Protected: Red Class spellings for the week beginning 11.01.21

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Covid-19 update

The Prime Minister announced on 4th January that schools would close to most pupils and move to remote learning from Tuesday 5th January.

Our school children were due to return on Tuesday 5th January and it is from this date we have provided remote learning. From Wednesday 7th January, we will be only open to the children of critical workers and those children who have been identified as vulnerable.

Due to the numbers, children will be taught in their usual class groups with their teachers unlike the previous lockdown. They will need to wear school uniform but the rooms do feel colder especially as we are having to keep them well ventilated. Children can wear skins under their shirts or bring extra fleeces to school. If they would be warmer wearing their PE kit with the thicker joggers and hoodies, we are very happy for them to do that.

Eligibility – your child may only attend if you have received confirmation from the school. If you have requested the provision and your child is not able to attend, you must let the school know by 9.00am.

We are offering a safe place for your child in the event that you have no other safe alternative. If they can stay at home, they must stay at home. Home is the safest place for children to be. This is more important than ever. Schools are considered ‘vectors’ of the disease and whilst children may not display symptoms they can transmit the virus to other people and households.

Please do not use this provision because you think it will be nicer for your child than being at home – the school provision must only be used as the last resort. If you have an alternative at home, please use it. Less people, means less risk of infection.

Please use this booking form if your work involves shift patterns which change from week to week. It must be sent to  by 1.00pm of the Wednesday on the week prior to needing the care.

Booking form

Booking form PDF


When you pick up and drop off your child, please continue to observe sensible distancing from one another in the usual fashion. The times for each class will be the same as before Christmas to avoid the bubbles from mixing.

Green Class – 9am – 3pm

Yellow Class  – 8.55am – 3.05pm

Red Class – 8.50am – 3.15pm

Blue Class – 8.45am- 3.10pm

Parents are asked to be prompt for collection at the end of the day. Please contact me if there is a problem with the timings.


We are aiming to provide hot dinners for those children who wish to have them. Parents will need to pay for them in the usual way on Parent pay. Please note that the menu may vary.

Wrap around care

Hannah is able to provide wrap around care for the children who are attending school. Please contact her if this is required.

No after-school clubs will be taking place during this period.

Thank you to all of our school community for your support through this challenging time. We were all so encouraged by the progress the children were making prior to Christmas and we really want to encourage them to carry on with their home learning. Good luck everyone and stay safe.

Tuesday 5th January

Due to the lateness of the announcement tonight, the school will be closed on Tuesday 5th January to all pupils. We will be working swiftly to work out the plans for key worker and vulnerable children to attend from Wednesday 6th January. We will keep you informed of all arrangements as they are made.

Please email   if you consider that you are a key worker.

There is some remote learning on your child’s class page. We do appreciate how difficult this news must be for everyone and the task of home learning again. I will provide further information over the coming days.

Welcome Back to the New Term 2021

I hope that you all had an enjoyable Christmas despite the last-minute change in guidance, and managed to make the most of the snowy weather whilst staying safe!

You will have heard the Minister of Education confirm that most primary schools will be opening as planned next week – which for Claverley children is on Tuesday 5th January as Monday is a PD for teachers.

We also know that Shropshire is now in Tier 3 (Very High Alert) of Covid19 restrictions, and the government has described the situation as ‘precarious’ and ‘pretty grim’.  I would like to urge everyone to follow the social distancing guidance, to ensure that we can keep our class ‘bubbles’ apart. This distancing and spacing is what is helping to minimise any risk of spreading the virus within the community and putting lives at risk, and also reduces the chance of needing to close a class, or even worse, the school.

Covid Symptoms/Self-Isolation

It is really important that parents keep school fully informed if anyone in their household has symptoms of Covid19.  If this happens, then the family needs to isolate and book a Covid19 test.  We kindly request that you let school know when the test is booked for, and also let us know the results as soon as you have them. Please send any information to

Out-of-hours/weekend information should be sent to   

This is so important, as if a test was to come back positive, we will need to follow Track and Trace procedures to ensure that we can minimise the risk of spread.  It is also important, as it allows teachers to know who requires remote-learning.

