Fire Safety talk

On Friday, the children will be having a fire safety lesson delivered by a fire officer on behalf of Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service. It is part of their educational programme and is aimed at lower key stage 2. A letter will come home on Friday with more information about it and a task you might wish to do with your child.

What’s happening week beginning- 11.12.23?

Monday- Mrs Edwards is in Green class all this week.

Christmas shop- organised and run by the PTA.

Tuesday- Red class performances at 1:30 (doors will not be open until 1:20pm) and 6:00pm (the doors will be open at 5:45pm). The performances last about 30 mins and you can take children home after the afternoon one (including siblings) or leave them in school until the end of the day.
Wednesday- Whole school Christmas dinner. Christmas jumpers can be worn today over usual school uniform on the lower half.

Thursday- KS1 performances at 1:30pm (doors open at 1:20pm). You can take children and siblings home after the performance if you wish.
Evening performance- doors open at 5:15pm and not before. Performance starts at 5:30pm.

8.12.23 – Red class spellings

This week, we are doubling the consonant when adding the suffixes -ing, -ed, en.

Group 1: make, looked, some, have, asked

Group 2: forgetting, beginning, preferred, equipped, forgotten

Group 3: forgetting, beginning, preferred, equipped, forgotten, permitted, forbidden

Friday 8th December – Christmas Jumper day

Children can wear a Christmas jumper on Friday 8th December. They will need to wear school wear PE kit on the lower half ready for the Santa Dash. Green and Yellow can also wear joggers and trainers ready for the Santa Dash too! Children can also bring a Santa hat to wear if they wish!

Santa Dash Anyone? - Breathing Matters - UCL Respiratory

New toys can be donated on the day and left in the entrance area ready for Garry to collect.

Update from last week

The week beginning 27th November was a very busy one. Thank you for all your donations to ‘Bags2School’ as this raises extra money for the PTA. Year 6 enjoyed lunch with their families. Becky and Ruth served a delicious roast dinner and everyone enjoyed their meal.

On Wednesday, 4 children from Red class competed in a gymnastics competition at Idsall school. They each had to perform a floor routine and a vault in front of judges. They all showed fantastic control and strength in all areas. Out of 10 teams that competed, Claverley team came a very well-deserved 1st place. We are all very proud of them, well done to Alice, Abigail, Evelyn H and Polly. Report by Mrs Richardson.

On Thursday, there was great excitement when the panto came to school. Chaplins Pantomime performed Cinderella and it was brilliant. The children were a fabulous audience and the actors commented on their great manners and participation. Thank you to our wonderful PTA for organising events and to of you who support them as this funded the performance which I know the children really enjoyed – ‘oh yes, they did!’

We have a great end to the week when we celebrate all the amazing achievements by the children.

Sally Beaman engaged several parents in her wreath making session which was very successful and raised £326 for the PTA. All of this money is so gratefully received back into school to benefit the children – thank you!

On Sunday, many of you went to the Christingle service and Garry really entertained us all as well as delivering the important message.

What's a Christingle? | Love Saint Mark's

Thank you to members of the choir who came to sing after the service. There were so many appreciative comments. Thank you also to Arjun who switched the Christmas lights on along with Mrs Parr.

Christingle Service tonight- 3.12.23

Just a quick reminder that it is the Christingle service today at 4.30pm in the church. All welcome.

Weekly update 1.12.23

What’s happening next week (4.12.23)?

Monday – Blue class leaving school to go to the Space Centre at 8:00am. They can wear PE kit or school uniform – whichever they will feel warm and comfortable walking around in but must wear a school jumper/cardigan or hoodie.

Tuesday – Year 6 and Rec height and weight

Cricket team out pm. Leaving school at 2pm. Parents to collect from OWS at 4:30pm.

Wednesday – Mud Run

Thursday – Red class dress rehearsal

Friday – wear a Christmas jumper.

Christmas disco – KS1 – 5:00pm-6:00pm

KS2 – 6:15pm-7:15pm.




Red class spellings 1.12.23

Words for this week have been set on Ed Shed.

Group 1: went, about, their, people

Group 2: covered, covering, gardener, gardening, developing, developed

Group 3: covered, covering, gardener, gardening, developing, developed, listened, listening

Choir notice for Sunday -3.12.23

On Sunday, the choir can join Mrs Harper-Jones and Mrs Derrer at 5:50pm on the lychgate steps ready to sing a couple of carols before the lights go on. We will then sing about fours carols after the lights go on. Please be on hand to collect your child once we have finished but do let us know when you take your child – thank you.

We are really looking forward to getting in the festive spirit!

Weekly Update

What’s happening next week (27.11.23)?

Tuesday (28.11.23) – Please leave your donations in the bike shelter by the end of today.

Wed (29.11.23) – Bags 2 School collection from school.

Year 6 Parent Lunch – please arrive at 11:20am.

Gym festival for the team.

Thursday (30.11.23) – Pantomime visiting- Cinderella. Thank you to the PTA for funding this event.

What’s been happening this week?

On Tuesday afternoon, a team from year 4 children took part in a dodgeball tournament at Oldbury wells school. The team demonstrated great team work and skill. After winning every match, they proceeded into the finals where they fought hard and came out on top with a well-deserved win. 14 teams took part in the tournament. Our team will now go on to represent East Shropshire in the county games. Fantastic achievement, a massive well done to; Alice, Willow, Esme, Frankie, Freddie and Jayden.

Other achievements.

Here are our House Captains – congratulations to Darcey, Lily, Cora, Nevaeh, Matilda, Iris, Jackson and Freya.

Sports Captains – Cora, Jovan, Mark and Jaxon.

Super Stars of the Week – well done to everyone!

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

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