Thank you Red class!

We are really proud of you all Red class. You have made great progress with your learning and been a fabulous group. We hope you all have a great summer! Let’s hope we all see a bit of sunshine!

Happy summer holidays vector illustration with beach sand ...

A BIG thank you to everyone for our end of year gifts and cards. You have all been so generous and we really do appreciate it.

From All in Red – Mrs Harper-Jones, Mrs Derrer, Mrs Colin-Stokes, Mrs Glendenning and Mrs Dark.

Summer Fair – Thank you!

Despite the bad weather and relocation of the Summer Fair, it was an incredibly successful event. The money raised was £1228.11! An amazing amount – thank you for your generosity.

Thank you to everyone who helped to make it a wonderful time for the children. Thanks to all the PTA for organising it, setting up and clearing away on the day. Thank you to the parents and staff for running stalls, serving tea/coffee, drinks and cakes and the parents on the barbecue.

A special mention to Emily and Glen Hughes who enabled the talent show to be a success. Well done to all the children who entered as it was great to watch.


Own clothes day for Ash

Winning house team!

Well done to Ash who gained the most merits this term. They can come in their own clothes on Monday 17th July.


What’s happening next week – 17.07.23?

Monday – Meet the new class, teachers and TAs.

Own clothes day for Ash.

Tuesday – Athletics team to Oakengates Athletics. Leaving school at 9:00am.

Wednesday – Dress rehearsal for Blue class (and choir from Year 4) performance.

Year 6 Leavers’ lunch

Thursday – Blue class (and choir from Year 4) performances 1:30 and 6:30pm (children back at 6:15pm in costumes). Library doors open at 6:15pm.

Friday – Last day for children.

Leavers’ Service in school which will start at 9.15am. Due to space, Year 6 parents and families only to attend this. It will be held in the school hall.

Goodbye to Year 6 at 3:10pm. Year 6 can bring a separate school shirt/T-shirt to get signed.

Arch for the year 6 children to mark their final departure out of the school grounds.
You are all welcome to arrive from 3.00pm to see Year 6 come out if you wish. Year 6 will come out at about 3.10pm so that we can take the rest of the school back into class to be ready to depart on time. Year 6 children will go back into class and be dismissed at the normal time if they don’t have an adult present at 3.10pm.

Our Super Stars from this week


Celebration of ‘Good News’.

Some good news…

This week, we are celebrating! We are so proud of our children who achieve in so many different ways. On Tuesday, the KS2 SATS results were published. Our Y6s have done fantastically well in achieving their own goals and putting our school above the national averages in every subject. A huge well done!

We are above national averages in KS1, EYFS and phonics data too. We are retaining our Platinum Mark for PE for another year which is great news!

On Tuesday afternoon 2 teams from year 6 took part in an orienteering competition at Comer Woods. It was run by a professional orienteering organisation.
Our teams were faced with two very challenging courses to be completed in under 30 minutes and penalties given if mistakes were made.
Both of our teams arrived back in good time with not too many penalties, but not knowing how the other 12 teams had done we were unsure of their places.
One team came a very condemnable 4th, they showed great teamwork and determination. Well done, Harley, Jack W, Lexi & Isabelle

Our other team came 1st,  which was an amazing achievement, huge congratulations to them. Jack B, Alfie, Emma & Tahlia. Thanks to Mrs Richardson and Mrs Preece for taking them to the event.

The performance is certainly coming on and each child contributes so much to the final show no matter how big or small their part. The singing and acting are wonderful to hear and we can’t wait to see it next week!

As Headteacher, I am proud of all that we achieve as it is all round development we aim for at Claverley and we want every child to thrive and flourish. Well done to all our children and staff who have worked hard this year.

Red Class spellings for 10.07.23

This week we are revising some words from the Year 3 and 4 statutory word list. We will be looking at 3/4 each day and seeing how many they can remember next Friday. Please don’t worry if your child can’t remember or learn all of them.

Group 1: sentence, special, straight, strange

Groups 2 and 3: remember, sentence, separate, special, straight, strange, strength, suppose, surprise, therefore, though

Weekly Update

On Monday, Red class enjoyed an interesting visit to the Balaji Temple in Tividale. We were made most welcome and the children were really respectful on the tour of the halls of worship.

Year 6 enjoyed their transition days to their new secondary schools. They also did Bikeability this week where they learnt about riding bikes safely on the roads.

We had some new photos taken for the school website which will be updated during the summer holiday.

Our Super Stars!

If you have any more donations for the Summer Fair, please drop them into school early next week. Thank you for your support so far. The filled jars look amazing -thank you for your support with this today.

What’s happening next week – 10.07.23?

Tuesday – KS2 SATs results published

Orienteering team out

Wednesday – new reception children visiting am

3:30-5:00pm – Teachers available for school report feedback

Thursday  – 6:00pm – Governors curriculum committee meeting

Friday – School Summer Fair

Own clothes for Green tomorrow!

Don’t forget, it is own clothes day for Green class tomorrow – Thursday. Please bring a filled jar!

Thank you!

Red class visit to Balaji Temple

We had a fabulous trip to the Balaji Temple. They made us very welcome and we had a lovely tour of the buildings: shrines and main hall. This reinforced the children’s previous learning on Hinduism and they could answer several questions. The children were respectful and listened with great interest. 

Red class visit to the Hindu Temple

We are looking forward to the trip on Monday 3rd July.

Children need to wear their school uniform. Girls can wear cycle shorts under their dresses/skirts. It is likely we will be required to take our shoes off so they must have socks and shoes or socks and trainers on please.  All children to bring a water bottle. We have some plain biscuits to take as a snack during the morning. Lunch will be eaten on our return to school.

Please send children with a raincoat as there are showers forecast!

Thank you

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