Spellings 19.01.24. Words ending in -ous

To spell words ending in ‘-ous’

Group 1: precious, dangerous, enormous

Group 2: poisonous, precious, marvellous, enormous, dangerous

Group 3: poisonous, precious, marvellous, enormous, dangerous, jealous, tremendous

The games are on Ed Shed.

Weekly Updates 12.01.24

What ‘s happening next week?

Wednesday – Indoor Athletic Team to William Brookes

Thursday – Blue and Red class in school for 7:50am to go to the theatre to see ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’. A separate letter has gone out regarding arrangements for food and drinks on the day. If you haven’t seen one, please contact the office.

Please note a diary date – Meeting for parents of Year 4 going to The Pioneer – Wednesday 13th March at 5:30pm.

Jan 2024

Here are the first ‘stars’ of 2024! We love celebrating all of our children’s success on a Friday so please do send in any awards from clubs.

We can’t thank the PTA enough (which includes all our families) for raising money for the school. We have been able to purchase a wonderful timeline for the school hall. It includes all the topics we cover in history and it is great for the children to be able to see the events and where they took place. We are grateful to Mr Pinder for putting it up so promptly for us too! We unveiled it in assembly today!


Spellings 12.01.24

This week’s words end in -sion. When the root or base word ends in ’d,’ ‘de’ or ‘se’ then the suffix ’-sion’
is used e.g. extend = extension

The revision games have been set on Ed Shed.

Group 1: invasion, comprehension,  people, where

Group 2: invasion, extension, erosion, comprehension, tension

Group 3: invasion, extension, erosion, comprehension, tension, exclusion, provision

Red class food tasting

Hi Red Class,

In line with the work we are doing on ‘The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe’, we will be tasting some Turkish delight tomorrow (Thursday). It is up to the children if they wish to taste it! Haribos will available as an alternative!

Many thanks

Mrs Harper-Jones


Spring Term 2024

It was lovely to welcome the children back on Thursday after the Christmas break. The coming term is a shorter one but there is still a lot planned and you will receive a detailed newsletter next week with all of the key events.

What’s happening next week (8.01.24)?

Monday – Dance and Maths booster clubs start. Please look at the calendar for the finishing times of the clubs.

Friday – Well done to Ash who were the winning house team for the autumn term. They gained the most merits through hard work and determination! Own clothes day for Ash – Friday 12th January. If it is a PE day, they will need to wear something appropriate.

8:30am – Maths Booster

Visit to the Rep theatre – Thursday 18th January for KS2 (Red and Blue classes). A letter will be going out with further details. Most importantly, children will need to be in school by 7:50am please.

The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe at The Rep | Raring2go!

Spellings – 5.01.24

This week, the words end with ‘ture’. Remember that they have been set on the spelling shed which offers lots of games involving these words. If you are struggling to get on it, let me know.

If your child is struggling to learn the words, it might help to count the syllables e.g. mix/ture

Group 1 – nature, picture, future

Group 2 – nature, picture, future, creature, adventure

Group 3 – nature, picture, future, creature, adventure, furniture, capture, mixture

Welcome back!

Thursday 4th January.

Happy New Year 2024 Wishes, Images and Videos | wishes for friends, happy  new year, wishes images

Happy New Year and welcome back to the spring term 2024. A reminder that the gates open at 8:40am and the school day starts at 8:45am.

Please note: No clubs this week (this includes dance and Friday football which start next week).

Happy Christmas!

All of the staff at Claverley would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas!

We are grateful for the wonderful teamwork that is evident at Claverley CE Primary between children, staff, governors, families and the local community.

We hope you have a peaceful, happy Christmas break and we look forward to seeing you back in school on Thursday 4th January 2024.

Finally, all of the staff would like to say a big ‘thank you’ for all of the beautiful cards, presents and kind wishes that we have received.


What’s happening week beginning 18.12.23

Tuesday 19th December -Children can come to school in party clothes. They do need to be warm enough to go outside for their breaktimes and will need sensible shoes on too please!

Breakfast with Santa (8:00am in school).

Class Christmas parties in the afternoon.

Wednesday 20th December – Last day to attend.

9:30am – Christmas church service. The PTA are serving tea and coffee in the church prior to the service.

Break up at 3:15pm.

Weekly update

What a busy couple of weeks we have had!

On Tuesday 5th December, our cricket team played really well and came 3rd place in their competition. Well done to: Jaxon, Eva, Poppy, Nancy, Henry, Lily and Jovan. They are pictured among the super stars for the week ending 8.12.23.

We have had Christmas jumper day, the Santa Dash and disco all on one day! A big thank you to the Hughes family for putting on such a great disco for the children.

The PTA organised a fabulous Christmas shop – I am sure you will all love your gifts!

We have been treated to some wonderful performances from the children in Red and in KS1. They all sang, acted and spoke out so clearly and expressively. We are proud of them all!

The cooks served up a marvellous Christmas dinner on Wednesday.

Today, Firefighter Patel has been into Red class to talk to the children about fire safety. They all listened really well and said they learnt a lot from it.

This week’s Super Stars!


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