Reading Books returns

Please could you bring back to school any school reading books you still have at home.

We have received lots of these over the last week, but there are still some outstanding.

This may well include your Book Fest book.

Many thanks.

Last week of term

As this this the last week of term, We said good bye to our year 6 on Thursday. Some of those children will be going to visit their new school next week.

The year 5 children have all been invited into school to meet in their new class next week so we are not setting formal lessons.

However, we would like to remind you that there is the Lockdown writing from last week which children may like to finish and enter in to competition. There are also lots of lessons available on BBC Bitesize and Oak Academy. Espresso is great for revising grammar and punctuation.

Oldbury Wells have also organised a competition for Year 5 and 6 – you might like to have a go!

Competition details here

For maths, time spent on learning times tables and rehearsing mental maths skill is never wasted.The Time times Rock Stars and Numbots apps are always available and useful.

For those of you who wish to think about the basic skills and knowledge which are needed to access the year 5 and 6 curriculum – and to prepare  for your next stage of learning –  we have uploaded these worksheets. They are based on your current year group’s end of year expectations.

Mathematics-Year-4- essential end of year expectations

Mathematics-Year-5-essential end of year expectations





The Tempest

Our Year 6 “returners” are excited to present their abridged version of Shakespeare’s The Tempest.

They have been studying Shakespeare and the Tempest in English this term. Using Live action filming and Green screen techniques, they have created this film as an impressive alternative to the usual end of year play.

We have uploaded it in two parts due to the time limits on You tube.



Part 2





Message from Mrs Bernasconi

Hello Red Class

Thank you so much for the lovely gift that you all contributed towards  – it is lovely.

Thank you for being such a great class this year – I was disappointed to not be able to finish the year with you all. The good news for me is that I am going to be teaching lots of you again this year in blue class.  I have seen a few of you over the last few months and I am really looking forward to those of you who are coming in next week for transition sessions.

Enjoy your summer holidays.

Mrs Bernasconi x


Message from Mrs Colin-Stokes

Hello everybody, thank you so much for the lovely gift you all contributed towards. I was so touched. Although I’ve seen some of you, I am missing seeing  everyone together so much. Can’t wait to see more of you next week! For those of you not coming into school, wishing you a lovely summer holiday and see you in September.

Love from

Mrs Colin- Stokes xxx

Photography / ICT w/c 6th July

The year 6 “returners” have been using the Do-ink app to Green screen.

There are lots of app and free pieces of software which allow you to edit and alter film and photos. Why not try some of these photographic challenges.


A forced perspective – an example of one of the challenges.

Reading w/c 6th July

We know lots of you have enjoyed the Tempest and learning about Shakespeare. BBC Bitesize Daily lessons has a some lovely videos and activities about Macbeth.

Using the play Macbeth you will learn how to summarise a character and use information from a text to write.

This lesson includes:

  • two videos of TV presenter Ore Oduba reading extracts from the book

  • three activities

Click here


Year 6 Maths w/c 6th July

This week we have not followed the White Rose maths for the week as you spent a lot of time doing angles and 2D shape with Mrs Deards. There are still some videos – just from a different place. We have also given you some power-points to look at if you feel you need a little extra support.



Powerpoint: Nets-of-3D-Shapes

Worksheet: Draw nets of 3D shapes

Answers: Draw nets of 3D shapes



Powerpoint: Circles


Answers: – Circles



Powerpoint: Read-and-Interpret-Pie-Charts

Worksheet: Read and interpret pie charts

Answers: – Read and interpret pie charts



Powerpoint: The-Mean

Worksheet:  The mean

Answers: – The mean


Hopefully, this is an arithmetic practice which you have not done before!

Arithmetic Paper


Well done year 6 “returners” – you have done a great job learning your lines already.

From our conversations today, it sounds like you already have things at home which you can use as costumes for filming our shortened version of the Tempest. Please don’t buy anything specially. We would like to start filming as soon as possible, so please could you bring costumes on Wednesday or Thursday this week?

Mrs Bernasconi

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