Ventilation/Warm Clothes

As you know, the advice is that we keep the school, especially classrooms well ventilated. As the weather is forecasted to be colder again next week, the classrooms are likely to become chilly. Children are therefore allowed to wear a skin layer under their school shirts and/or bring an extra fleece/cardigan to school to wear over their school jumper in the classrooms if they are cold. Please make sure jumpers and extra layers are named.

I would like to thank all parents and families for your support last term, as you played a vital part in ensuring that we could operate safely and ensure all our children could receive the high-quality educational experience that they deserve. With the news of the vaccines there is hope on the horizon that we can once again get back to normal, so with that in mind I would like to wish everyone a safe and happy New Year, and am looking forwards to welcoming everyone back to school next Tuesday morning.

Garry’s Service

I am sure there are a lot of excited children this week so I hope you are all able to make preparations for your Christmas given the new restrictions. We missed getting together for our church service this year but Garry delivered a virtual one instead. I thought that some of you might enjoy watching it and maybe even sing along to the carols! Wishing you all a lovely Christmas.

Christmas Dinner

On Wednesday, the whole school enjoyed a delicious Christmas dinner thanks to our cooks – Amanda, Ruth and Lydia.

We ate in our bubbles which was different from previous years but we all enjoyed it!

Week beginning 14th December

There is quite a lot going on this week.

Monday 14th Dec – PE kit for Red and Yellow.

Tuesday 15th Dec-The whole school will be watching the pantomime ‘Cinderella’ during the afternoon. This was a performance put on at The Mercury Theatre in Colchester last year. Thank you to the PTA for funding this and organising sweet treats for the children during the production ( Thanks to Lisa Cartwright for organising this).

Wednesday 16th December – Christmas jumper day (wear a Christmas jumper along with school trousers or skirt on the bottom half). We will be enjoying a Christmas dinner although slightly differently this year as we will have to remain in bubbles. There might be a virtual visit from Santa in the afternoon and a selection box from the PTA.

Thursday 17th December – Christmas parties

Children can come to school in party clothes. Please note that these should also be warm clothes as the classrooms continue to be well ventilated and can feel chilly. They should also wear suitable footwear to be able to go outside and run around in.

Friday 18th December – Last day. Own clothes for Oak House as they were the winners of the most merits this term.

Santa Dash

On Thursday, the whole school came dressed ready for the Santa Dash! There were Santa hats and jumpers in every class. Each one had a time slot and Mr Jew had marked out a course ready.


Blue Class dash!




Red Class spellings week beginning 7th December

This week, we are looking at the short ‘i’ sound being spelt with a ‘y’ e.g. gym, myth, mystery and system.

Here are the words to learn. Well done everyone for last week as they all did well in the spelling test – lots of merits were awarded and Mrs Colin-Stokes’s group had an extra treat!

Spellings week 5 Group 1 short i sound spelt with y (1)

Spellings week 5 Group 2 short i sound spelt with y

Spellings week 5 Group 3 short i sound spelt with y

Friday Update

The weeks are flying by and I know there is a lot to think about even in these restricted times.

The Christmas Shop (Elfridges) is open on Monday morning and will be run by school staff. The gifts will come home on Monday night.

Next Thursday 10th December, the whole school is taking part in a Santa Dash! Mr Jew is going to mark out a track for each class and they will all go out in their bubbles to complete the run/walk.

Children can wear PE type clothes to school – school or red/black joggers and something red on top and a Santa hat if they have one. This is intended to be a bit of fun but please do not go out purchasing special clothes for it as something Christmassy on top will be fine if you don’t have anything red! You can send your child to school with a change of footwear too.

Green and Yellow Class are coming to school in their clothes for filming their part for the play so they can do the dash in those clothes.

Break the Rules day was a lot of fun last week- thanks to all who took part and supported the PTA. Thanks to Liz and her helpers for organising it too as it went well.

Check out this lot of rule breakers!

Have a good weekend everyone!


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