaviour was impeccable and they were a pleasure to take out. A massive thank you to the PTA and to Sarah Preece who transported the children.

Viking Day

Today the children in Blue Class had an enjoyable Viking theme day. They all devised their own Viking name and family name; we listened to Viking sagas from Olaf – the Viking; we designed our own farm; we had an afternoon of art and craft; and interspersed these activities with Viking Bootcamp.


End of SATs week

Congratulations to all our year 6 who have finished their SATs this week. They worked incredibly hard, remained focussed and did their absolute BEST. Well done year 6.

Our annual trip to Pizza Hut for a buffet lunch, following the end of the tests,was a great success. The children’s behaviour was impeccable, and I think we all ate as much pizza, salad, and ice cream as we possibly could!

Also, many thanks to our Year 5 who have supported their classmates and been very flexible moving between  rooms and having different teachers. Your treat is no homework this weekend.

See you all next week – curriculum back to normal. Don’t forget Viking Day on Thursday.

Have a restful weekend.

Mrs Benson and Mrs Bernasconi

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