Weekly Update

It has been another good week and we have celebrated more Friday ‘Super Stars’!

We are looking forward to hosting a Macmillan coffee morning next week. We are very grateful for all offers of cake donations to make it a success. Please remember that we are a NUT FREE school due to severe allergies so please do not send in any cakes containing nuts or sesame seeds.

It is lovely that children bring in sweets for their birthday if they wish but please don’t feel that you have to provide them. Can we ask that no sweets or chocolates containing nuts are sent in. Haribo seem to be the best to send if you are unsure. Thank you for your help with this.

A quick reminder that morning snack is a healthy snack of fruit or other healthy foods but not biscuits, crisps or chocolates.

What’s happening next week – 25.09.23?

Monday – Year 6 to OWS workshop

Sunflower competition winners announced. This will be a tough one to judge as there are so many fabulous entries.

7pm – PTA meeting in the school hall. Please come and join us.

Friday – Macmillan coffee morning. Please come and have a drink and cake with your child if you can. If you are unable to attend but wish to support this charity, please send your donation in a  sealed envelope with your child on the morning.

9:35-10:00 – Green class

10:00-10:25 – Yellow class

10:25-10:50 – Red class

10:50-11:15 – Blue class

Have a good weekend!

Spellings for 25.09.23

This weeks’ words are from the statutory word list but have been grouped so that most of them have a common pattern.

Group 1: eight, weight, height

Group 2: eight, eighth, reign, height, weight, therefore

Group 3: eight, eighth, reign, height, weight, history, therefore

Weekly update

This has been another good week. I hope you have received a copy of the newsletter.

We have celebrated the first Super Stars and BEST awards.

What’s happening next week (18.09.23)?

Monday- Last week for Sunflower competition entries/ school council nominations due in this week.

Tuesday – Flu Nasal spray for all year groups.

Mrs Stalmans in Yellow today

Wednesday – Mrs Stalmans and Mrs Derrer in Yellow

Names in clothes please

It is the end of week 2 and we have two aged 9/10 cardigans, one aged 9/10 new hoodie, one aged 7/8 new jumper and one aged 5/6 cardigan left in school -all without names. Please can you make sure your child’s name is in their clothes as we are left with brand new items and no way of returning them to their owners.

One brand new cardigan has gone missing from a child in Red class. This does have a name in it so please can you check the uniform you have this weekend.

Thank you for your help with this.


Red spellings 15.09.23

This week’s spellings have the sound /ze/ spelled ‘sure’. Words with endings that sound like /ze/, as in measure, are always spelled with ‘-sure’.

Group 1: sure, unsure, unsure, treasure, measure

Group 2: sure, unsure, treasure, measure, pleasure

Group 3: pleasure, treasure, measure, closure, enclosure, leisure


Weekly update!

The first week back has flown by but it has been a great week. The children have quickly settled into their classes and coped very well in the heat. New units of work are well underway and all children were praised in assembly today for the positive start they have made.

The website was upgraded towards the end of the holidays and we hope you will find it easy to navigate. We do need to do some updating now ourselves. Classes have put some key information on their pages for next week.

Please note that the school gates at open from 8:40am and lessons start at 8:45am. Thank you for your support with this.




Red class update!

It has been a good week in Red class. The Year 4 children have welcomed the new Year 3 and all have enjoyed re-establishing friendships!

Mrs Harper-Jones is teaching in Red class on Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs. Mrs Derrer teaches in Red on Fridays. Mrs Colin-Stokes is the TA in class.

PE days are Wednesdays and Fridays for Red class this term. Mr Bennett from the sports partnership is teaching gymnastics on a Friday.

We encourage our children to do as much reading as possible at home. Reading diaries are collected on a Friday and merits are awarded if we can see that children have been reading daily. Please sign your child’s diary if you hear them as they can gain merits weekly for this!

Spellings are given out on a Friday and the test is the following week. This week, please encourage your child to learn as many spellings as they can.

Have a good weekend!

Spellings – 8.09.23

Image result for Spelling

In Red class, we have new spellings on a Friday and a test on the following Friday. This week, we have set words from the Year 3/4 Statutory word list. Please see how many words your child can learn.

Year 3- accident, accidentally, actual, actually (challenge words – believe, bicycle)

Year 4 – accident, accidentally, actual, actually, believe, bicycle, business, caught


Welcome Back!

I hope you have had a lovely holiday and enjoyed some family time and a bit of sun! We are really looking forward to welcoming the children back tomorrow.
You might have noticed that the roofing work has not yet been finished. This means that there will be contractors on site for the next couple of weeks. Currently, staff are unable to park in the car park and will need to park on the road. Please allow enough time to park safely by the school and keep the main gates clear. If you are dropping off at nursery for wrap around care, you will not be able to use the carpark at all in the mornings. Thank you for your help with these matters.
As it is forecast to be hot this week, all children can return in summer uniform tomorrow – no PE planned tomorrow. Please make sure your child brings a water bottle , a hat and apply suncream prior to coming to school.
A quick reminder that children can bring a healthy snack for break time although KS1 are provided with free fruit. Snacks should not be chocolate bars or crisps. We are a NUT FREE school which includes peanut and sesame seeds due to children with severe allergic reactions.
Please can you email the office or let class teachers know if someone else is collecting your child as this will help to avoid any confusion at the end of the day.
The side gate will be open at 8.40am in the morning. Green and Yellow class parents are to walk around to drop off at the classroom doors (we are avoiding using the library door while the building work is taking place). The school day starts at 8.45am.
The side gate opens at 3.10pm for Green and Yellow class parents to collect from the classroom doors at 3.15pm. Red and Blue class will be dismissed onto the carpark area at 3.15pm as last year.
Sunflower competition – if you have any pictures of your sunflowers or any art work, please do bring it in this week. We are looking forward to seeing them!

Weekly Update

Our Year 6 have had a wonderful last week of primary school. They treated us all to a marvellous performance where the acting and singing was amazing. So much effort had gone into it and it had everything from audience participation, humour and a great story. Well done to all involved!

They were treated to a lovely Leavers’ lunch on Wednesday and Becky served up a delicious meal of their choosing.

On Tuesday, a group went to Oakengates for the athletics. Many of them gained places within the top 3 in their events. Despite the poor weather conditions, they all participated with enthusiasm and determination. Well done to the team and Mrs Richardson, Mrs Colin-Stokes, Mrs Preece and Mrs Prosser for taking them.

We celebrated our Year 6 today in a Leavers’ service. Garry made a guest appearance and everyone appreciated his presence. It was a chance to reflect on such a great group of children who have blossomed and achieved in everything they have done.

We said ‘goodbye’ to Mrs Dark and Mrs Glendenning today. They have both brought a lot to our school in the short time they have been with us. We are grateful for the care and support they have given to the children. We wish them luck in their new jobs.

Our Super Stars

Thank you for all your generosity at the end of term which while not expected, is very much appreciated. Thank you also to everyone who has helped and supported us this year. There are always too many to mention as we never want to leave anyone out but are very grateful for all the time given.

Don’t forget the sunflower competition – we would love some pictures of them and pieces of artwork too!

I hope you all have a wonderful summer and enjoy some family time. Let’s hope the sun shines!



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