Maths w/c 4.5.20

We are continuing to use the WhiteRose materials.

Year 4 – if you are not confident with money you might want to take a look at the year 3 materials. There will be a week with money learning for you in a few weeks – it will build on the Year 3 skills.

Year 3 – if you are keen to spend more time on maths and you are a really confident with your times table recall, then you might want to revise multiplying 2 digits by 1 digit using the year 4 Monday video and worksheet.

All – there will be no Maths and English on Friday

– it’s the May Bank holiday (VE day Anniversary)

Year 3- Money plus the three times table the topics this week.

Videos for the week – Year 3


Lesson 1 Convert pounds and pence

Answers: Lesson 1 Answers Convert pounds and pence 2019


Lesson 2 Add money

Answers: lesson 2 Answers Add money 2019


Lesson 3 Subtract money

Answers:Lesson 3 Answers Subtract money 2019


Lesson 4 The 3 times-table

Answers: Lesson 4 Answers The 3 times-table 2019

Year 4 – You have multiplication and division this week. This is something we have already covered, but it is an important area of Maths and we always planned to have some more time looking at it. 

Videos for the week – year 4

Monday – Lesson 1 Multiply 2-digits by 1-digit 2019

Answers: Lesson 1 Answers Multiply 2-digits by 1-digit 2019

Tuesday – Lesson 2 Multiply 3-digits by 1-digit 2019

Answers: Lesson 2 Answers Multiply 3-digits by 1-digit 2019

Wednesday – Lesson 3 Divide 2-digits by 1-digit (2) 2019

Answers: Lesson 3 Answers Divide 2-digits by 1-digit (2) 2019

Thursday – Lesson 4 Divide 3-digits by 1-digit 2019

Answers: Lesson 4 Answers Divide 3-digits by 1-digit 2019





English – reading Monday 4th May

We have gentle start suggested for reading this week. BBC Bitesize have a lovely Reading activity Worst Witch. It’s mostly about the author’s choice of words and phrases, characters and predicting skills which are important objectives for both year 3 and 4.

More reading activities later.

Addition and Subtraction games now available on Rock Stars

We have added Numbots to our TimesTable Rock stars subscription for a trial.

This should be available when you log in to TTRockstars using your normal log in details. Numbots

This is designed to support fluency in mental addition and subtraction as well as numberbonds.

Don’t forget you can challenge your friends to tournaments in TTRockstars – allowing you to interact with your friends from school and maintain or improve your maths skills at the same time.


Year 4 Maths Thursday and Friday

Thursday – Money


Answers Thursday Y4-Summer-Block-2-ANS1-Pounds-and-pence-2020


Friday Y4-Summer-Block-2-WO2-Ordering-money-2020

Answers Friday -Y4-Summer-Block-2-ANS2-Ordering-money-2020

Feel free to look at the WhiteRose Friday challenge if you are feeling like the extra challenge….

Don’t forget to keep practising your times tables. As well as your times table Rock Stars are are lots of Apps and online games you can play. Have fun whilst you learn independently!

Maths Year 3 Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

The WhiteRose problem solving activities for Wednesday and Thursday are quite tricky.

WhiteRose Homelearning

If you are confident that is fine, but some of you will probably benefit more from further practise about adding and subtracting fractions then doing the consolidation tasks suggestions.

Just like last week, the file includes sheets which get harder.

There are also some different video links which may help you with your fraction learning.

Adding fractions


Subtracting Fractions


Problem Solving and varied fraction questions



Other Videos

Fractions from the National Oak Academy

Don’t forget to keep practising your times tables. As well as your times table Rock Stars are are lots of Apps and online games you can play. Have fun whilst you learn independently!


English Wednesday to Friday

Wednesday and Thursday

You will probably need two sessions to write a really good version of this story using different conjunctions and thinking about different ways to start your sentences.

Ananse Week 4 Day 3

Video version of Ananse and the Birds

Perhaps you could make your own recording, video or make a picture book for a younger child to share with you. This might take you into the afternoon or the next day.


Friday – reading comprehension

This is my favourite Ananse story. Try the reading comprehension before you watch the video as there are some differences. Traditional stories often have different versions of the same basic story.


There are three versions in this pdf. * for Blyton ** for Donaldson  *** for Welford and Pankhurst. If you are finding the one for your group tooo easy or too tricky look at the easier or harder one. (*** is the trickiest version)

Pot of Beans video


What a lovely video message from you all! Thank you for your messages – it really made me smile. Watching it was a great way to start the week. It looks like you have been making the most if the sunshine in your gardens.

Looking for to seeing you all in person soon,

Mrs Bernasconi

Claverley Book Fest

Thank you for all the lovely pictures and examples of your learning which your families have emailed this week. It  seems such a long time since we have all been together – it great to hear from you.

You were all so enthusiastic about reading the book which we had chosen. Blue class had their vote in the Shropshire Book Fest, but we haven’t yet voted for ours.

Please could you decide which was your favourite book and ask one of your grown ups to send your vote by email?

This is the list of books:

Final Voting form


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