Protected: French Friday and RE time

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Protected: Spellings for week beginning 8th Feb

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Thoughtful Thursday – Garry’s assembly

Good morning everyone and today we have an assembly by Garry all about Candlemas.

Lots of you are doing some great things this week – maybe you could write a list of all the things you are grateful for. While these are difficult times, there are many things we are thankful for. Here is also another short mental health clip to watch too!

If you have been sitting for a while and want to get yourself moving try this warm up with Marcus Rashford!

Wellbeing Wednesday – 3rd February

Good morning everyone, we are continuing our mental health week and here is a power point showing you some of the things we like doing! I have narrated it so you can just start the slideshow!

Mental Health Week

Do send in your pictures as we want to see what you have done for mental health week.

Listen to Billy Ocean and the Young Voices Choir singing lovely day.

Dear God,

We thank you that you have made us stronger than we think.

We thank you that we are able to do and achieve far more than we think,

because you have made us in your image.

Thank you that you have promised us your help and wisdom and strength,

whenever we need it.


Take Care Tuesday (2nd February) – Mental Health Week Assembly

Here is the link for the live assembly for Mental Health week. You need to scroll down the page to click on it. It’s quite long so there are ideas for when to pause it and have a discussion.

Have some off-screen time this afternoon and do some baking/cooking? What will you do today?

Monday 1st February – Musical Monday

Today is the start of mental health week- wear something to reflect your personality! Come to the Teams meetings or school in something you like to wear!

Why not treat today as Musical Monday and dance together. Here is a song your parents will know too – so you can have fun dancing as a family!

A message from the Duchess of Cambridge

The mental health assembly

Express Yourself – Primary Assembly

Mental Health Week


This week is children’s mental health week and the theme is ‘Express Yourself’. So, take the time to do some things you enjoy like: painting, listening to music, dancing, craft activities, cooking, riding your bike or anything else that you really enjoy. You can send me a picture and I will create a display for when you all return to school.

Here are a few things you might also like to do:

Listen to the story ‘Sadsville’ read by Basil Brush.

There are a few more ideas here

Things to do

Things you can do to relax

mindful moment

9 things to say to your anxious child

You might like to watch this story again ‘While We Can’t Hug’.

Rain Before Rainbows by Smriti Halls and David Litchfield is an uplifting story of hope, perfect for anxious small children who need a ray of joy in their bedtime stories and you can listen to the story here

Some of our children love learning about animals and it can be relaxing watching them! Take a look and see what goes on at Chester Zoo

Take some time to enjoy being together.

Bedford Borough Council: Mental Health Awareness Week

Friday update

Here we are at the end of another week. Well done everyone for keeping going when I am sure that each day brings more challenges and struggles. You are sending in some fantastic work and we are so proud of all our families.

Next week is ‘Children’s Mental Health week’ and we are going to be suggesting activities you can do. The theme is ‘Express Yourself” so any children in school on Monday 1st Feb can come in their own clothes but they must be warm enough. We would love to see all children on their Teams meeting in their own ‘Dress to Express’ clothes.

Here is the link for parents


Look out for your class activities next week.

Have a nice weekend everyone.



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Friday 29th January

I can’t believe that it’s Friday again! I have created another video clip for this week’s RE. I hope it helps!

Here is the sheet to work on or create your own! You could draw around your own hand or record your promises some other way.

My Promises

French Friday

This week, we are looking at body parts. Have a look at this clip. We keep pausing it in class to repeat the words.

See how many words you can remember by labelling the sheet.

Labelling body parts

You can also use these matching cards. See how quickly you can put them together.

Body parts matching game

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