Keeping safe Online

During these strange times many of us are spending even more time online than usual. It has been incredibly useful and meant that we can still “see” loved ones who don’t live with us, work from home, learn from home and even have family quizz nights from home. (What would we have done if this had Lockdown had happened in the 1980’s or 1990’s?) However, we still need to be mindful of safety – it is easy for us to drop our guard when we depend so much on technology.

These resources are intended to support families and are not intended for children to access alone:

Thinkuknow website


Online Safety Newsletter_Tiktok

I don’t want to over load you, but will be back with more updates and resources later in June.

Half term message

Well Red class, it is the half term holiday next week – a full half term of home learning completed. Mrs Colin-Stokes, Mrs Richardson and Mrs Smillie and I all miss you. School really is not the same without all of you.

We will be welcoming Mrs Harper-Jones back after half term from her maternity leave. We have already spent time working together ( socially distanced of course) and she is really looking forward to meeting the delightful Red class of 2019-2020. We have Iots of home learning planned for you for after half term.

I will miss having you all to myself, but will still be involved with Red class as well as Blue, so you haven’t got rid of me yet! I have been delighted with the way you have all matured and worked hard together this year. You really support each other; you should be very proud of yourselves.

Keep learning and don’t forget that we are here to help and support you. We love receiving pictures of your writing and all your varied learning experiences outside and inside. Keep sending them to us.

Enjoy your half -term and keep safe.

Mrs Bernasconi

Maths update for Friday 22 May learning

Year 3


Friday 22 May – Add two 3-digit numbers – crossing 10 or 100 2019

Friday Answers – Add two 3-digit numbers – crossing 10 or 100 2019

Year 4

These resources provide further practice of Fractions greater than 1. They are in a slightly different format than our usual materials.


Year-4 EXT-Fractions-Greater-than-1   

There are three sheets in this pack and the answers are all on a sheet at the end of the pack.

Fractions greater than 1 Answers and explanation video

This video goes through and explains the middle (expected) sheet.

(Let me know what you think of these different resources – it’s good to know which resources you find most useful.)


Ideas for Foundation and Science learning

Relaxation – Harry Potter themed Yoga

Science – Practical STEM activity suggestions: STEM-Ideas-2

How does a Plant Transport Water?

History – What was it like to live in the Bronze Age?

Faith at Home: Resources from the National Oak Academy

Art: Drawing skills

Painting, Collage and Print-making

Computing – I will post some more ideas later in the week. Has any one been using scratch?

Maths w/c 18/5/20

Year 3 – you have some revision of the methods to add and subtract. We did this in the Autumn term which seems like a long time ago. It’s an important skill so it’s definitely worth looking at again.


Video lesson 1

Year 3 Lesson 1

Year 3 Lesson 1 answers


Video lesson 2

Year 3 Lesson 2

Year 3 Lesson 2 answers


Video lesson 3

Year 3 Lesson 3

Lesson 3 answers


Video lesson 4

Year 3 Lesson 4

Year 3 Lesson 4 answers

Year 4 – you are learning about fractions again this week. Fractions are an important part of our maths learning in year 5 and 6.


Video Lesson 1

Lesson 1 – What is a fraction

 Answers What is a fraction?


Video lesson 2

Lesson 2 – Equivalent fractions



Video lesson 3

Lesson 3 – Equivalent fractions (2)



Video Lesson 4

Lesson 4 – Fractions greater than 1


I will add Friday’s lesson later.





English w/c 18 May

Well Red class, it’s the week before half term. I am excited to share with you the wonderful books from J K Rowling – yes it’s Harry Potter this week. My original copies have been read so many times that they have fallen apart. I know some of you have already been gripped by the Potter bug, but others have not yet ventured into that fantasy world. Which ever you are, I hope the resources and work posted will be enjoyable and encourage you to read the series of books yourselves or share them with your families. It’s a fantasy world to escape into….

Whilst the resources for each day should be enough to complete the tasks, the complete books can be access for free from Shropshire e libraries (click here) and a range of stars including Harry himself are reading the first book on J K Rowling’s website (click here). If you subscribe to Prime already, they are also available for free on kindle and I am sure other e readers will have made them available too. I would definitely recommend reading or listening to the earlier chapters first especially if you haven’t read or watched any before.


We start the week familiarising ourselves with J K Rowling and Harry Potter

Blyton and Donaldson J K-Rowling-reading-comprehension-activity

Pankhurst J K Rowling Reading Comprehension

Welford J K  Rowling-reading-comprehension

Try to spend today reading and/ or  listening to the first few chapters of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.

Complete books can be access for free from Shropshire e libraries (click here) and a range of stars including Harry himself are reading the first book on J K Rowling’s website (click here).


Harry Potter Day 2  This starts with Chapter 7 – The Sorting Hat

Clauses and Conjunctions with audio


Harry Potter Day 3


Harry Potter Thursday


Harry Potter Friday

Adverbs with audio



Here are some more ideas for you to continue with our study of plants. These are part of the materials I am trying to give you to support your learning beyond Maths and English and I know lots of you love to learn about science. These materials are for you to use as fits best with your family and your interests.

(I’ve heard that lots of you have been helping in the garden and gaining some practical experience as well as learning about the science.)

Discovery Espresso has a guided learning path you could use:

Plants on Discovery Espresso    You will need the school log in for this.

The National Oak Academy also has some good resources:

Life Cycle of a Plant

Parts and functions of a flower

For those of you who prefer to use printed sheets:

Activity Sheet Parts of a Flower

Activity Sheet Pollination Process

Activity Sheet Flower Dissection Mat


Maths for Friday 15th May

Year 3

Scaling is an important concept so here are some more questions to practise this concept:

Further Questions on Scaling

You may find it useful to rewatch the video

Year 4

You have a choice of worksheets today. It depends which area of this week’s learning you feel you would like to practise.





Year-4-Week-4 video links


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