28.07.24 – Red class spellings

This week, we are learning more of the statutory words. Again, there are quite a few here but the children have done really well in trying to learn a lot of them.

decide, eight, describe, early, earth, disappear, difficult, different, enough, continue.

Remember, they are also on Ed Shed!


What’s happening next week – 1.07.24?

Monday (1.07.24) – Transition day for Year 6.

5:30pm – New reception parents’ meeting (for September 2024 starters)

Tuesday (2.07.24) – Transition day for Year 6.

Blue class swimming.

Wednesday (3.07.24) – New reception Group 1 visiting (8:50am – 11:30am).

Thursday (4.07.24) – Year 6 to Pioneer.

Friday (5.07.24) – Own clothes day for sports day winning team -Ash!

Weekly update (28.06.24)

We enjoyed a fabulous sports day on 21.06.24. Thank you to everyone who came and supported the children. They all did a great job and competed with determination, enthusiasm and encouragement. Well done to the winners of sports day – Ash!  They will have their own clothes day on Friday 5th July.

The cricket team played well on Wednesday. They won their group and got through to the semi finals. Overall, they came in 4th place and we were very proud of them. Thanks to Mrs Wade for taking them!

On Thursday, our Year 6 writing was moderated by an external moderator from the LA. Children and staff have worked incredibly hard but they did fantastically well. The moderator said that they had well presented and organised samples with a range of fiction and non-fiction pieces which demonstrated that they had used engaging texts. Their teacher judgements were accurate. 10/12 pupils are expected in writing = 92%. Well done to our Year 6, Mrs Benson and Mrs Colin-Stokes for all their hard work along with Mrs Wade and Mrs Richardson.

Congratulations to Miss Pinches for qualifying as an Advanced Designated Mental Health Lead!

PTA news: The Fathers’ day shop made a fabulous £233.73 profit – thank you for all your contributions. A huge ‘thank you’ to Amazing Arnie who raised £95.00 from doing his own car boot sale – well done Arnie!

Well done to our Super Stars from last week and this week!

Some of our Year 6 took part in bikeability last week. Here are some of them as they prepare to venture out on the road.

What’s happening week beginning 24.06.24?

Monday (24th) – Green class trip to the Sealife Centre.

Tuesday (25th) – Blue class swimming.

Wednesday (26th) – Cricket Tournament.

Thursday (27th) – Year 6 writing moderation am (External moderation with Mrs Benson and Mrs Colin-Stokes).

Friday (28th) – Own clothes day. Please donate a filled jar. You could fill it with sweets, small toys or hair accessories etc. There are some empty jars in the reception area if you require one.

Last Friday, 21st June, we enjoyed a great sports day and pictures will be posted tomorrow along with other pictures from last week.


Sports afternoon

A quick reminder that it is sports afternoon tomorrow (Friday 21st June).

Sports day – St George's School

Children can come to school in PE kit. They can wear a T-Shirt with the colours of their house team if they would like. You do not need to go out and buy a special top- it can be one that they already have with some of the colours of their house on it.

They will all need a water bottle and hat to school too as the weather looks to be fine. Please apply sun cream before children come to school. The PTA are very kindly organising ice lollies for after the the event.

Families are welcome to come and watch. We do however ask you to stay behind the spectator lines so that we can manage the children. The gates will be open at 1pm (not before) and parents can bring rugs/chairs to sit along the bank on the right had side. The children will parade past at 1:15pm. We start with a round robin where families can follow their child’s house team and support them. Then, we gather by the running track to do the flat races.



21.06.24 – Sports Afternoon

Friday 21st June

Children can come to school in PE kit. They can wear a T-Shirt with the colours of their house team if they would like. You do not need to go out and buy a special top- it can be one that they already have with some of the colours of their house on it.

They will all need a water bottle and should bring a light coat and hat to school too depending on the weather. The PTA are very kindly organising ice lollies for after the the event.

Families are welcome to come and watch. We do however ask you to stay behind the spectator lines so that we can manage the children. The gates will be open at 1pm and parents can bring rugs/chairs to sit along the bank on the right had side. The children will parade past at 1:15pm. We start with a round robin where families can follow their child’s house team and support them. Then, we gather by the running track to do the flat races.

Fingers crossed for some fine and dry weather!


17.06.24 – What’s happening this week?

Monday 17th June – Year 6 Bikeability.

Tuesday 18th June – Mrs Stalmans in Blue (am) and Yellow (pm) today.

Year 6 Bikeability

Blue class swimming (pm)

Rounders Tournament after school for the team.

Wednesday 19th June – Year 5 to OWS workshop – wear school uniform.

Thursday 20th June – Year 6 to Crucial Crew

Friday 21st June – Sports Day – see separate post.


14.06.24 – Weekly update!

We are really proud of Year 4 for trying their hardest in the Multiplication Tables Check this week. They have all been busy learning their tables and we know they did their best. The results will be published on 24th June and parents will be informed of their child’s score.

Year 1 also tried their best and did the Phonics Screening check this week. Mrs Edwards was very proud of them all.

A big ‘thank you’ to Ezra’s mum for doing another car boot sale last weekend which raised another another £252.55! Thank you for all your donations as this is over £500 in total! Amazing!

Thanks to the PTA for organising the Fathers’ Day shop. We hope everyone who gets a gift will be very pleased with it!

Well done to all our Super Stars this week!

Red Class spellings – 14.06.24

Over the next few weeks, the children will be learning the words from the statutory Year 3/4 word list. There will be 10 words and they might already be confident with spelling some of them. For those children who find spelling tricky, they should try to learn as many as they can.

library, medicine, mention, naughty, occasion, natural, notice, material, minute, often

Here is a list of the statutory words.

Year 3/4 statutory word list

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