Topic – Coastal Regions

Our Topic this half term is Coastal Regions. We are going to begin by looking at coastal features. I have attached two links to videos from Espresso that you can watch and then make notes about on the website.

Natural Features

Man Made Features


Red Reading – English w/c 1 June

This week we have a reading comprehension related to our Geography topic: coasts.

Blyton Coasts

Donaldson _ Coasts

Welford and Pankhurst _ Coasts

In addition, these two lessons from BBC Bitesize address important year 3/4 objectives: how the author creates humour and uses dialogue – both are read and presented by famous people.

Mr Gum lesson    

  • Looks at humour and dialogue

Charlie changes into a chicken

  • Looks at the choice of words to create humour

Science w/c 1 June

Our original curriculum plan for the summer term includes Life Cycles. The main objectives in this are:

  • understand the development and life cycles of different living things
  • be able to identify differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and a bird

To start you off with this, look at the learning path on Espresso Discovery. Click here 

The log in for espresso was emailed to you with other log ins by Mrs Derrer some time ago. If you don’t have it, email me or Mrs Benson. It is a whole school log in so is the same one some of your siblings are using.

I will be posting more activities.

Welcome Back!

Welcome back Red Class! I am sorry that I can not welcome you back properly in person but I hope to be able to soon. I hope you all had a lovely half term break last week. Before half term, Mrs Bernasconi and I met to discuss and plan all of the work for this week and we will continue to work together to prepare the home learning materials for you.

Hope you are all well and look forward to meeting you all soon,

Mrs Harper-Jones

Blue English – Monday 1st June and Tuesday 2nd June

There is a Shakespeare theme to all our English learning this week – Mrs Benson will provide further updates….

I have separated the tasks for Monday and Tuesday, but you may wish to start the writing task on Tuesday after you have completed the comprehension then edit and create a Word, Publisher, Powerpoint or PicCollage version on Tuesday. 


We have a reading comprehension to begin the week This is available in a printable version or there is an online “mark as you go” version. There are differentiated versions of both. Read it carefully as you will need the information for tomorrow’s activity as well as to answer today’s comprehension.

Shakespeare Comprehension Online

Printable comprehensions

Comprehension-William-Shakespeare-Year 5

William-Shakespeare- Walliams (Mrs Wade’s Guided reading group)

Comprehension-William-Shakespeare-Year 6

William Shakespeare_ Alternative for year 6


Today we are going to practise the skill of summarising. The idea is to read a text and pull out the key facts. The tricky part is including the key points with losing the meaning and without rewriting the whole of the the original text.

You need to produce a fact file of the Life and works of William Shakespeare.

You should include:

  • headings and subheadings
  • bullet points
  • complete sentences

You could collect your information from this video: BBC Class Clip

(You can do your own research online – remember to ask permission and keep safe  if you do this).

You might also use the text you read on Monday. A key technique would be to highlight key points to include in your summary.

These posters may help you to remember how to use bullet points properly:

Punctuate Bullet Points Consistently Display Posters

This clip from the BBC might be useful but is very easy watching – just for fun! Watch it when you have completed your writing and are ready for a rest: CBBC



Year 6 Maths w/c 1.6.20

Welcome to a new half term. We have some changes as year 6 are now able to come into school. We are still providing guidance and materials online for those of you learning from home. These posts will give you the opportunity to study the same objectives as those year 6 who are in school – we may adapt materials and the way we learn for those in school as that is what we teachers do. (We assess and respond to you!)

This week we have a mixture of materials including some videos from Oak Academy rather than WhiteRose as we have been discussing the areas of Maths that you have covered so far this year and feel that Position and Direction including co-ordinates is a useful area for you to look at before you move on to secondary school.

Mrs Bernasconi


Video and online independent tasks

Worksheet:    Y6 Translations

Answers:  Y6 Translations

Powerpoint:      Y6 Translations

Blank squared paper  1cm squared paper

(You might find this useful as an explanation in addition to the video)

If you have forgotten some of the co-ordinates learning from year 4 and 5 (or you are just feeling a bit rusty) this video lesson should help you to revise and reactivate that knowledge: Co-ordinates in four quadrants


Video and online independent tasks

Worksheet: Y6 Autumn Block 4 WO4 Reflections 2019

Answers: Y6 Autumn Block 4 ANS4 Reflections 2019

Powerpoint: Y6 Autumn Block 4 PPT4 Reflections 2019

1cm squared paper



English week commencing 1.6.20

This week we have a lovely story from Africa to look at called Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters. I have been telling Mrs Harper-Jones what wonderful writers you are. She is looking forward to seeing your stories.

Mrs Bernasconi


Monday Mufaro’s Beautiful daughters


Tuesday Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters


Wednesday Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters


Thursday Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters


Friday Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters





Maths week commencing 1.6.20

This week year 3 are continuing to develop their knowledge of addition and subtraction and year 4 are continuing to develop their knowledge of fractions. We know these are things that you have already covered this year but it is really important to continue to practise your skills in these areas for next year.

Year 3

Monday  –     These resources provide further practice of addition. They are in a slightly different format than our usual materials.

Lesson video


Answers: Year-3-Add-Two-3-Digit-Numbers-Worksheet-Parent-Guidance-and-Answers

Answer video

This video goes through and explains the middle (expected) sheet.

(Let me know what you think of these different resources – it’s good to know which resources you find most useful.)


Lesson video

Tues- Subtract 3-digit numbers from 3-digit numbers – no exchange

Lesson 2 Answers – Subtract 3-digit numbers from 3-digit numbers – no exchange


Lesson video 

Wednesday – Subtract a 3-digit number from a 3-digit number – exchange

Answers: Lesson 3 Answers – Subtract a 3-digit number from a 3-digit number – exchange


Lesson video

Thursday – Estimate answers to calculations

Answers: Lesson 4 Answers – Estimate answers to calculations


Year 4 


Lesson video

Lesson 1 – Add 2 or more fractions

Answers: Lesson 1 Answers – Add 2 or more fractions


Lesson video

Lesson 2 – Subtract 2 fractions

Answers: Lesson 2 Answers – Subtract 2 fractions


Lesson video

Lesson 3 – Fractions of a quantity

Answers: Lesson 3 Answers – Fractions of a quantity


Lesson video

Lesson 4 – Calculate quantities

Answers: Lesson 4 Answers – Calculate quantities


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