
Dear All,

We are having an assembly tomorrow about the work of the Food Bank. Many of you might have seen the current appeal stating how grateful they have been for donations so far. It also says that they are having more clients than they can cope with and are still really desperate for more.The appeal asks if people will consider donating items during the period of Lent (giving to others not just giving something up). We still have our box in the entrance and a parent who is very willing to take items to the food bank if you wish to support this appeal.

Don’t forget it is World Book Day on Thursday – come dressed as a book character and bring your book to school.


Message from the Head

We have come to the end of another busy half-term. There have been sporting musical events and a lot of learning going on. The focus on reading and the launch of the bookfest has had a really positive and exciting effect on so many children who have been avidly reading at every opportunity! The governors have invested some money in new books throughout the school which we are hoping will continue to motivate our children. Don’t forget we would love to see pictures of your child reading in an unusual place! The KS1 phonics workshop PP and links are on Green class page. We would love to receive

We have seen our Christian value of generosity being demonstrated by the actions of so many children. We also have a box inside the entrance if families wish to donate to the Bridgnorth foodbank. They are coming to do an assembly for the children on Tuesday 3rd March.

The EWO came this week and overall the attendance for the school is good at 96%. She does track children who’s attendance is below 92%. Please remember that if your child is absent from school, you should telephone the office by 9.00am with the reason for the absence. We must be informed each day if your child is absent for more then one day.

We had a really successful Year 5 parent lunch and they all enjoyed a delicious dinner!

Have a lovely half-term!

PTA News

The PTA have continued to raise money for the school and the children have benefited greatly in a variety of ways. Thanks to all who have given up their time to organise and run events. Thanks to our parents for supporting the events. Please look at the calendar for exciting events which are planned. There is also a breakdown showing how the money has been spent.

Calendar of events

Spend chart

Winners of the dinner competition!

What a successful week we had when we enjoyed our dinners from around the world. Becky, Ruth and Lydia did a great job and even greeted the children in French on one of the days! As always, the food was delicious. Lots of children had dinners every day that week and the winning passports belonged to Mark and George.

Message from the Head

This has been another successful week and in particular, our wonderful cooks have served up meals from different countries. We have had Italian, American, Swedish and British food. The children have really enjoyed the food and there will be one lucky winner from each key stage who will receive a prize for having all 5 dinners.

We sent a team to the sportshall athletics and both the boys and girl’s teams did very well.

Today,  we have had a very successful Health and Safety audit and it is good to go through all of our measures and know that we are taking the right precautions to keep our staff, pupils and parents safe. I must remind parents that the wooden play equipment is really designed for children over 5 and allowing younger children on it is entirely at parents’ own risk.

Next week – Blue class are going to be doing tag rugby in their PE lesson so children can bring old clothes suitable for PE and trainers as it could be muddy.

Have a good weekend everyone!

School Gates

Due to the problems we have experienced recently, the pedestrian gate will be locked at night along with the main gate. Sadly, the cost of replacing the lighting and the rubbish left has led to these measures.The gates have always been open for access to the field but during the winter, the field is too dark to use and therefore the gates do not need to be open. The car park is solely for the use of, and belongs to, the school and therefore should not be used by groups for hanging around in. If you know of any who use the car park, please make them aware of the changes. as the school and parish will be monitoring the area.


Book Fair

Reading in Unusual Places Competition

Our children have been so inspired by the reading day and so many were reading outside during their lunch breaks that it gave us an idea. We would love photos of your child reading in an usual place! It could be taken anywhere that they have an opportunity to read. Send them in and there will be a prize for the most unusual place. Pictures to be in by Tuesday 11th February.

Following the success of the reading day, we have arranged for a book fair during the week beginning Monday 30th March. It is being delivered by ‘Travelling Books’ and you can see a lot of information on their website.

The World Book Day vouchers will be given out on World Book Day which is on Thursday 5th March. You can choose to purchase a free book from bookshops or save your token until the bookfair and use it for £1 off a book.

World Book Day – Thursday 5th March. We will be encouraging children to come as a favourite character and we might see some different ones from the Bookfest books!

Young Voices 2020

The choir had an amazing day at the Genting Arena on Monday to form part of the Young Voices choir. There were around 6000 children participating in this event and everything came together for a wonderful performance in the evening. They had learnt a good variety of songs including: Frightfest, Ode To Joy, A Queen and Pop Medley. There were lots of actions to learn too!

Well done everyone!


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