
We have really missed celebrating Harvest at the church this year but are going to focus on it next week. It won’t be the same without our usual lively service! Each class is going to do something to celebrate and put on the website and Garry is sending us a special assembly that we can share.

We would like donations of tins or packets for the Bridgnorth Foodbank. These can be dropped off on Thursday 15th or Friday 16th – boxes will be put outside the entrance area. 

You might want to listen to the Harvest Samba!



PTA news

The PTA are very keen to continue raising money and we are keen to look at ways of putting on events whilst being able to remain in our bubbles. Events will be shared when we have set the dates.

The school would really like to express their gratitude to Natalie Williams who has been an active member of the PTA, and the treasurer for quite some time too. With the children moving on, she is unable to continue in her role. She has supported many events and given up several hours. The children have benefited from all her hard work and especially loved Wednesdays when the cookies were sold! Thank you from all at Claverley.





Today, we have been thinking about kindness and the meaning of ‘kind’ and ‘kindness’. We have been thinking about making people feel happier by being kind, helpful, joyful and patient.


Dear God,

Thank you that we can be kind to one another.

Thank you for the teachers and our families who teach us why we need to be kind.

Thank you, God, for the kindness and love that you show us.

Please help us to forgive our friends for any fallings-out.

Please help us always to give people a second chance.

Please help us to say sorry and start again.



Red class news

This week in Red class, we went on Purple Mash and looked at the tasks which have been set. We also went on Classroom Secrets and all of the children have their individual logins in their reading diaries. You can check them out at home too as there are tables and spelling games set for the children to practise.

Do remember that children can go on Times Tables Rock Stars and we have set the 8 times table to learn this week.


Information on remote learning

In line with DFE guidance, schools are required to provide remote education for children who are isolating. The following letter outlines the provision which your child will have access to. Staff are able to assign tasks to classes, groups or individuals to ensure that children can continue to learn while at home. School will work with any families where access to technology is an issue.

Remote learning in the event of groups isolating .


Red Class spellings for the term

Here is the overview of the spelling patterns we are covering this term.

Year 3 and 4 spellings

 Block 1 Autumn first half term

 Week 1 (14.09.20)

Revision of suffixes – words ending in   es, er, ed, ing

 Week 2 (21.09.20)

Words with prefix un and dis

 Week 3 (27.09.20)

Contractions e.g. cannot = can’t

 Week 4 (5.10.20)

Words from the Year 3/4 statutory spelling list

Statutory spellings years 3 and 4

 Week 5 (12.10)

Words with the ‘ei’ sound

 Week 6 (19.10.20)

Words with ‘ei’ sound

 Block 1 Autumn second half

Week 1 (2.11.20)


 Week 2 (9.11.20)

Words from the Year 3/4 statutory spelling list

 Week 3 (16.11.20)


 Week 4 (23.11.20)

Prefixes mis and re

 Week 5 (30.11.20)

Words from the Year 3/4 statutory spelling list

 Week 6 (7.12.20)

Sound ‘y’





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