Tag Rugby – Tuesday 20th February

Tag Rugby team please note that the tournament is tomorrow – Tuesday 20th February (Not Wed).

Welcome back – Tuesday 20th February

I hope everyone has had a great week and managed to enjoy some dry and sunny days!

Remember that children return on Tuesday 20th February. Tag Rugby tournament for the team

Welcome back - Fig Tree Primary School

Wednesday 21st Feb – Swimming for Red class.

Thursday 22nd Feb – Young Voices choir to Genting Arena.

Young Voices 2024 | Utilita Arena Sheffield | Wednesday 21st February 2024


Weekly update 9.02.24

What’s happening after half-term?

Tuesday 20th Feb- children return to school. Tag Rugby tournament.

Wednesday 21st Feb – Red class swimming starts.

Thursday 22nd Feb – Young Voices choir to Genting Arena. Meet back at school at approx 10:30pm.

Friday 23rd Feb – Young Voices choir can into school by 10:00am.

This week, we have been taking part in ‘Children’s Mental Health week’. The week started with an assembly introducing the theme ‘My Voice Matters’. Children have been thinking about their proud moments and ways to make a difference. It was great to see so many take part in ‘Dress to Express’. The link has tip for parents if this is something you would like to access at home.


On Tuesday, it was Safer Internet day and children are always reminded of the key messages for staying safe online. This link has ideas for parents too.


On Wednesday afternoon, eight girls took part in a football competition. The team worked together well and came up with some good results winning 2 matches and losing 1. This saw them into the quarterfinals where they came up against a strong team. Unfortunately, losing 1-0 in the last minute they didn’t progress any further.
The girls played with great respect, determination, and passion well done to; Nancy, Eva, Cora, Nevaeh, Darcey, Willow, Esme S and Sabrina (goalkeeper who made some amazing saves). Thank you Mrs Richardson.
Year 4 welcomed some of their families in to have lunch. They enjoyed one of Becky and Ruth’s delicious roast dinners.

On Wednesday, we had a final assembly for Mrs Bernasconi. She has been at Claverley for nearly nine years and in that time has done a lot to support the children in many ways. She was presented with gifts from the staff, Governors and PTA and she was very grateful for all the good wishes from the children too.

On Thursday, Yellow and Green took part in a Lunar New Year activity afternoon.

PTA – thank you for all the funding raised. The children were desperate for goals for the field. We have one set of large and one set of medium goals.

Finally, here are this week’s Super Stars!

Wishing all our families a lovely half-term!


Weekly update – 2.2.24

What’s happening next week – week beginning 5.02.24?

Monday – Start of Children’s Mental Health & Safer Internet week

Children's Mental Health Week

Tips for families

Place2Be announces theme for Children's Mental Health Week 2024

Wednesday – Last day for Mrs Bernasconi

Year 4 Parents’ Lunch

Girls’ Football

Thursday – Lunar New Year for Green & Yellow (come to school in PE kit as usual).

Friday – As part of Mental Health week, children can come to school ‘Dressed to Express’. This means they can come to school in their own clothes (including wearing a sports kit or something from a club if they wish). Please ensure any children in Blue and Red wear something that they can do PE in too!


This week has flown by with lots of learning taking place. Green class did some very interactive RE and practical maths.

Red class have been inspired by the Bookfest and children are loving the selection of books they are reading.

On Wednesday afternoon, two teams from Blue class took part in a Dodgeball competition. Both teams played very well in their pool matches putting them through to the quarterfinals. Everyone played with great determination and honesty. Unfortunately, neither team made it to the semi-finals, but to come in the top 8 out of 20 teams was very commendable. Well done to Jaxon, Jovan, Mark, Freya, Cora, Nevaeh, Orlando, Jayden, Henry, Eliza, India and Nancy. Thank you to Mrs Richardson and Mrs Wade for taking them.

Thank you to the PTA for the Krispy Kreme sale which was very popular!

We have celebrated all our Super Stars this week – well done to them all.

Spellings – 2.2.24

This week, we are looking at words which drop the ‘y’ when a suffix is added.

Group 1: beautiful, happiness, happily

Group 2: nastiness, beautiful, silliness, happily, happiness, prettiest

Group 3: happiness, happily, beautiful, merriment, nastiness, prettiest, silliness

As always, these words have been set on Ed Shed. Please see us if you have any problems getting on it. Thank you for your support.

Weekly update -26.01.24

We had a very successful PTA meeting on Monday. Thank you to everyone who came and for all your contributions. We know how lucky we are to have such a wonderful team who are supported by all of our families. This really benefits the children who have so many extra opportunities due to the amazing fund raising.

We celebrated some fabulous super stars today too.

What’s happening next week?

Wednesday 31st January – Dodgeball team at Idsall.

Friday 2nd February – Krispy Kreme sale after school.

Tables – 26.01.24

The children are all trying really hard with their tables and lots are clearly learning them at home. Please can you support your child as we do a tables quiz on a Friday and it does help if they have had plenty of practise.

Year 3 need to know x3 and x4

Year 4 need to know x6 and x8

These will be tested next week.

Thank you for your support with this.

Spellings – 26.01.24

This week we are learning more -ous words.

Group 1: courageous, nervous, famous

Group 2: courageous, nervous, famous, adventurous, ridiculous

Group 3: courageous, nervous, famous, adventurous, ridiculous, outrageous, carnivorous


Weekly update 19.01.24

What’s happening next week?

Monday 22nd January – PTA meeting at 7pm in the school hall. All are welcome!

Our athletics teams did very well this week. The girls did a great job in all their events. The boys team came a fantastic 2nd place overall. They were competing with 10 other teams so we are proud of them! Thank you to Mrs Richardson and Mrs Colin-Stokes for taking them.

Red and Blue class had a wonderful trip to the Rep theatre to see ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’. It was an amazing performance and the children loved it. They were a pleasure to take out and we know they really enjoyed the experience. Thank you to the PTA and all of you for the support you give them which helped to reduce the cost of this trip whilst providing a fabulous opportunity for them.

The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe at The Rep | Raring2go!

Well done to this week’s amazing Super Stars!






Times Tables (19.01.24)

On Friday 26th Jan, we will be testing times tables.

Year 3: 4 times tables.

Year 4: 8 times tables.

Please make sure your child learns these in and out of order. Secure tables knowledge helps with multiplication, fractions and lots of other maths.

Top Marks is a great site for learning tables.


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