Clubs/Friday Football

Children can bring a change of kit for Friday Football. Parents are not able to come and watch while the club is taking place. The children will be dismissed along with their bags from the field gate.



Dear All,

The forecast is for more hot weather again tomorrow. We do monitor the children and encourage them to sit in the shade if they are outside during lunch and PE times. Please do put sun cream on your child before they come to school. They can bring a cap too.

Thank you


Red Class (Times Tables)

By the end of Year 4, the children are expected to recall multiplication and division facts for tables up to 12 x 12. We will focus on a different table each week. It would be very helpful if you could help your child to learn their tables. They need to say them over and be able to recall the facts out of order too. There is a new national tables check which will take place at the end of Year 4 which starts this year.

We know that some children are already proficient with their tables but we will be doing some extra work on specific ones and these are outlined below. Don’t worry if your child already knows them as we will be extending them.

Week 1 – 14.09.20    x3

Week 2 -21.09.20   x6

Week 3 – 28.09.20    x4

Week 4 – 6.10.20  x8

Week 5 – 12.10.20  mixed tables

Don’t forget to go on Times Tables Rock Stars too!


Spellings 11.09.20

Red Class Year 3/4 spelling investigation.

Today we looked at adding suffixes to verbs to change the meaning of the words. We recapped the suffixes: s, es, er, ed and ing.

The homework task is to see how many new words they can make by adding the suffixes, e.g. float, floated, floating, floats.

You might need to remind your child that some words drop the e or double the consonant, e.g. smile, smiling, smiled or clap, clapping, clapped.

Spellings week 1 Year 3

Spellings week 1 Year 4


Staffing News

Dear All,

I wanted to share some sad news that Becky, our wonderful Cook-in-Charge, is leaving us next Friday. She has done a brilliant job in the kitchen and along with her team, has delivered many delicious meals.

Becky has shown so much dedication and taken great care to ensure all the children are well fed. She has worked hard over the last couple of weeks to make sure they continued to have hot food whilst complying to the stringent guidelines during these unusual times. We will definitely miss her.

I thought you would like to know as so many of you appreciate the job she does in our kitchen.

I will update you when we have news of her replacement.

New reception starters

It was lovely to see the new reception children in this week. We are looking forward to them starting next week. Please see the following letter containing further information. Have a good weekend and see you on Monday at 9.00am!

Reception 2020

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