Blue English homework


Year 5 – page 20 and 21 of your Grammar Punctuation and Spelling book.

Year 6 – you have a revision sheet 2 for homework.




Poetry Competition

We are so proud of all our children who have learnt a poem for their homework and recited them to their classes. It is wonderful hearing such a variety of poems and poets – some children have even written their own poem. Today the teachers and TAs had a very difficult job picking out the ten finalists from KS1 and KS2 to go forward for the poetry competition on Tuesday. All semi- finalists were fabulous and had clearly been practising their poem as they were so polished. Well done all and thank you for supporting your children

We are looking forward to the finals on Tuesday when we will hear the ten finalists from EYFS/KS1 and the ten finalists from KS2. The children who are involved have taken a letter home to invite their relatives to the recital.

Homework Blue


Year 5 have a comprehension about Isaac Newton.

Year 6 have a spag revision sheet.


Friday morning booster has page 60,61,62 of your maths workbook- all questions focussed on area and perimeter.

Monday after school booster also have been set pages on area and perimeter.

Year 5 – have some area and perimeter set on  Classroom Secrets Kids


Home learning Blue Friday 10th March

Good morning,

Another snow day at home. I have set some arithmetic for year 5 and year 6 . You will need a piece of paper to do the 16 calculations. . Give yourself 20 minutes. You should be able to do this as it is more time than you have in SATS! I have also put the answers – don’t peek until you’ve finished. I am happy for you to e-mail me your scores!!

year 5 arithmetic home learning

year 6 arithmetic home learning

Year 5 answers

year 6 arithmetic home learning answers

Well spotted Lexi – a mistake in the answer for number 3 on the year 6 sheet. It is now corrected!


This is an ideal day to perfect your poem that you have should have already selected. You will need to read it slowly, clearly and with expression. I am looking forward to hearing how you are getting on with them next week.

Have a lovely weekend .

Maths Booster

Due to the uncertainty with the weather, there will be No maths booster tomorrow morning- Friday 10th March.

Poetry Competition

I know lots of children are busy selecting their poem for the poetry competition; its always enjoyable hearing the range of poetry and poets that the children choose. I thought you may enjoy looking at the  Poetry By Heart website and watch some children aged 7-10 performing poems. This site suggests poems to perform and you may be inspired by some of the performances!

Remember your teachers will be shortlisting the best ten from each class on 20th March. Everyone is expected to take part, and your teachers can help you select a poem if you are struggling to find one.

Blue homework

English year 5

Children have been set 4 pages of work( pages 58 to 61) on Apostrophes . Their homework needs to be in by Tuesday.

English year 6

Children have been set a page of work  on using the subjunctive.


The Friday morning  booster group are focussing on converting measures; they have some SATs practice questions and pages 55 and 56 of their CGP maths book.

Next week is the final week  of our revision of times tables and the corresponding division facts: 2,5,10 which should be easy! After this, we will have a mixed test of all the times tables and division facts each week.

Have a lovely weekend

Blue homework


Year 5 and 6 have been sent home with a comprehension this week.; this needs to be brought back to school on Tuesday.  I know lots of you want to suuport your childrens’s learning; please can you indicate if you have helped your child with certain questions or read through it with them. This helps us understand how your child has coped wit the comprehension.

Spellings will be tested on Monday.


Mrs Bernasconi has set the maths on clasroom secrets for year 5. Year 6 have been set work in booster classs which needs to be returned by the next booster.

Please keep practising time tables. We are focussing on x6 and x12 next week – both multiplication and division facts. Our times tables test day has moved to Thursday.

Thank you for your support

Update and reading

Dear Parents,

Happy New Year! We hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas and would like to thank you for our generous gift vouchers which are much appreciated.

The  children have come back to school happy and  enthusiastic to learn. It looks like we have put most of the sickness of last term behind us. Our topics this half term are Our Local Area of Ironbridge in history; Bridges in DT; What it is like to be a Muslim in Britain in RE ; and Materials in science. Maths booster classes are starting next week for our year six children.

There is no homework this week as the children only came back on Wednesday. However, we would like to remind you that reading for approximately 20 minutes per evening is a daily homework task for year 5/6. We really value reading at Claverley: the children enjoy being read to in class each day and we like recommending books to each other. Although children do have opportunities to read  to themselves in Blue class, our focus tends to be on comprehension and analysing texts in guided reading . Whilst some of our children in Blue are avid readers, other children are not reading regularly. We have decided to re-introduce the reading diary which should be signed off by parents weekly. We know our more confident readers enjoy reading to themselves but please ask them about the book they are reading or ask them to read aloud to you sometimes. Children who are struggling to read at home may enjoy sharing a book – reading a page / chapter each.

Thank you for your support.

Jill Benson  Rachael Bernasconi and Lynn Wade

Biomes in a box

The children in Blue Class have had lots of fun creating their biomes in a box  – being very creative and resourceful. We hope you like the finished products.

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