Weekly update

Monday saw a very excited Ash house come in their own clothes after winning sports day. We had a lovely assembly delivered by Claverley in Bloom. Lots of children said they were growing the sunflowers which was lovely to see. Remember that they can enter a competition by doing a piece of art work on sunflowers. This can be 3D, a collage, paining or anything creative.

On Friday, we had the very popular ‘Break the Rules Day’! It has made about £245! That’s great -thank you so much for supporting this event.

Celebrations – Our Super Stars

Charlotte & Lexi were selected to represent Bridgnorth area Primary schools swimming team.

25m butterfly – Gold
25m freestyle – Silver
100m freestyle relay – Gold ( team event)
100m medley relay – Gold ( team event)
25m breaststroke – Bronze
100m freestyle relay – Gold ( team event)
100m medley relay – Gold ( team event)
At the end of the evening Bridgnorth Area Primary Schools finished as worthy champions of the Shropshire County Primary Schools Gala. Well done Charlotte and Lexi!
Sabrina with her winning football trophies. She got coaches player of the season so was so proud of herself.

What’s happening Next Week – 3.07.23?

Monday – Transition Day at new secondary school for Year 6

Red class visit to the Hindu Temple – wear school uniform.

Swimming for Blue class

Tuesday – Transition Day at new secondary for Year 6

Thursday – Bikeability for Year 6

Own clothes day for Green class only. Bring a filled jar (please note it is today and not Friday as printed in the newsletter)

Am- Dental talk to Green class

Friday – Bikeability for Year 6

Own clothes day for Yellow, Red and Blue. Bring a filled jar

Green class trip – wear school uniform.




Red Class spellings 3.06.23

This week we are continuing to learn words from the statutory word list.

Group 1: minute, notice, often, ordinary

Group 2: minute, naughty, occasion, opposite, ordinary, position

Group 3: minute, naughty, occasion, opposite, ordinary, position, possess, possession

Green class own clothes day

Own clothes day and bring a filled jar is on Thursday 6th July. Green class trip is on Friday 7th July and they will need to wear school uniform on that day.

Fill a jar

Next Friday, 7th July, children can come to school in their own clothes if they can bring a filled jar for the PTA Summer Fair. This involves bringing a jam jar (or similar) filled with sweets, pencils or small suitable toys etc. These are always very popular at the summer fair.

Green class own clothes day is Thursday 6th July. They need to wear school uniform on Friday 7th July.

Thank you for your support with this.

Weekly Update

On Monday, Mrs Hughes delivered first aid training to Year 5 and 6. This was a really informative session and the children gained a lot from it. We will post some pictures next week. Year 6 went to Crucial Crew on Wednesday which involves the children going to several different workshops involving keeping safe. On Thursday, Year 5 went to Oldbury Wells Secondary school for a space workshop which they enjoyed.

Yellow class parents were treated to lunch which they enjoyed. The children loved it too!

Today, we all enjoyed our Sports Day. As usual, the children were amazing and had a go at different activities in the round robin. They were all so encouraging of one another. The flat races were run with great competitive spirit and determination. Thanks to families for supporting the children, the OWS students for helping, Mr Bennett, staff and a special mention to Mrs Richardson would organised another great event.

A big thank you to the PTA for the ice lollies at the end of the day!

Well done to the winners – Ash. They can come in own clothes on Monday.

Our superstars!

What’s happening next week?

Monday 26th June – Non-uniform day for Ash house (winners of sports day)

Friday 30th June – Break the Rules Day!


Red class spellings

This week’s words are from the statutory word list.

Group 1: guard, guide, height, material

Group 2: guard, guide, height, material, experience, famous

Group 3: guard, guide, height, material, experience, famous, imagine, medicine

Year 5 workshop

Year 5 children can wear PE kit to the OWS workshop today

Yellow Parents’ lunch

Please note that parents should arrive at 11.25am for the parents lunch on Wednesday. The email on Friday stated 12.55pm so please note the correct arrival time of 11.25.
We are looking forward to seeing you.
Thank you

Windrush Day – Thursday 22nd June

As we studied the Windrush, we thought it would be appropriate for Red class to celebrate Windrush day. On Thursday 22nd, Red class children can come to school in their own bright clothes. We will do some activities to mark the day.

Thank you

Mrs Harper-Jones

Weekly Update

There was great excitement and some nervousness around the school this week when the animal man visited! We are not used to seeing snakes, tarantulas and skunks (and many more exotic animals) in the school. Mo introduced the children to the animals he rescues and explained all about them. The children were amazing and enjoyed the experience while being able to relate it to their science topics.

Yellow class had a successful trip to Cosford. They were able to link their learning to the visit and had a great time.

On Tuesday afternoon, our rounders team took part in a tournament at Oldbury wells school. After winning 2 match’s and losing 1, they made it through into the quarterfinals. The team played incredibly well in very hot conditions. They displayed some fantastic batting and very accurate fielding. Unfortunately they lost by 2 rounders in the quarterfinals. Thanks to Mrs Richardson for the match report and taking the team with Mrs Preece.
Well done to them all, Jack B, Jack W, Alfie, Lexi, Isabelle, Ellie, Harley, Emma and Lucas.
Well done to our Year 4 for all trying their best in the Times Tables Check this week. They had been really working hard to learn their tables ahead of the check. Year 1 have all taken the Phonics Screening Check this week too. The outcomes of these checks will be reported to parents and Carers after the deadlines for the checks.
Today, Year 6 have been treated to an end of primary school visit to the Pioneer Centre. This is a great opportunity for them to enjoy time together as well as challenging themselves to take part in different activities.
We are incredibly lucky to have our wonderful PTA of parents who organise many events and all our families for supporting them. The money raised is really benefitting the children. They are funding the first aid training for Blue class on Monday which links to the PSHE curriculum and is a valuable life-skill. The PTA have funded the Year 6 trip to the Pioneer. They have also purchased a new sound system for school which is amazing. The Father’s Day shop was successful this week too. We are so grateful for the work they do (and you support) in order to raise the much needed funds for the children of the school.

Our Superstars!
What’s happening next week – 19.06.23?
MondayBlue class first aid training. All children to come in PE kit and wearing shorts or leggings/joggers please as they will be kneeling down for some of the activities.
Swimming for Blue class
Wednesday – Year 6 to Crucial Crew
Yellow class parent lunch – arrival 12.25am.
Thursday – Year 5 workshop at OWS
Friday – Sports Day. Arrival at 12.55pm. The PTA are providing ice lollies for the children.
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